Hey Sup Forums rate my new setup

Hey Sup Forums rate my new setup

wow you got the fattest thing you could find to hover above your face

Damocles / 10

I can already hear the Loony Toons music

nice, but it kind of sucks that you can't see the screen while lying on your side. ive been strapping my gear VR to my head in bed lately, but it only gets like an hour before my phone runs down


Dying in your sleep is probably the best way to go. Good setup.

what a way to an hero

Are you the same OP who posted this on Sup Forums?

rip in piece



you gon die when that thing falls on your face while your asleep.

>is this the battlestation thread?

Include me in the screenshot xdddddd

Nice trips

i used to do this with my projector

Screen not close enough to eyes. Not comfy for me.

Terrible pillow design.


Exactly my thought, this is probably the perfect picture to describe the average Sup Forums user.

He is going to post on every board he can

Needs more cloud computing.

Pure shit.
Comfortable for about 20 minutes then you realise that having it further forward would be better.

An accident waiting to happen.

Impressive, HOWEVER cloud computing is the future

it would be funny if this shit falls on your head and kills you


i was looking for nice open flow case
thanks user

also pic rel

>Cat tree on background
I am sure that cats love cloud computing too.

>Death by battlestation
It's like a viking funeral

He has got to get those (You)s.