$279 iPad in Q2 2018

Why the fuck are they going after the poorfag market?

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tablet market is dying.


people don't upgrade tablets as often as they do phones

apple is pretty much the only company growing in the tablet market because they've thouroughly brainwashed their customerbase

Checked satan.

It's an awkward device in between a phone and a laptop most people would much prefer those two.

What's a computer?

>they've thouroughly brainwashed their customerbase

Brainlet. There are cheaper tablets than the iPad.

They want to bring more people into the botnet.
>"What's a computer?"


I'd buy a new one if they made a new iPad mini

>demand is soft
>market keeps shrinking overall
>apple still makes money
people are only buying them because there's a piece of fruit on the back of the device

they're shit devices because not good enough for work and basically redundant if you have a decent phone

Apple is really the only one who cares even a little bit. And Microsoft, if you count them.

Personally, I'd rather have a small, say 7 inch tablet replace my fucking phone. I'm suprised that they don't offer more of them with native phone support.

t. Giganto hands.

Also, light, touchscreen laptops are becoming feasable and cheap.

I bought a ipad mini back in 2012 or 2013 and I still don't see the need to get a new one. I just use it for minor web browsing and watching videos in bed. I'll probably keep it until the battery explodes.

People buy them for their kids so they can watch jewtube videos

Tablet is good enough for many tasks for normies. The only relevant alternative, laptops, are inherently more expensive. I think apple is also giving up macOS for ios. Everyone relying on mac should be afraid.

It's a low budget normie computer made to compete with tablets and chromebooks

>release better tablets than competitors
>somehow sell more

Yeah, iPad users are brainwashed...

so you've never heard of a surface pro?

>9.7 inch
No, thanks.

The stylus isn't as good as the iPad Pro, which is kinda important if you want artists seriously using your platform.

Because there is literally no reason for most people to buy a new iPad (or other tablet) if they already have one. For me, it makes sense to get the new iPad Pro for drawing, because I do digital art and it's actually cheaper than most professional touch screen graphics tablets. But for most people, they really don't even need a tablet to begin with if they already have phones, which are made large as fuck anyways nowadays.

better get the new iMac now then and install Linux and Windows, right?

Why would artists draw on a tablet?
Don't get me wrong, but a tablet seems more of a "taking notes" or "making a shitty sketch on the go" device.
Don't artists use expensive all-in-one workstations like iMacs, or Micorsoft Studio?

I still have my ipad 2.

>Why would artists draw on a tablet?
Have you ever used a non-touchscreen tablet? The ones where you can't see what you're drawing on the screen, but have to look at the monitor instead? They're abysmal. And the actual touchscreen drawing tablets are upwards of $1000. The iMac Pro is amazing if you're trying to save money as a digital artist.

This isn't 2013 anymore, there is professional grade drawing software on iOS now. Pic related was done on an iPad.

You're talking about two completly different demographics. The type of person buying an iPad Mini at 329$ is not looking for a functional PC, they're looking for a lightweight device, in which, they can consume media on, not productive work. Someone who's buying a 999$ Surface Pro, plus a pen, and a keyboard are not the type of people buying an iPad. People who buy the iPad and plan on getting any actual work done are just retarded.

I just use an x220t with gnome on it to draw my porn.
t make several thousand dollars on patreon a month

Artists use things like paint, canvas, charcoal, clay, marble, etc. Hipster faggots use whatever.

nice. post work

>paint, canvas, charcoal, clay, marble, etc
you don't get paid for working in those mediums

Digital art is an entire industry. Most of the art you consume was drawn digitally.

none of it is good, it's all furshit

>The iMac Pro
I think you were trying to say iPad you douchenozzle.

yes, that's exactly what I mean. fuck the iMac pro, $5000 piece of shit

I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you at least enjoy it.

I got a free iPad Mini 2 from my telcom and while it's showing its age and I wouldn't mind upgrading to this new budget version, it's still a perfectly capable tablet and I wouldn't know how to make best use of it afterwards. What do you all do with your older tablets? Could give it to my bro but his phone is still better.

Because they've run out of gimmick features to add to the high end line up to justify new releases each year at the same price point.

Link or gtfo

Poor fags are 70% of population = sell more units = more profit

there is nothing wrong with the imac pro

>Most Affordable iPad ever
>chooses image with black hand
What did they mean by this?

I know, I'm just jealous that I can't afford it. FUCK APPLE FUCK RICHFAGS FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

>stop stealing our shit you dumb niggers you can actually afford this one

>why are they going after a new market
Really makes you think, OP.

>there is nothing wrong with the imac pro

>hurr hurr the colour of the mac is why it's expensive
kill yourself, you dipshit.

The iMac Pro has more expensive components. Than the regular iMac. Like WAY more expensive components.

there is no such thing as a spacegray imac
what you are thinking of is the iMac pro

Being able to afford a 500$ Tablet is considered rich now?

Or because they (((slow down))) or (((dropped support))) and you gotta have a fast iPad m8

>it's an user pretends a single Android flagship from 2013 is running the newest software episode

Tfw bought a fully working amazon fire for 10$ and it does everything I need to, and came with a 128GB SD card

hopefully it'll bring competition and revitalize a stagnant device.
currently tablets are just oversized smarty phones with cellular functionality costing extra.
I'd like to a slightly thicker tablet, just as lightweight, with a excellent specs and an eink display on the back, similar to the yotophone.
more things that'd be chill :
multiple usbs, edgeless, ability to use auxiliary processors like egpu and old expansion cards. waterproof, vibratory recoil, aux jack, unbreakable, some physical buttons, ability to act as input device for desktops, 240 Hz freshest refresh rate.

Nobody wants tablets anymore, they prefer phones for casual usage and regular laptops for work.

Is that why the intuos was and still is the preferred professional artist tablet? The cintiq is a fucking meme

Only hipsters use physical mediums now and usually to poor effect. Name one single good artist who still works primarily in physical mediums

Guys, he's just an assblasted Andreet, don't give him (you)s

Ever been to an art exhibition nigger?

Oh wait I bet you think video games are art TOPKEK

That's a pretty bizarre move. No one buys tablets anymore, and the poorfag market is going to buy a ~$150 Asus piece of shit because they'll likely only want to use it to watch Netflix in bed on a larger screen than their phone. At least it has a good chance of succeeding because of the Apple userbase.

Couldn't even name one

I'm a poorfag, how is this compared to the Nexus 7? I've never owned an Apple product other than my Ipod Nano.

Take your pick you uncultured pleb

Reduce the laptop prices by at least 40% and i'd actually buy your shit apple.

Gotta keep that house of cards going as long as possible , so they will drum up revenue by releasing some low cost ipad.

Apple has not cared about making the perfect product for a few years now, they care more about money.

If apples revenue start showing a decline (or worse a reversal) maybe people will wake up that apple can't grow forever and crash the stock price.

>featuring nothing but long dead artists and a whole lot of shit
Thanks for proving me right

Why are you trying so hard yet putting so little effort into trying to look superior on Sup Forums?

I'm pretty sure tablets have a better margins than laptops. Also people buy any accessory that's thrown at them.


>Why the fuck are they going after the poorfag market?
because there are a lot of poorfags, and if you don't make sure they stay poor by humoring them with meaningless trinkets they can barely afford, somebody else will.

This. Although I think it's going to be a moot point in the near future. The ubiquity of 4/5G and communication method proliferation will give people the option of going tablet over phone if they so desire. I already use an iPad for 90% of my work communications. My phone is simply point of contact for clients who are old fashioned and don't like the idea of video conferencing or media messaging.

>Whole lot of shit
Your opinion.

But if it's in a museum it's better than anything you can poop out on you SHiTpad

lots of people upgraded from their ipad 2's to ipads 5th gen this year, so that's 5 years of use

also lots of those people are older and just wanna read some news, watch an occasional video and play solitaire on their tablets

t. work for an apple premium reseller

who tf is buying tablets in 2017

still waiting

Mine is.

t. Note 3

probably just trying to undercut the second hand market. 2013 ipad air is a perfectly good machine in 2017/18 and still goes for $200-250 on the second hand market.

Will the iPad mini 6 have 120hz display?

Thats all I want.

tablets would be better with a real os. android and ios sucks on them

This. I'd kill for a new iPad mini with iPhone X design, components, pro-motion and pencil support.

Less people are probably bothering once they realized 5.5in phones exist.

what the fuck is the point of a tablet?

To read stuff/watch videos on.
I use mine daily.

you can do that on a phone or a laptop why have another device especially one as awkward as a tablet that you have to hold?

Because they've been hemorrhaging marketshare to Android.

They've been shitting the bed in so many ways. I've witnessed the collapse of macfaggery at my university after the loltouchbar era and the hilariously overpriced "pro" ipads came on the scene. Middle class consumers simply can't justify throwing away money like that. They've been tapped out.

>thinks tablets are awkward.

I bet you're one of those poor thinkpad dumbshits.

>wuh-way getting marketshare

Does this mean Apple failed in China?


If it's a Nexus 7 2013, keep it for now. Make sure you're running Kitkat though as it's much faster.

>He can't even run the latest OS on his tablet
>meanwhile 2013 iPad Air runs iOS11 and it's smooth as butter
>new task switcher, picture in picture, sidebar apps and all


Poorfags are like 80% of the market for $1000 tablets. How do you think poorfags stay poor? They're going after the sensible consumer market.

>pic related was done on an iPad
>posts MS paint tier shit job
The absolute state of Apple fags

they're trying to push the tablet meme. no one uses tables. except C-level exec cunts who don't need more than reading emails. that's why Apple won't let die this retarded form factor.

Most people buy one tablet and use it for 4-7+ years, if it still loads safari and netflix there's no need to upgrade.
Even my little sister, who years ago got an iPad 2, only upgraded to an iPad pro because her school would pay for it, and it could load some software she needed. My mother still uses the iPad 2, despite it's horrible lag, and doesn't seem to give a shit.

I might get her a faster one for christmas, actually...
Still, I don't know a single normie who went and said "My iPad isn't broken, but it's slow, I want a new one", whereas all of them say the same for their phones

TeeBH I don't get the tablet form factor hate. I literally never liked trying to read or browse on even a large smartphone screen. Minimum of about 10" before it's more than just squint inducing trash you have to scroll constantly. I literally ditched my smartphone because I could do everything better with a 4g iPad and only senior citizens still make regular phone calls.

Tablets should be cheap

At this point they're just bigger smart phones that can't make normal phone calls
The only niches they can fill are simplicity, convenience, and most importantly, availability

The Amazon Fire is basically already the platonic ideal for tablets

amazon fire is a cheap plastic piece of shit

Note 8