Macfags get BTFO

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It's not a big deal



Giving root access to unauthorized users is ALWAYS a big deal.

wait is this real

How do you even fuck this up so badly?

Mactoddlers will defend this.

no fucking way

That font is disgusting.

>Praising people for fixing things that shouldn't even happen in the first place

this is an NSA feature though

How the literal fuck do you screw this up that badly?

I have a couple of Macs I've, ya know,, acquired. Been waiting for literally a moment like this.

yep, lmao

>when you cum to traps 'accidentally'

>admin-tard installs updates out of order
>doesn't bother restarting between updates
>update works

it's fucking nothing.jpg

>critical security flaw undone by a version bump.


Any apple employees here on Sup Forums. We always hear about the shitty state of affairs at windows. But I wanna know how bad it must be at apple. Especially after Steve died. If no apple employees, any old greentexts?

there is literally nothing wrong with this you buttblasted poorfag. if anyone even has physical access to your computer, you're fucked anyway

Or if someone gets remote access to it somehow, privilege esculation bceomes easy

It worked with apple remote desktop. It was a remote root exploit.

t. poorfag android pajeets

its a nothing bugger because really, what difference does it make?

cant hear you over the awesomeness that is my 2012 motorola droid 4, with qwerty keyboard, and custom rom. All for the low low price of $50

pls donut defend this

As an Android fan myself, you're not exactly proving him wrong...

This is a huge embarrassment for Apple. Some people may not care about security but this is such a horrible look for Apple. Really makes you think about how badly macOS has been fucked over ever since Apple moved the core macOS team to work on fucking iOS.

That wasn't the point. Point was that it doesn't matter if I am a poorfag (I totally am btw), I enjoy my technology because it's awesome.

If I really must prove that macs are not for me, I was given a macbook pro 2010 for free a few months back, gave mac os a solid try for a month. Couldn't do it, installed linux. Another month later, started getting fustrated with the laptop overheating, and greasy keys. Sold it, and bought a thinkpad x220. Best decision ever

I just got given a 2017 Pro 13 for work, holy shit the thing is like a fucking stove.

How can you use that? I tried one and the keyboard was so bad.

Nice. Personally more of an elite book guy but I see your point.

It's also pretty easy to see that you don't have to be rich to buy Apple products, anyone can save up even if they're poor.

>It anyone has physical access to your computer you're fucked anyway
Have you heard of this brand new thing called encryption user?

I'm a light typist so the keyboard is fine, although I make more mistakes. I just don't know how it produces so much heat though, because I also have the Surface Pro 2017, the Intel Power meter shows very similar power usage, but it stays stone cold despite being fanless.

Doesn't Apple try to use the chassis as part of the heatsink?

It really is.

It is the heatsink

A mactoddler has defended this.

That's pretty sad. The point of a metal chassis it to improve heat dissipation, not be the main source of the heat dissipation


just don't give your computer to strangers stupid

Gib back, Devuan.



So I take it you have your sudo set up to not require a password?

If anyone has physical access to your computer you're fucked anyway, right?

>So I take it you have your sudo set up to not require a password?
Not him, but I generally do that on my machines.
Hell, I use servers at work that are set up like that.
A sudo password is a very thin layer of security. If something can log in as you from scratch, that implies it already has your password anyway unless you have some alternate way of authenticating like SSH key or fingerprint.
Regardless, all something has to do is keylog you, and then your sudo password is compromised the next time you sudo.

On top of that, the separation between user and root on a single-user machine is nearly pointless anyway, since all the interesting bits that malware might want to take are in the user-accessible part of the machine.


or... they can just use this exploit that Mac is incapable of fixing

>it's ok something is happening now because it happened to Windows 20 years ago

OS X is very professional. The most polished and well put together OS I've ever used. This isn't a bug, it's a feature meant to make everyone equal by giving everyone root. Apple fighting against oppression as always. Based apple.

at least macos asks for a password,
in winpoo and poonix you can change those settings without a root password

What interesting bits? My porn folder and a couple of utility scripts?

Maybe I should move those to /usr.

give them back Trisquel

you're a retard

t. bikeshedding iPhone X owner

what the fuck? how much did they pay everybody to shill apple as a 'secure' computing option

I know, just like your mom.

That's a nice one.

they outmemed themselves again!
this is two good

It's not like a single mac will ever have any kind of sensitive data so this is not a big deal.