Punchable faces in tech
most of them
Giving nerds a sense of entitlement through shows like Big Bang Theory etc. and making "nerd" chique was a mistake.
Now we have shit like Facebook and systemd because they've grown accustomed to being praised as "whiz kids" all the time. Back when being a nerd was frowned upon, punchable nerds got actually punched this was an effective way to keep them in line.
Salty as fuck
Linux Torvalds. Fuck this guy.
even if he wasn't ending NN, his face is like a fist target
I'd fuck him desu.
>Ajit Pai
>Pai Ajit
>P. Ajit
Gentoo guy
this is literally how I imagin pajeets too look like
Wow. He looks different now.
Doesn't he actually have ass-burgers?
Not confirmed, but it makes a lot of sense.
Any other answer is wrong
I dont get why people hate him so much.
Yeah, he created Facebook, but he's not to blame for the monstrosity it turned the modern web into.
and call him daddy
is there a face that isn't punchable?
wow... hes a real life rick...
Torvalds really doesn't look good in a hippie beard...
The dark doesn't mean the absence of light, it means something more like potential predatory threat that you can't detect, like a big cat stalking you back when we weren't masters of the Earth. The dark is the unknown, you know, the thing that he's always ranting about when someone mentions AI to Elon? That we just don't know of what AI would be capable of doing? What a silly thing to say.
No, I'm pretty sure it's the absence of photons.
Describing something doesn't mean you know what it means.
Adjit Pai? more like Pajeet Die lmao
>absence of photons.
No, its just enough photons for you eyes+brain to generate an image
How about guys in tech you could take on in a fight?
Mine is pic related
Reddit CEO
'Geek culture' is a plague and ending net neutrality is the unfortunate cure.
Stop posting, Elon.
Do you have a neural net that scrapes the web and messages you when you are mentioned?
but without those photons, you can't see the rapist waiting around the corner. understanding the physics behind it doesn't change that
No, fuck you
He is LITERALLY the reason.
There are people who think this is brilliant and inspiring.
He's the owner of the company. Their policy, as well as their duplicity, their negligence, their shit-tier apps, their insolent ads, their puchy marketing, their abusive experiments - all greenlighted by that person.
How cares about Reddit?
He looks like the kid from the Nickelodeon sitcom about a super hero
brought normalfags to the internet
I would beat the shit out of him, I don't care that he's old.
What the fuck is that filename bruh.
any face on any mozilla site 2017
Jesus fucking christ
is this real
>mfw the sound of a hungry grizzly bear outside my tent is merely a lack of photons you guys.
Things to be some fake shit. Do "I ducking love science" "geek culture" people post this stuff on facebook or what?
2deep4u obviously, maybe you should take some time to think things through before being condescending on the internet?
Wow my phone butchered that while thing.
"This must be some fake shit" I meant.
t. A.Tanenbaum
I actually loved the guy. Would have a hard time not stealing his lunch money though
He gonna bite off your fingers.
I prefer "A shit pie"
>lack of photons
>literally kills the autopilot in Tesla
More Sup Forums shit but
>That guy from EA
RTS genre is dying?
this so fucking much
Hating on Tesla and Elon is the new fad.
Everyone hating on him or calling him a conman is just jelly desu
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>They aren't on the same side in every video
>>That guy from EA
He looks like a comics villain. That's actually cool, though.
Why do I always think it's Keanu Reeves on that picture?
He is now /ourguy/
>articles that dont display the date, but instead use "yesterday" or "5 days ago"
i used to be afraid of radiation until i realized that radiation was just invisible particles. then i realized it was silly to be afraid of things i can't see so i wasn't afraid of lethal doses of radiation after that.
I would love to punch that homo twitter is the worst social media
Not tech but....
Also I would punch linus and LGR
>in tech
Hosting a social media website is being in tech?
captcha: indian road
Oooh, yeah, that's a nice one!
Whats up with all the anti-Poettering shills? PulseAudio works like a dream in 2017
I use the internet for Sup Forums, and content I can't now barely squeeze fun out of (games and youtube) I can't wait for the internet to be shit so everyone does something else
>he likes cisD
Facebook is an IT company. Do you know what IT stands for?
Mainly because of systemd that he is the main developer of. Although to hate him for that you have to hate systemd first, which is in its own narrow-minded and stupid.
Wrong! You couldn't be wronger in a worse situation, my man. facebook is literally not IT, but DT.
Jack Ma, the chinese founder of alibaba explained this to us westeners:
IT = Informational Technology, companies or technologies that enable individuals to access and manage data. A browser or a smartphone is something from IT, it enables an individual access or manage data.
DT = Data Technology, companies or technologies aimed at enabling access to data for individuals. E.g. things like Google Search, Youtube or Wikipedia. These sites enable us to access data we wouldn't be able to access because it's too hard to manage them alone - they do it for us, but rarely provide anything else. Just like facebook, they solely make data of its users accessible.
The side they're on is supposed to represent their option on the question, brainlet
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it's nice to see the return of the triforce seen people attempting them over the last week
pulseaudio is still broken for me, shill
Can this just be a Ajit thread?