Javascript is gay, stop using it

javascript is gay, stop using it.

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Don't forget about Cordova

everything will be javascript, finally.
We don't need one million different architectures and languages.

What the hell is even going on with javascript anymore? It just looks like a huge clusterfuck of a mess now. The only exposure I even have to javascript is basic usage in an Intro to CS class a few years ago, making simple websites.

they force it so hard on mobile platforms because muhh multi-device compability. but tapping on menu and loading new page takes 2gb ram

its still the same prototype based language, they just added syntactic sugar to make it look like it supports classes lol

So why does NodeOS exist anyway? I can understand Electron since it allows shitty webdevs to make programs, but why the fuck would a shitty webdev want to work on the OS?

Exactly. Multiculturalism will be a thing of the past; looked upon by future generations as something archaic.

Don't worry web assembly will kill JavaScript once and for all.

yea and 2018 will be the year of linux

javascirpt is literally just better lua.

why the fuck would I stop using the best scripting language ever?

My teachers in college had me learning C, C++, and Java, but my software engineering job has me use Python and JavaScript for everything. Makes me think, but not that much because Im not that smart.

are we really still not past using "gay" as a negative/insulting thing?
it's almost 2018, society still hasn't advanced this much?


shut up faggot


>using mental diseases as a measure of society's advancement

It's because the people who teach upper level classes are usually PhDs that are just teaching to get research money, and don't give a shit about using good languages. They want something they can grade in 3 seconds.

posting "kek" should be a bannable offense at this point, it's only used by edgy underage Sup Forums users

Web assembly or Kotlin will kill it. Kotlin is so much nicer to write in as a replacement for Java but Kotlin/JS still kind of sucks for doing anything besides business logic.

And being gay should be illegal. Imagine a society full of whiny fags like you.

2 billion linux phones

enjoy your rEaLitY WaRp BlUe BubBleE x3


>le pol bogeyman

I remember the days when you actively avoided using javascript on your website

>Syntactic arsenic

>"i never learned x"
>"why is x is bad??!??"

> muh progress

kill yourself AIDS host.

still edible


is this real ?
Just fucking end it, nigga.

Don't worry, at least you'll be able to browse JS SPAs soon because now everyone wants to get into prerendering.

so what's the issue with React?
do you want your interactivity on the web be as slow as possible? Do you not understand what Ract actually does? Do you have any idea how fucking slow the DOM is?
React is actually really easy to work with, unlike angular which is a fucking pain

>C-c-can I use p-promise?





oh shit, what lunatic uses electron over nw.js anyway?

It's an actual thing

You have poor reading comprehension.

Hands are too big, should be half the size for accuracy

A JavaScript microcontroller you can program and debug wirelessly.
No software needed - get started in seconds with Web Bluetooth!

Only retards can't see the lisp inside JS.

[] + {}
[object Object]
{} + []

why fucking retards likes to type random code to see what happens instead doing something?

your argument its like:
Oh lets type #define sass +--9++wrfsaf*()
In C to see what happens
Oh god this is shit it compiles , No no C is stupid it lets you define shit no , no, no bad language.


This. Progressives will have to keep up with the times or get left behind.

C backend
HTML/CSS/JS frontend

kek reporting comments because muh faggotry is leading civilization

im learning javascript right now. what's a better alternative? the libraries all the cool kids use to make shit look slick are js


if your brain can't handle the elegance and beauty of prototype based programming because you are just a monkey , try typescript.

Do you seriously believe this is a good idea or are you just having a laugh?

this actually makes perfect sense if you undestand how the language coerces types behind the scene


It doesn't really, even if you can lay out some rules that say how the language comes to a conclusion that {} + [] =/= [] + {}, it's just stupid. Using "+" here is really deceptive. I don't see why they won't just implement type classes to manage that mess.

never use #define for any reason other than latter use #ifded, ie class guarding, platform specific code

for constants use const, static const and constexpr,
for functions use inline functions

Or you can just use typescript with angular so it's static

Do you think "abc" + "xyz" != "xyz" + "abc" is deceptive too?

The actual problem here is that {} is interpreted as a block scope because it's the first thing in the statement, which means that it interprets + as a unary operator and not a string concatenation operator. [] + {} === {} + [] evaluates to true, and ({}) + [] evaluates to [object Object].

yes, c++ and C are very easily gradeable.

Yeah, I think it would be nicer to have a separate operator for concatenation. But returning values of entirely different types depending on the order is too much for me.

When was nw.js relevant ever?