He's a python """""""""programmer"""""""""

>he's a python """""""""programmer"""""""""

Other urls found in this thread:


Tell me, what's wrong with python?


he's an aspie who learned a meme language and now has to rationalize his decision through spamming Sup Forums.

I don't understand. You are angry that its syntax is readable? Please explain.

>I'm a pythonista

if you aren't doing things in the most difficult way possible you are just a pleb

Does python perform worse? Is it slower than most languages or something?

It doesn't look cool.

yes it is
also it just werks

yeah, but most of the time it doesn't matter

Stfu faggot and upgrade to python 3.6

>Spend 2 years making an overengineered junk that doesn't solve his problems
>Spend 2 weeks making a python prototype and then after verifying all works as expected optimize critical points with C modules
Gee OP, what a hard choice

Python is fine for writing shit like test scripts where you don't need speed or multiple threads. The syntax max it easy to write quickly too.
Like most languages it has its niche.

If you aren't physically manipulating electrons on your hardware, you aren't programming.

found the code monkey
enjoy your dead end wageslave cubicle work while I swim in cash earned by my math phd and six figures starting job

t. pyTh*n """"""programmer""""""

NEETs don't value their time, hence the hatred towards Python.

still better than java

I'm a pythonista

If you haven't developed your own architecture and started programming your software on it, you are just a peasant

>syntactic whitespace

>ctrl+f FIOC
>0 results

>be me
>80k/yr writing python2/3 code
Not a single day in my life is exhausting, this is the perfect job, I have shitload of brain power left at the end of the end for hobbies/sport.


>dynamic/duck typing
>probably the least performant mainstream language in use today
>no anonymous functions
>no multi threading

It's basically only used as a high level scripting language (99% of Python libs just wrap a C program that does the heavy lifting).

Good coding practice already looks like python anyway

>all the triggering going on in this thread
10/10 thread OP

>I don't know what a programming language is
GTFO tech illiterate


Especially if you want to make a small program to store and solve equations for classes, shit has saved me so much time with homework

That's fair but I've had some fuckery with the tab settings for example. Switching between us/intl/yuropoor kbd settings changes tab spacing which in turn fucks up your script. Visually it looks the same. I don't mind py but the whitespace thing really bothers me..not to mention getting used to it and constantly forgetting other languages need some semicolons to work.

Also for finding different ways to suck dick, I forgot to mention that

python literally has anonymous functions


>dynamic/duck typing
not hard to work with

>no anonymous functions
what is lambda

>probably the least performant mainstream language in use today
for most things internally, and even externally what matters is it works, speed can come later if it's even necessary once you have something working, for production/customer facing applications there's lots of creative ways to speed things up, scale, etc

>no multi threading
unless you're doing something silly you can work around the limitations easily, source: written several multithreaded applications for fetching/processing/producing metrics within kafka for several teams, including my own

multiprocessing is the only weird one, as all the objects used between processes must be picklable and that can be hard to work with

It's a scripting language.

Last time I checked its standard implementation is roughly 100x slower than Java or C++. That was a few years back though. I believe there is some module that makes python nearly the same speed as as C++

It can be. Perhaps the biggest weakness performance wise is that it lacks true mutlithreading, which in certain instances can be rally bad.

That said I like python for task automation.

People don't write performance-critical code in Python, they do it in C/C++ and wrap it in Python.

that sounds like a personal problem, not a problem with python

What is cython

A crapshoot

How so? Are you unable to understand it or utilize it correctly?

Because instead of just hiring a good C/C++ programmer to write performant code, you hope your Python programmer knows how to use Cython correctly, and hope that Cython actually generates decently-performing C code.

Have you run the benchmarks against cython/C?


Although this is a naive example. But 'more performant' means eeking out 3-10% faster with the addition of having to write boilerplate code and increasing the development time of producing python native interfaces to the point that you'd be eeking out the last bit of speed with an exponential growth factor in cost/time trying to do so.

And you referring to skillsets of a good C++ programmer vs. hoping a mediocre programmer is a strawman since its well... not about cython in itself and a very specific case catered to your argument.

>i'm javanese

>Although this is a naive example.
It's a completely useless example. The retard who wrote that post couldn't even match the types properly because they know jack shit about integer types in C.

>with the addition of having to write boilerplate code
Use a non-shit IDE.

>and increasing the development time of producing python native interfaces
This is usually the easy part unless Python is being retarded about something.

>eeking out the last bit of speed with an exponential growth factor in cost/time trying to do so.
>"""exponential growth factor"""
>[citation needed]
Also at least with C/C++ you get the ability to control where that cost/time tradeoff ends instead of just using a fixed point like Cython.

>And you referring to skillsets of a good C++ programmer vs. hoping a mediocre programmer is a strawman
To rephrase:
It's easier to get HR/recruiting to find a skilled C/C++ programmer than a Python programmer who's skilled with Cython, while also worrying about whether Cython code generation will be able to meet your demands.

What else am I called if I'm not a python programmer?

So you get to use C without having to program in C. I fail to see the problem here.

>python doesn't have anonymous functions