Web development

I want to create an interactive website with client, server and even an app.
I only know C
What guides should i read? What languages/frameworks/libraries?
Is there a portable language i can write once that runs on everything?

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If you're Indian use Javascript if not use php

How do you use php client side?

If u have to work in a business context with interfaces like SharePoint, ActiveDirectory, Exchange of General Windows Products usw ASP.NET. It might Not be the Language where you have „the Most Freedom“ But u can Chain quality libraries (well, Most are) together to quickly ne able to create even bigger web apps.

If u want to Go opensource id Go with node/Python. I dont like Java But that could be an option aswell

Is this a real pajeet or just a good fake?

Oh look, glorious US Student, struggeling with his Java Coding Excersises

Step zero: Teach yourself socket programming, understand the basics of TCP and IP networking and create a couple of client server applications.

Step one: Learn HTTP. Implement a long-running FastCGI process as a module to an existing webserver, such as Apache2. You can write this in C, and it will help you understand HTTP and CGI, extremely useful for server-side web development in general. Configure your web server to return valid HTTP responses.

Step two: Learn basic HTML and CSS. Create some HTML content for your website. Access HTTP endpoints using a browser, see that your HTML is returned for different endpoints.

Step three: Read up on REST APIs. Should be fairly easy to understand since you learned HTTP in step one. Create endpoints for your web application that doesn't return HTML but rather data (as XML or JSON or whatever format you choose).

Step four: Learn basic JavaScript. Configure your web server to return JavaScript files and/or include them into your HTML code. You should have a fairly good understanding of the difference between client-server at this point. Write JavaScript code that makes Ajax-requests to HTTP endpoints that return data.

can you install gentoo?

Fuck that shit, I just want to make cool mobile apps.

>Fuck learning shit, I just want to do trivial shit
Ah, millennials.

Well man, your answer is:
Yeahhh, definitely a pajeet

Oppai here. Do I really need all of this? I just need a full screen 3d interactive javascript, with libraries than can interact with the server
Can't i do that trivial shit you listed with some tools like wordpress?

>3d interactive javascript
I don't see why you'd need a server at all.


Use PHP. Bonus points for phalcon, a framework written in C.

I want to hide some functions and jew the users. The client does a preview but the high quality calculations will be done server side

>The client does a preview but the high quality calculations will be done server side
The "high quality calculations" are done in whatever binary framework the browser needs to invoke in order to draw 3D graphics anyway.

Learn JS and PHO

TFW a britbong friends keeps telling me PHP and JS suck and that Ruby and Python are way better even though the most popular frameworks are either JS or PHP (Angular, React, Laravel, NodeJS)

You don't. PHP is a server side language

>knows C
>doesnt know html/ css/ javascript

knowing what an int is doesnt make you a c expert you fucking retard

Think like a chink become the chink

This is why we mock neetcoders in /wdg/