>not using a dark IDE theme
pssh, nothing personnel, but you aren't a real hacker
Not using a dark IDE theme
I use a dark theme at work so my coworkers think I'm rad. But at home I use solarized light, looks gay as fuck, but man if it's easy on the eyes.
>using an IDE
pssh, nothing personnel, but you aren't a real hacker
This. I just use gedit with a dark theme because I dont want to get eye cancer
thats programming not hacking you retard
I use a white background and all my other co-workers use the 2010(tm) theme.
But I don't get it, they are always looking up API documentation and SQL table info with a white background. Doesn't it hurt their eyes transitioning from one to the other constantly? If you're one of those autistic hyper-customizing Linux users, I could at least understand that.
The only thing that's gay is caring about what your coworkers think
>he uses an ide
>doing anything besides writing machine code with a hex editor
You do know Kotlin exists, right?
>needing an IDE for java
Is this bait?
the fuck are you talking about retard? If you're going to use an IDE at all, it better be for something like Java
>be retarded
>program in java
>use an ide
> not manually soldering transistors together
dark themes are actually quite convenient imo.
It highlights the text you are utilizing, black is after all a less noticable colour. Since the majority of pixels would be black or low light (in the off or near-off state) it would save eye-strain too.
I like it because it's convenient. Looks pretty neato too!
but user, that's not vim
I use veem lik3 a tru3 pr0
Oh sorry for the l33tsp33k, my h4cker habits are kicking in
>not mining the silicone yourself
Just use VIM. If you use an IDE you should only have it on your work computer anyway. If you don't have a work computer than psh nothing personnel kid.
>not using alchemy to form silicone
People who actually have jobs and work on a codebase more complex than hello world programs need an ide.
t. sophomore CS student
>using any ide
>not using vim
pssh, nothing personnel, but you aren't a real hacker
You wouldn't say the same thing if you ever had a non-wagecuck job.
This. Why the fuck would you make something easier. Hardcore programmers like myself use notepad.
You don't need an IDE for Java at all. That is way too much clutter and way too much going on. Too many features you don't even need slowing down your computer.
>inb4 it doesn't slow it down
that's what you think until you've used a regular text editor and a compiler.
>not transcending so high that you become a god and fuse together your own elements from subatomic particles
>nothing personnel, skiddo
What is the difference between this and a circlejerky reddit thread?
>knowing what a reddit thread looks like
this one's actually kind of funny