Recommend a small and low power consumption laptop with a 5+ hour batter that can be solar charged
Recommend a small and low power consumption laptop with a 5+ hour batter that can be solar charged
Also, it needs to be able to run games on max settings.
replace "max settings " with "old games" and a GPD Win is worth looking into.
For real though, this sounds something that can be created with raven ridge.
We already have 8-core AMD laptops that use 35-45 watts max.
It just needs access to the internet, wifi/4G, Ethernet port would be a plus.
No, what it really needs is gaymes.
i get around 5-7 hours out of my x220. you would have to rig up a solar charger (as with almost literally all laptops) but it works great for me as a uni machine that i dont have to charge until i get home
35W isn't solar chargeable. For it to take solar power, it needs to max out at around 5W.
>Also it need to run games on old games
>35W isn't solar chargeable. For it to take solar power, it needs to max out at around 5W.
8-cores 35 W, 35/8=4.375W per core. You can have a single core Ryzen.
Ahh...the Sony Vaio GT3/K. A very interesting sub-notebook for it's time with the camcorder on the side and the notebook can be convert into tablet mode when recording video. Need to upgrade mine with a bigger SSD to do some test on it.
You don't have one. You reverse image searched the picture to find out the model name and now you are pretending to own one to impress a bunch of strangers on Sup Forums.
super easy. get a transformer book that has micro USB for charging the battery and a USB solar panel
>can be solar charged
Basically none of them. Just forget about it, or tape a USB solar charging pad to the lid.
>Recommend a small and low power consumption laptop
Buy an 11 inch MacBook Air and install Linux or OS X if you want something really thin and light that'll last for 8+ hours. Or you can get a Chromebook and install Linux. I personally have an Acer R11 with Fedora XFCE installed and the only downside is the lack of storage and upgradability, but 4GB of RAM and 32GB flash disk inside are more than enough for me since I keep most of my work files on my external hard drive. I get about 10 hours of battery life with medium usage. I couldn't really ask for better for $200.
EOMA68 with e-ink screen. Though this doesn't exist yet.
don't listen to the cucks ignoring my post, OP. these transformer shits draw 10 watts max, Intel was and currently still is the market leader.
>Acer R11 with Fedora XFCE installed
Do you run it in chroot?
>You don't have one. You reverse image searched the picture to find out the model name and now you are pretending to own one to impress a bunch of strangers on Sup Forums.
Don't need to kill myself when I own one.
GPD pocket or WIN can be solar charged, depending on the capacity of your charger.
A 7w solar charger should (barely) be enough
>all those empty tabs
What the fuck
Anyway no laptop is going to be self charging with solar without a huge dedicated solar array like rooftop ones.
Ideapad 120s
First thing that comes to mind but
>2 gigs of ddr4
Lenovo Ideapad 100S
Cheap, small and runs on an Intel Atom quad core. You wont be playing games but you can easily watch HD videos and shitpost all day. Only problem is the lack of multi-touch on the trackpad.
CPU uses 4.4 watts of power at most.
>whining about reddit
>almost 2018
reddit is basically in the news more often than Sup Forums ever was a decade ago. Sup Forums just isn't in the news anymore.
it's happened. it's a site that exists. you can't fight it now and avoiding it is getting to be impossible.
No, I removed ChromeOS completely. I also reinstalled Coreboot and added the SeaBIOS payload to make it faster and more compatible with GRUB, especially when trying to boot Linux from an external disk.
I don't know if you can solar charged this sub-notebook (or if they is a way to solar charged from the USB port) but do look at Portabook XMC10. Some spec below.
CPU: Intel Atom x7-Z8700 (2.4GHz)
Main memory: 2 Gbytes
Storage: 32-Gbyte eMMC
Wireless functions: IEEE 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0+EDR
Interfaces: 1 HDMI port, 1 VGA port, 1 USB2.0 port, 1 SD memory card slot, 1 microphone/headphone port
From impression, it will give you around 5 hours before you need to recharge the battery and will take 3 hrs to fully charge the battery. Charge from Micro USB port. One negative is the screen resolution which is 1,280 x 768 but can't really complain when it's just 8" in size. Not the best for what you can get now and this is from Japan only product so export isn't worth it based on the spec and what you can get here.
Nice setup and all but why would anybody care about who's in the news?
fuck back off to reddit, newslet
get the olpc or whatever it is and charge it with a crank
You guys posting cpu wattage do realize the rest of the system also takes power too right? Screen, wifi, hdd/ssd, ram, motherboard etc. I doubt you'd get a system below 25w idle with the screen on. Also you'd need a storage medium and possibly an amp/transformer to bump the voltage up to be able to charge the system, a trickle charge will just kill the battery.
Fuck that. I need Kenny's reversible camera laptop.
>you are pretending to own one to impress a bunch of strangers on Sup Forums.
Holy shit user, you seriously need to talk to a psychiatrist. What the hell happened in your life to turn you into such a psychopath?
Do any laptops/netbooks/UMPCs use AMOLED displayes yet?
An AMOLED theoretically can have a lower power draw than an LCD if it is displaying mostly black or dark colors
AMOLEDs are really awesome and I am disappointed that theyre not being used on laptops and computer monitors.
>inb4 someone tries to explain why AMOLED is a bad idea for a computer display
Why don't they sell a laptop with a crank powered dynamo?
Think about that, heh, think about that.
Sony Picturebooks.
Wow, you still post on here? Damn how big is your UMPC collection now?
95% sure samefag
You're missing "Gay Sex With Hats On"
Good. It's more of "muh sekrit klub" as you fags like to call in. Now get the fuck out.
That is so ugly.
Looks 10x better than any MacBook
So, anyone using sol?
You could probably make your own Pico psu, micro atx system with a super low profile passive heatsink, ssd, 1 stick of ram, and run a solar system with AA battery intermediaries and use whatever screen you wanted with the right adaptors. USB dongles for connectivity. But I'm not sure if that would take less power than an older laptop or not, plus you'd need to incorporate batteries for the system like some sort of custom UPS and somehow make the entire frame attractive.
It really boils down to cost and effort, any laptop can run on solar if you get enough panels, sunlight and storage, but electricity is almost everywhere that you'd be using the laptop anyway.
Yes because multicore performance is the same is singlecore*number of cores you dumb mongoloid. intel m3 7y30 at 3,75w still beats the latest atoms by a few percent so that's a viable option and OP should consider the GPD Win or Pocket, which both have a TPD of around 5W.
All laptops can be solar charged
Bullshit, you can just get a bigger solar panel.
>Why don't they sell a laptop with a crank powered dynamo?
Quick answer, the power consumption from a laptop is much higher and the amount of power from the hand crank dyanmo isn't enough to keep it running. You could crank before you turn on the laptop to charge the battery but you need to do it for a long period of time for a small amount of power to charge the battery. Make sense for flash light or radio.
The last count is around 22 but they're few duplicate units (some are either junk part unit or units which will be modify with update parts) and one of them I have three but two will be under the company equipment while one will be personal use (which mean I should say 20). Don't let me count laptop as I have quite few more there.
I have a feeling someone will post this and I might pop this out now, not all of my UMPC are in one place right now so, taking all of them in one pic will be difficult till I finish doing something on my side. Once I finish the project, then I will take a pic of my entire collection here. The pic is my last year UMPC collection here before for people to see so, I am not joking when I say I own some unusual UMPC.
Nope, not the same guy who post "KILL YOURSELF" post.