Is it worth sticking with Android if you don't really mess with customization, coding and Google's services...

Is it worth sticking with Android if you don't really mess with customization, coding and Google's services? I just need a fast, reliable phone with good performance in most apps.

Other urls found in this thread: Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

Probably not desu

Really shouldn't be using stock Android with Google services anyway.

Pic related is probably the best phone for you.

>iOS 11
>fast and reliable

Yes. Old Android was a pain, but now it’s pretty much the same as iOS.

The unified Material design really helped bring the apps to the same level as iOS's.

>be ifag for years
>go to the store to try out Galaxy S8 since it's the first lagdroid to actually look somewhat appealing
>gorgeous screen
>scrolling feels wrong, just plain wrong.
I wish Android phones ran iOS desu

just get whatever the fuck you like best. ios or any non-bloatware version of android are fine for normie use. The rest is just shitposting and fanboyism. They'll both fuck you over in different ways, and they are almost assuredly both spying on you to some degree

First time hearing this. Why?

Muh botnet

I have been using iPhone and android interchangably since 2010. I Recommend either, but it sounds like you might benefit from an iPhone SE or 8

iPhones in a nutshell:

I own the iPhone X and have really enjoyed it so far. It has been the fastest phone I've ever used and the cameras are incredible especially for video. The OS is buttery smooth and snap fast, so if you want a reliable OS experience that is fast and smooth then it is your best bet. If you want to save a few bucks I'm sure the iPhone 8 would be a similar experience just with a few less features.

How much do they pay you? Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

You are such a pathetic piece of shit. I love android a lot more than iPhone but at least I'm not retarded enough to think that there are actual shills on this site pimping a consumer product one-to-one. Jesus you're insignificant trash.

You seem upset, is the pay really that bad?

Why not just get a real job?

this coming from the guy posting on Sup Forums in the middle of the day.

I'm literally just tired of this neckbeard shit.

Are you talking about using an iPhone instead? They are perfect for normie use but still spy on you. Although the spying effect can be reduced a lot more than in a stock android phone.

Okay whatever you say man. Maybe some day they'll teach you what a computer is.

Yeah, I've been thinking about switching.

At this point it's safe to assume that every company spies on you, just in varying degrees.

Then get a oneplus phone then.

The big question you need to ask yourself is this: is an iPhone worth 2X the price of a oneplus phone with better performance, battery life, charging time, and camera?

Is it worth sticking with GNU/Linux if you don't really mess with customization, coding and systemd's services?

I just got an iPhone for the first time specifically to develop an app for work. Its unreal how slick it is compared to an android phone. Its the perfect normie phone. I was able to lock it down privacy wise a lot more than a stock android phone. I captured its packets on my router and it only sends some NTP, apple push notifications pings and update pings. It seems to spy on you way less than a stock android device.

If you don't want to install PajeetOS to get back some Freedom™, then I'd probably just get an iPhone.

Where do I subscribe?

Better than sitting in your cubicle making min wage to talk all day about shit you dont care about to strangers online

if you're cool with an overpriced phone that will take a shit in less than 4 years, it's great.

Apple is real good about putting little RAM in their phones, especially when compared to similarly priced androids

To what?

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have iPhone X right now, beautiful fucking thing. Works like a charm, literally 10% battery usage over the entire day on power saving mode.

Hello Justine!

lmao suck my tiny weeeen

I like the construction on Samsung phones a bit, but damn their screens, I just can't.

newest iOS is always optimized for the newest iPhone to get people to upgrade. Nothing new they have always done that. iOS is usually pretty good about memory management.


I couldn't imagine being this assblasted over phones lmao

Fucking kill yourself dude. You clearly have nothing else in life.

Are non-native apps a good comparison?

i don't see how a few miliseconds of difference on opening apps INITIALLY (since you'll just have them running in the background minimized anyway) is a huge deal

and no, i'm not an apple person, i still use my Xperia Z3C bought on release


not really, most people use both

Better battery life as apps don't have to be reloaded by the CPU.

It's the same principal that makes people avoid chromebooks due to very low RAM.

>Better battery life as apps don't have to be reloaded by the CPU.
but considering X has 3 gigabytes of ram it can store all of your apps minimized, unless you play some dumb mobile games, so i still can't see how it's an issue
Even android with its shitty memory management on my 2gb phone rarely ever has to reload apps or tabs in the browser, with a ton of shit running in the background

and as for battery life, come on, apple phones are so much better optimized that it isn't even funny. I used an iphone 6 provided by my workplace sometime ago and was amazed how well it held up considering the puny battery it had, even smaller than the one in the nexus 4 i had at the time personally

Wrong, Android doesn't use DALVIK anymore.

>and as for battery life, come on, apple phones are so much better optimized that it isn't even funny. I used an iphone 6 provided by my workplace sometime ago and was amazed how well it held up considering the puny battery it had, even smaller than the one in the nexus 4 i had at the time personally

Yeah no, iphone battery has always been notoriously garbage. The only thing it does well is not drain as much on standbay, but who gives a fuck when the thing goes down like fucking crazy while you're actually using it?

All phones are fast for 5 years now, as long as you dont download bloatware they will stay that way, there are basically no improvements on new phones over old ones at this point, im using a lg g3 with a custom rom from 2014 and its as snappy as it ever was, i dont even have google play services on this rom

eh, i don't play mobile games so this test doesn't matter much to me
exactly, that's why i found it to be great as a strictly business device

You're not meant to be on your phone all day. Trust me, reading a book is better then shitposting on Sup Forums.

The feature and quality parity has long been reached. You'll be fine with either platform. Pick whatever you like best.

>business device

Yeah, must be some amazing business then since you just leave the thing off throughout the entire day not doing anything. Even dumbphones would suit you well in such case.

Meanwhile, even fucking xiaomi phones have 4100mah batteries that will guarantee you heavy usage for two entire days with spare for the third one without breaking a sweat. We're talking about 100~200 bucks phones that make the battery life of the 699~1100 ishits look like a fucking joke.

>buisness device
>can't do basic elementary school arithmetic

Most of the times if you have no will/need to modify and customize you usually either shouldn't go farther than Ubuntu or Mint, or should even stay with Windows/OS X. If you have the will to get hands dirty, by all means go for it.

worked fine for me™
>companies buying xiaomi
one of the perks of apple is extended management and reliability paired with support, so it's obvious they go for apple or higher-end android phones
i don't see how a bug caused by animation delay is somehow a dealbreaker, both android and ios had so many devastating bugs over the years that it really isn't something meaningful

>companies buying xiaomi

You're not on a serious company in the first place, Mr. "I leave my phone off the entire day".

Also, WHAT kind of support do you even need to use a phone? Do you need help to find the home button or something? In what world do you live where companies only use iphones? You talk like someone who never even had a job.

The point is iPhones have abhorrent real world battery life when you actually use them because as time goes on app cache is built and the iPhone will keep running out of RAM. The only way it avoid freezing and crashing (which happened a ton before iOS 9) is to kill apps in the background left and right and reload them when requested again.

As someone who has exclusively used android since I realized i hated ios on the iphone 3g i had way back when, your argument is very biased here. iphones have problems, that's a downright fact, but so do android phones. I'm sure you can find just as many news clips with android issues. There are no perfect phones, manufacturers don't care enough to make perfect phones. The smartphone market is such shit that they can shit out flawed bricks and people will argue over which is the lesser evil and throw money at their logo of choice. I'll probably never own another iphone, but both choices are pretty shitty.

>touch to register touchscreen (android) vs release to register tap touchscreen (ios)
Gee I wonder why the iphone is "slower". The pajeet trying to tap a phone with different hands sure is a reliable test method too.

I switched to an Android device because my 6S had laggy scrolling in Twitter and always had to reload the app. I tried an iPhone X in a store and the same scrolling jankiness was observed by me. So I ditched Apple.

>You talk like someone who never even had a job
>In what world do you live where companies only use iphones?
and you call ME the one who has never worked in corporate enviroments, fucking really

Yeah because that's exactly what you are. No one who works in a serious business has needs that could be easily sated by a fucking dumbphone like you. It's either one or the other. Besides, you're trying to make it seem like you simply cannot go through a day of battery life with literally any android phone and that you somehow NEED an iphone that has only "good" battery life if you do literally nothing with it. Meanwhile, on any android phone you don't need to cuck yourself and you can actually use the thing as intended while easily getting throughout the day.

Just drop your bullshit already. No one is buying your shit.

i think you might be projecting a bit. All i said was that i used an iphone provided by the company i worked for and it was excellent for the tasks that it was supposed to perform

you don't seriously think large companies have their people go on craigslist to buy a bunch of used 3310's which would "do the job just fine" do you?
besides, why are you even trying to prove android's superiority here? I use an android as my personal phone and don't really need any convincing here.

people arguing about mobile phones have too much time on their hands


You need to go to /swg/ STAT.

I think in the end iPhones and Android phones have similar performance so if performance is your merit for buying a phone then both will give you similar performance give or take a second or two.

Now the real argument should be: knowing this, is it worth spending twice the money for an iPhone?

I went from Android to iOS recently and there's not much difference honestly. Mac was way more of an upgrade for me, mainly because the OS is miles above Windows 10. Android is pretty competitive with iOS.

Woah shit. I have a OnePlus 3T also.

The 7+ is also double the price ? Applel btfo

i dont understand you

I have been using apple phones since iphone 4, upgraded every 2 years because I liked freshness, innovations
now i am stuck with iphone se, which has pretty much everything i like but i am a geek, I like gadgets and apple doesnt give me reason to switch further, they stopped and started to fuck up everything they had
macOS is getting buggy no innovations (root access, nothing new)
iOS is getting buggy and bloated
their phone offer is a fucking joke now, 5 iphone versions altogether

I am really disppointed to the point I even considered switching to android, oneplus5t but i fucking hate google

I am fucking angry I stuck with
LGBT Politics involved Apple
tim cook plz go


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/myphone/ is best phone...

quit shitposting your $50 phone

Can you imagine if FAA made it mandarin to hold one of those after the long beach abortion drive?

>scrolling feels wrong, just plain wrong.

could you be more specific?

you sound like someone who values his time more than money and needs to get shit done. you need an iphone. android is for people whose time is not worth much so they can deal with a broken phone every 3 days. we productive class need a reliable tool. a tool which is the iphone.

Have you tried pixel devices yet? They're amazing.

iPhones are the best phone period. If you don't agree you're just a nerd w/o common sense, or you really like customizing and rooting shit. The scrolling comment above is way right.


If you have unlimited money you might as well go with iOS.

whats a good not hugely expensive phone?

Just use a rooted mid-range android. Avoid samshit like the plague though

moto E 4th gen is $50 without contract.

>be ifag for years
>try GF's S7 Edge
>the keyboard registers input very erratically and inaccurately, explains why she makes so many typos
>its a clusterfuck OS
>nothing is coherent in design
>everything looks cheap and tacky
>scrolling does indeed feel 'wrong'
>different hardware and software makers
>she makes fun of my iPhone
>she calls it 'complicated'

I say GF but she's just a fuckbuddy. My latest fuckbuddy is a full-on Apple whore and posh Oxford graduate. Android is disgusting.

I know that feel bro, I still have my Z3 and it's still good.

This. Fucking this.