Do any of you macunts use safari? faster than default chrome and FF for me...

do any of you macunts use safari? faster than default chrome and FF for me. can anyone recommend a better browser for mac?

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Dude safari is the only viable mac browser because of the touch emote interaction. What more do you want, I mean your using a Mac?

It's also as safe as proprietary can be (altho it's based on WebKit) and blocks 3rd party cookies by default.


>4 hours of battery life

>9 hours of battery life
>just as fast as Chrome
>supports ublock and tampermonkey

The choice is obvious.

Safari has shit autocomplete (on Chrome pressing Sup Forums can default to Sup, whereas on Safari you have to look for it in the dropdown), no favicons on tabs, weird unintuitive form over function tab layout (below address bar, thin and stretched out to fit the screen width, low contrast) and shit tab to search (have to type out out you to tab-to-search youtube as opposed to y on Chrome, if you type less it craps itself). It's a far less polished product than Chrome. Unfortunately Chrome performs worse and eats up battery, but that's the tradeoff.

ublock origin on Safari is halfbaked as well.

yeah, safari renders webms like no other. Its best browser.

also, it doesnt even lack basic features like LOOP on html5 video context menu (in youtube for example)

BEST FUCKING BROWSER!!! not pajeet tier at all

pic related, safari html video context menu


...firefox context menu, I guess less is more

It is the only browser I use on my Mac. Lack of webm doesn't really bother me that much. I don't have any strong feelings about browsers, so I'll use anything that works. On other platforms, I tend to use Firefox, or derivatives of Firefox.

>my Mac
kill yourself subhuman

i'm trying one called wipr, got it on ios as well. seems to be working really well so far, only thing i miss from adblock on chrome is being able to block specific elements by clicking them, but i only ever used that on things that weren't ads anyway

top kek. even placebo browsers like brave/iridium/palememe are better than safari.
safari has bad support for web standards, the ui is inferior to pretty much every other browser (imo), extensions are bad (i heard that even ublock origin is broken) .

yeah this is the way i see it. just never see people talking about it on here, i guess cause you're all poor freedumb pajeets

>pressing Sup Forums
tfw no Sup Forums key

>safari has bad support for web standards
i've noticed this for webm but not much else in the week i've had my macbook. any other examples?
>ui is inferior
i really like it so far to be honest. are you just talking about no favicons for bookmarks?
>extensions are bad
i believe you but there's nothing i'm missing to be honest, except a Sup Forums extension, and i haven't actually looked for one yet

WebM though

I'm sorry for liking computers and having a variety of computers in my home. I'll end my plans of getting an Amiga and Atari ST right now, and only use 100% IBM Compatible clones from now on. I'll get rid of my 2011 Mac mini immediately.

safari is the best. use ff only if you need some extension that doesn't exist for safari. though with the new ff quantum they both have a pretty limited extension API.

if you're on a mobile mac just use safari - all other browsers eat too much battery power.

safari is just normalfag shittier browser. they neglected it to the point that it became worse than firefox in terms of features..

I dont even dare to compare it to chrome/chromium.

>the touch emote interaction
you might sound like a fag but you're right. 2 finger tap to zoom in onto a paragraph is pretty great once you're older than 25 and your eyes are getting worse.

lel, meme. only used on chan. I always can launch fireforx for a webm thread. and if I want to watch a single one I can download the webm and open it in VLC.
no one else uses webm.

works a ok. not seeing ads. no idea what you're missing.

honestly it just seems like you're trying to be a hipster. if it was the best browser in the world would it still be a normalfag browser because a lot of people use it?

nice edge case. it's not like you could have a lesser browser installed for cases like this. i mean the trade off is 5h less battery power vs looping videos on youtube ... really hard to make

>I dont even dare to compare it to chrome/chromium
that's cool, this guy did it for you:

>lel, meme. only used on chan.
>using any websites other than chans
This still doesn't excuse the lack of features.

I use vivaldi on my 2011 mbp it's smooth and fully featured. Only problem is that the framebuffer sometimes glitches out and all images are flashing and I have to reload. Mostly happens on 4chins and I think it's got more to do with my shite hardware than the browser.
Battery life is the same as with safari, between 5-6hrs. I'm still on the original battery though.

benchmark? who the fuck cares about benchmarks idiot? the browser lacks essential features.

If you are developer, you had to use chrome/chromium even if the google CEO litterally fucked your mom while your dad was licking his ballse.


because its 100times better..

yeah but how is it better for me? what features do I need that safari doesn't have? you can't speak so objectively all the time, OP was just asking if anyone uses it

You didn't exactly say why Chrome is better. Just stating that it is better does not answer your own question.

Safari is way faster on my 2017 MBP, who wouldn't care about benchmarks? What 'features' does it actually have?

Firefox is best on my desktop (c2d Mac mini) but Safari is my go-to on my 11" mba. There's no reason to use anything else when Safari just werkz

>expecting Apple to add a feature that's only on websites for weeaboo subhuman scum
Nah. Now if some gay sex sites started using weebums you can guarantee Apple would add that shit in a day

>poor spelling
>troll logic
>cuckold fetish
>no idea what he's talking about
Web developer confirmed.

>what features do I need that safari doesn't have?
better extensions and and of course better developer tools

also, webm support of course (which I doubt they will ever get, they'll just try to push some of their own proprietary formats to make even more shekels)

also, it seems like its designed by literal retards. For example you cant shift/alt select multiple items in reading list to delete the. Your options are:
> delete one by one like a moron
> delete all at once lol

INNUVATiON! made in Comiefornia!!

also, I forgot...

it doenst have "close tabs to the right"... this browser is a fucking joke, just like mac users in general

Safari is the new IE. While every other browser is supporting ES6 features left and right, that fucking faggot Safari is sitting there inserting emoji into it's ass and doing jack shit, holding back the entire industry.

This is awfully nitpicky. I don't think anyone is saying Safari is the best thing since sliced bread. If you spend most of your time browsing /gif/ or using Chrome-only developer tools, then by all means, use Chrome.
I have a long list of complaints against every browser, but a tool doesn't have to be perfect in order to be useful. You claim to be a programmer, for fuck's sake - you should know that already.

C comes before S

I also use Safari on Mac. Definitely not the best browser, but the best browser to use on macOS. FF and chrome just choke the battery to death. They have more features, but implemented without thinking about Macs.

Brave confirmed as being the best currently maintained browser.

I don't know what sorry if web 1.0 sure you're using, but anything with JavaScript more complicated than a print command is slow as fuck on Safari vs ff or chrome.


>just never see people talking about it on here,
Maybe Safari would be more popular if it wasn't exclusive to Mac computers.

Pressing 4 is enough to autocomplete to Sup Forums - sorry. In Safari it does does nothing.

that's where you wrong, sweetie

>"safari is normalfag browser"
>uses chrome/chromium

>Le gay apple xD



>"close tabs on the right"
>"close tabs on the left"
Nerd usability logic.

Safari is the only choice for MacOS.
>better battery usage
>support ublock and tampermonkey
>as fast as chrome/ium
>if you want to watch webm, you can install vlc web-plugin
>has "look up to dictionary" function
You can use chrome/ium, but it has worse battery usage compared to safari.

I switched exclusively to Safari on my MacBook Pro 2011 because Chrome turns it into an oven and I've replaced the motherboard once already.

The only feature I think is better in Chrome is the so-called omnibox. Both browsers look through your history and bookmarks to suggest you things, but Chrome somehow suggests you just the right stuff, right from the first keystroke, while Safari won't find you anything.

uBlock Origin werks, no idea what problems you fags are having.

jesus fuck, stop sucking Tim Cocks cock already. This is a valid feature which many people use and its present in many applications, not only in browsers..

I've even seen apple actionscripts to accomplis this (since Safari devs too retarded to implement it)

pic related, its even present in VSCode (which they could remove if they wanted, no matter if tis an application based on chromium)

but I see, the mac user base is a bunch of retards who even defend the shit apple releases, let alone calling them out on their low quality pajeet tier software

Fucking this.
I never use Safari while browsing Sup Forums or any other porn related site. Fuck that, i dont want apple to know about my Vore & Feet fetish. Let Firefox take the disgusting shame

>once you're older than 25 and your eyes are getting worse
drop the soy in your latte, boy

[spoiler]*Safari benchmarks recorded in the Apple Time Distortion Field.[/spoiler]

