
You jelly of that nigga-cash.

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Whoever watches this has some issues.

Camerawork, editing and angles trigger me so hard.

God ur austistic. He literally says its crap in the video.

the common consensus is that it's p good, except for the OS
which is pretty relevant, since you can replace the OS

>"Google's cock"

Is it black ?

>those bezels

first with the pixel and now this

google seriously doesn't get it

>Marques Kumar Brownlee
Get the fuck outa here.

it's a gold dyngus

Except the hardware is fucking shit too. Just look at how that pen works, it's pathetic. Even the fucking Wii U gamepad had better pen functionality. If you have to beat the shit out of your screen with your pen for it to work then somethings not right.

>aayo this laptop tablet
>smacks lips
>has google chrome n shiet nigga
>and this screen is high def real nice homie
>smacks lips
>n google is good n shiet homes they like gib me moni
>shhiiiieet I'd recommend this computer

every laptop has a touchscreen now, yet it's barely a value added thing anyway. It doesn't affect the fact that it's a tallscreen laptop with good linux ACPI support and a good trackpad and keyboard.

WTF happened to him? What happened to his voice? He used to talk normal but now what's up with the intonation? I can't manage to concentrate on what he is saying because of how he's saying it. I'm hearing the voice but it's just like jibber-jabber. Did he forget how to speak? What the hell was that?

Those bezels have been a joke since the Nexus' 7/10.

He does not recommend it. So what more do you want? Destroy the laptop and take a massive dump on it like AVGN? Screech like an autist?

Sorry that's not the type of content he goes for. Watched the whole thing and that was a pretty negative review. Not sure what OP is on about.


>not dropping a few hundred bucks on a fully upgraded X220 or X230 as a lightweight laptop

>boy, this laptop sure is "weird"

"weird" is codeword for "shit"

A botnet-free "Respects Your Freedom"-certified ThinkPad with Libreboot and shiet costs 800 euros.

Just don’t listen to him.



i'm not a google shill but i dont see anything wrong with this device once it has a real os installed look way better than a macbook uwu

>AAA batttery has anyone even heard of this?

AAAA stupid, and no, they are not that common, on most places you can only get them online

>only 2 usb ports and a headphone jack
>laptops dont need any more than that these days

>8gb ram
>128gb harddrive
>"really beefy specs"
this guy is a fucking idiot

>giving a shit about what a nigger thinks


>muh touchscreen
>muh thin

>Says the tablet has no moving parts
Literally adjusts the hinge as he says that
JewTube (((reviewers)))

Actually say that the laptop is fucking terrible instead of sugar-coating the review with words like "weird". It's like he did the review at gunpoint so he couldn't outright say it's bad. Just look at the "positive" parts of the laptop, "beefy specs"? Fucking seriously? It's a fucking i5 with 8GB of RAM, and even then it's pointless because it's fucking ChromeOS, who cares about the specs anyways? You're not gonna do shit other than web-browsing. This faggot nigger is the ultimate Google shill.

>Hey guys, Google sent this laptop AND IT FUCKING SUCKS DON'T BUY IT AT ALL.
Enjoy never getting invited to any events, review samples or being entrusted with any info under an NDA. He said don't buy it, that's all that needs to be said, whether you think he was harsh enough doesn't matter.

>>"really beefy specs"
For a fucking chromebook
Most I ever see them used for is inventory management or reservations in restaurants.

>Defending shilling

It's not shilling, it's just being respectful. The dude isn't gonna say outright it sucks, nobody is, but he clearly gave enough info, for consumers to make an informed decision. That's all that matters to me.