

Open a terminal and run the following commands:
cd /
du -sh *

That will show you what's taking up the most space. Go into those folders with cd and keep going down until you find out where the 34GB are.

>System takes up 35 gigs
the absolute state of proprietary software

Normal should be 19 ish


>he has a drive titled UwU


Friendly reminder that you've been outed as a fat attention-whoring neckbeard

oh fuck it's that illyaposter

Install Gentoo

ew no ty

just download daisy disk

Illya would love it, uwu

no she likes macOS

Why would she like such a terrible OS?
She deserves something better!

umm its the best os

no it isnt


That is fucking sad. I have a HORRIBLY bloated ~300k file Gentoo system (too many tools and server daemons...) that isn't optimized for size in compile options and it is not even 10GiB on all packages:
qsize -Sm
Totals: 289,343 files, 51,400 non-files, 9384 MiB

i dont care


Yea, I guess not having RAID6 and paying $180 if you want a shitty implementation of RAID5 and the hundreds of other OSX issues are a bigger problem.

Hope your employer or whoever it is that forces you to use OSX lets you change to at least Windows or Android soon. Nobody should have to suffer OSX.

your really dumb

very dumb

user you were replying to the most annoying, childish weeb on this board. I don't think he cares as long as the OS is pretty and "UwU"

anime website

today I learned anime makes you a brainlet
I'm glad I don't watch it.

then why are you posting on an anime website

because this is not an anime website.
anime is over here:

don't come here

Anime is fine. I just don't like weebs.

lol people on this board are so cute and funny ily



>Anime users rarely derail threads

you're the one who derailed it

see Also, this post implies that because things were a certain way in the past, they are always that way forever. That is retarded.
Just because niggers were slaves in the past, doesn't mean they are slaves today.
Just because faggots weren't accepted in the past, doesn't mean they aren't now.
Just because the site was founded as an anime website, doesn't mean that it is still one now.

anime website

Translation: REEEEEEEEE
stop breaking global rule #2

this image is just pure bullshit for newfags
t. oldfag from late 2006

im older then u

tits. now.

I don't believe him/her/it

anime website

Sup Forums was never an anime website, there's a reason why there's anime specific boards.

If you truly believe that, then you must have come here after 2014 when all the newfaggotry began.

anime website


I also had this problem on my Mac, except it was like 65GB. I ended up reinstalling OS X because I don't have time for that horse shit. I also ended up buying a used ThinkPad T430 and installing Debian because my Mac is the worst laptop I've ever owned. I'm so glad to not have to use that manlet-sized chicklet shit keyboard and retarded ass hinge all the time that never stays where I want it. Leaving Loonix and MemePads in general was a huge mistake. The grass is not greener on the other side.

you should check out the FSF's Ethical Tech Guide for this year. You can get refurbished Thinkpads that Respect Your Freedom!

Happy Holidays!

>all that wasted space
also that is a small hard drive what the fuck

It's a MacBook. The standard size is 128GB, extra storage costs more and an external HDD will have crap support. OSX still struggles with NTFS last time I tried using my external HDD on my friends MacBook.

To be completely honest NTFS is complete garbage and even windows fanboys know it. Microsoft keeps promising to replace it and then never get around to it.

>you should check out the FSF's Ethical Tech Guide
I have a Libreboot T400 but I wanted something more modern and powerful. So I got the T430 and installed Coreboot. I then dumped the BIOS ROM again once Coreboot was working and I used ME Cleaner to strip out the dangerous Intel ME firmware modules. Wireless card and other stuff use free firmware.

It's just as good as FSF offerings in my opinion.

While that may be true, that doesn't justify the spotty support for it on osx when it works perfectly on Linux and windows.

why should apple bother with microsoft's shitty filesystem? you don't complain when windows doesn't support linux systems

>why should apple bother with microsoft's shitty filesystem?
Because Linux and BSD support it well, and the latter is literally made by basement dwellers. Yes, hobbyists have better NTFS support than a company with billions of dollars and 10-15% desktop market share. Just think about that for a moment. A few hundred BSD devs that are actual NEETs are writing better code than Apple. Apple uses their code too, so there's no excuse.

Linux and BSD barely support it. Unless the NTFS drive is properly "closed" before shutting down linux/BSD just chokes on it and completely dies.

what does g in Sup Forums stand for


It's a widely accepted format. Most external hard drives are NTFS.

With the majority of people using Microsoft's system, it's the others that have to conform to their standards.

Never had an issue with NTFS drives on Linux with the exception of one time on Linux mint where I had to mount it through the terminal, but we all know that's a shitty distro.


It isn't just Mint. KDE Neon here and unless it's closed properly it just chokes and crashes dolphin. Same in regular Ubuntu.


windows rot

errr.. wait...

Guys I think this is what a CIAnigger looks like

Fedora 26 here. I don't have this problem.

It's actually Sup Forumsnu

I've never had trouble, but I always mount manually with -t ntfs

>hooked on phonics werks 4 me :^)

I use Solus and I've never had this issue.

Used to use Fedora 25 and it never had this issue either

The power of babyOS

wow this thread got really small

I feel really sorry for people who can't afford to upgrade their shitty little hard drives.
I found a 512 Samsung SSD in my junk box yesterday so I'll upgrade my Air tomorrow.
Don't feel bad, OP.
My system is the same size; caches and stuff. Just run a maint utility if your HD is so small.

>Normal should be 19 ish

The absolute state of macfags

>installing gentoo you wouldn't use anyway
>not just running the live dvd

>being this noob and not knowing how to limit spotlight cache

Shit sometimes sorts itself out over time

Mine used to be like 20gb now it's 7.

> you wouldn't use anyway
It has been the primary storage machine for 14 years and also the primary desktop for like 12 years now.

Easy to maintain (yea yea, the machine compiles, but I do fuckall other than jerk off, program, shitpost or whatever else I had in mind) and so far did allow me to use / try everything I wanted (part of why I have so many packages installed, I guess).

>macOS JustWerks™
>except you have to set up and tune every little detail or the systemd drowns in its own shit



oh well, at least it reminded me how I wanted to install slackware

You can probably get it down this is still less than what Winblows uses. My Windows partition literally has Overwatch on default install and NOTHING ELSE.

Now guess how much space is used?
30gb? nope
50gb? nope
Guess again motherfuckers
75gbs and it can't go higher because there's no more space
Just Overwatch + Winblows 10

I tried to get the Windows folder but it's taking too long to calculate the size, if it finishes maybe I'll post it. But I am not making this up, it's just a fresh install of Windows 10 + Overwatch.

For reference heres the mac partition which has 30gbs of music and pictures alone and still barely uses up more space

>Windows 10
It's 12GB-20GB on a regular install. You can of course keep a lot of system restore snapshots & have a gigantic hibernation / paging file, but these can be trivially turned off.

Not that this is then "sleek", but maybe it can be called not completely insane.

Overwatch... that's like 30GB or something. Enjoy that Blizzard gayming.

>Flash Storage
>Macintosh HD

except it doesn't, don't have to tune anything

been running Sierra for work for about 11 months now and zero issues