Is there any reason to not use Python as your go-to language in 2017?

Is there any reason to not use Python as your go-to language in 2017?

>easy to learn
>can do literally everything you can do in C

Why the fuck are you guys stuck in the 60s thru 80s using C family languages and shit like Lisp?

Other urls found in this thread:

lisp is typeless

>weakly typed
>whitespace syntax
>constant incompatibilities between versions, even minor
>S L O W
no thanks

>Declaring variables as global or nonlocal
Yeah I'll pass, thanks

>Why the fuck are you guys stuck in the 60s thru 80s using C family languages and shit like Lisp?
Because nobody on here actually has a job.

Whitespace syntax is fucking disgusting. It's fucking slow on top of that.

>not indenting your code

performance is the ONLY criteria that is worthy to talk about. if the Python language can be fine tuned, it will be just glorious!

just imagine having the power of Pandas and NumPy, not to mention the gazillion other libraries at your fingertips running at optimal speed. almost makes me drool

Uselss soyboys who have too much time spend it making their "code" look pretty. After 500loc indenting makes shit hard to read because the function begins on the other side of the motherfucking screen with all the space wasted.


No, fuck off.

Because Go is my go-to language

On what grounds can this be listed as a pro? It is only as portable as the language its interpreter is written in. This is not something you can attribute to the language.

You say that as if that's a good thing.

>can do literally everything you can do in C

Like pointers and manual memory management? Python has its place but it's shit for anything that requires any sort of performance or low level optimization.

That's a good indication to split your program into multiple functions, even PEP recommends to not go over 80 characters. If your python program is a bunch of continuous nested logic, you're doing it wrong.

>>can do literally everything you can do in C
Oh yeah? Can you do this?
% ./my-cool-program
zsh: segmentation fault ./my-cool-program

>Needing more than 3 indentation levels
Hi pajeet.

This is a reason NOT to use Python.

>>can do literally everything you can do in C
Can I write a kernel in python?

import os
import signal

os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSEGV)


ok kid

> I write such spaghetti that I have to abandon indenting
More like Python forces you to show your bad programming in all its glory

Python isn't typeless, it's dynamic typed.
>can do literally everything you can do in C
It's not feasible writing embedded and/or real-time systems in it.

>weakly typed
Python isn't weakly typed, it's strongly typed.

Dynamic typing makes the language utter trash for anything longer than 1000 lines.

Python is great but C is the way to go if you need absolute performance. There is literally no reason to use Lisp though.

I went a different route.

I'm employed and write purely functional scala.

C is better for embedded or OS development, but if you want to write performant userspace applications then C++ is the way to go.
C++ has a lot of different and efficient data structures and algorithms in its standard library, C does not really.

How did you score that?


if you're on windows

Why is Python 2 backward compatible with Python 1 but Python 3 is not backward compatible with Python 2?


syntactic whitespace

>shit for building a GUI
>is an interpreted language
Meanwhile my C# spaghetti works on every Windows machine.
>inb4 compilers like pyinstaller
They're shit.

>whitespace syntax

t. retard
Lisp is dynamically typed.

He’s a janitor.

>shits on languages
>can't tell the difference between strong/weak typing and static/dynamic typing

>needing over 3 levels of indentation
>not having you're editors automatically indent for you
>writing functions that long

It's almost like you're trying to shit on languages without even knowing how to program.

Because you need performance, or the platform you're using doesn't support Python.

Because Lisp is literally better than Python in every way.

What do you suggest for building a GUI?

I just use Visual Studio 2k17.

I'm actually a Python main. Most functionality I make in Python and then call the .py files from my C# program that I gave a pretty GUI to.
Especially with shit like webscraping. So easy and elegant in Python.

Making GUIs in Python is piss easy. Unless you are one of those people who use those drag and drop interfaces for GUIs.
Each man to his own I guess.

that's not an advantage, you retard

I know most Sup Forumsentoomen are unemployed virgins playing around with meme languages so let me tell you that writing well styled, properly indented and documented code is actually really important in enterprise.

But it's not typeless.

Don't worry about him, he's a neet larping as employed.

Sorry I'm not interested in becoming a trap


I am a C# programmer that is currently moving into python as it seems everybody is using it. It is a complete pain in the ass to setup, and I havent found a good IDE yet for big projects (nothing can really compare to Visual Studio Ulmate).

I also reall dislike how difficult it is to pack libraries. Using pip to install shit is annoying. In C# you can just add the dll that you need to your project directory and it works. No need for virtual environments and all that jazz.

Sorry that's a sissies languages

why not?

Not true, it is weakly typed (quack like a duck...). But either way, if a language doesn't have a strong type system á la OCaml, into the trash it goes.
No thanks
Mostly doesn't matter for shitting up a quick script, if it does, cython usually saves the day. I write my scripts that run as root in OCaml which is fast enough, type-safe and has the best syntax ever invented.
Python is unacceptable for production software anyway.

>being too confused by braces
>forced indentation is somehow forcing you to write better code at the same time it's more readable

nobody past compsci 101 doesn't indent code. everyone who has used a language with {}s for a significant length of time has used highlighting to see where the other should be

We're moving increasingly to R at work for data science/statistics (I'm a meme data scientist) in favor of Python.

Pic is basically the reason why. Python has all sorts of insane type problems because it's a glue language, and many of the libraries (numpy, Pandas, etc.) will have their own not-quite-equivalent types due to their interaction with the underlying C/C++. This is exacerbated because Python is dynamic, so you basically need to carry around the type system in your head for every framework. R is vastly more sane in this regard. Plus the tidyverse conceptual framework is a pill I've swallowed hard.

As a side note, I'm not sure why Sup Forums shits on R so hard. It's not perfect but it's vastly more of a functional language than Python, it's more Unixy, and has a lot of Lispy features.

>unacceptable for production software
Then why all these big corporations are using it?
Here are some """non production""" software:
Stop being retards Sup Forums, saying that python is shit language just makes you hipster idiot.

Python is not typeless, you retard.
Assembly is typeless.
Forth is typeless.

Python just has dynamic typing.

Nice list there, if you knew even tenth of the list, you would know that they're not built *in* python. They use python as a plumbing, like you would, for instance lua.
Stop being a clueless retard who just googles first link that seems like it supports your view. You're wrong. The big corporations (which ones?) are using it for plumbing, or alternatively as a glorified excel because NumPy is comfy.

Is that why major corporations are pushing for writing everything in fucking Node.JS?

Most major corporations push for cheaper and easier hires. They would push for brainfuck if every monkey could write it.
Why would you, as a manager, want to create a new project in C++ or Java where an average competent programmer is expected to be paid twice as much as an average competent JS web-artisan? They're just cashing in on the JS madness. It'll bite them in the ass in the long run though, but they can mostly afford this because they're not liable for damages.
In fields where the companies are liable and their software has to actually work, like aerospace or defense, you'll never see python being used in production.

Fair enough. Though you probably wouldn't want to see the actual quality of the code airplanes and missile defense systems run on.

>write pseudo code
>it compiles
the absolute state of python

>Though you probably wouldn't want to see the actual quality of the code airplanes and missile defense systems run on.
more on this?

You say that like it's a bad thing


Untyped languages are for scripts and MVPs where you'll tear everything down and build with a proper typed language after you get some funding.

Plus inferred typing in modern languages like Kotlin and Scala make it even sillier to use Python outside of a data science context

I'm in a company that does consulting for aerospace. The mission-critical stuff is impressive, they make use of good tooling too. The infrastructure code though? Horrendous. Last month i've seen Lockheed's internal build tool and the networking code was terrifying.
The best company all around in terms of code quality is without a doubt Saab (at least as far as aerospace goes).

>shit typing system actually, i'd prefer JavaScript's one
>BASIC is also easy to learn
>can't really do anything ranging from memory management to more abstract things

Why the fuck you would think that SCRIPTING language would be good for writing massive projects? If this is what you implying from your original post, then you're fucking retarded.
Why the fuck would anyone even think to write large projects with scripting language?
Python is good for what it is, faggot.

>Weakly typed
Know your lenguages

> else statements tabbed left
> not static

You know it's bad when Javascript is typed better. It's unreadable

Every jetbrains ide is better than visual. Even c# rider

Because i see that shit every day, people wanting to build systems in python. It's more prevalent than you think. Yes python is a good scripting language, but no thanks to its features or syntax. It's because for some reason it caught on and there are libraries for everything.
I wouldn't dare to write python script longer than 500 lines, it becomes a major pain really quick. I've seen it used in production for *testing* sdn network (openflow). I thought shitting up some switches and a simple topology in python, with network namespaces, was no big deal. Well it turned out it was and they turned 200 lines script into some 13k monstrosity, split over couple folders and dozens of files.
Python doesn't force you to think about the structure of your project like ML-family of languages does, so for scripting anything that has a possibility of growing, i always go for OCaml or Haskell. They guide you to structure your project in a way that it's easy to reason about the program and also avoid a good portion of bugs that you would run into if you used python (or perl or whatever).

What do you mean by go-to language?
Also, shouldn't it be to-go?

because I'm a process operator in a factory that manufactures silicon wafers and you stupid fucks use our products in any device that has a cpu of any kind

It's a common English expression for default

>can do literally everything you can do in C
What about embedded systems?

>easy to learn
Documentation is very shitty

That's a disadvantage

nvm then

Is Tcl worth learning?

The syntax in R is horrible. It's clearly not made for programmers. I am moving from Matlab to Python but I'd rather change careers than go to R.

Explain this bullshit.

>As a side note, I'm not sure why Sup Forums shits on R so hard.
Are you sure you're not confusing rust and R? I almost never see much mention of R here, but rust is shilled day in, day out

looks like terminus ttf
I use it on windows since windows doesn't actually have font rendering but rather font-throwing-up or font-shitting where the font rendering is an attempt at emulating what it would look like if you asked someone to shit or throw up in a font shaped pattern.

likely not

i'd rather use perl if i'm forced to use a typeless language on the go.

There is a couple of reasons why Tcl still exists and none of them is being Tcl such a good technology itself. By my understanding, even most Tcl devs see that.

So, no.

No one on Sup Forums hates on R, it's a top tier language. On the opposite end of the spectrum from python lol

Rust may be shilled but not hated on, it's decent. Atleast 100% better than python

It creates a new code object with no stack and the first and only instruction tries to pop a value from the stack.

I use it for most things at work but I'm slowly moving away from it towards JavaScript and NodeJS.

With frameworks like Express/Koa writing simple backend services is both easy and performant. NodeJS has insane ability to handle a lot of requests and connections despite using just one core. And the newest addition of async/await makes it so nice to write async code that I'm literally cumming buckets.

>mfw the browser is becoming the new terminal

I constantly feel retarded and inadequate, so i can only use Ruby, Python on various cancerous JS frameworks.
I hate myself and i want to die.
(Rails is a n-nice framework t-though).

NodeJS has nothing to do with the JS interpreters within modern browsers my poorly-informed friend.

Only because of the java enterprise toolchain and platforms. You could easily the same of jython. Although I do think scala is kick ass.

>he thinks the current front-end/back-end paradigm is going to persist through the advances in web technology

How does it feel knowing a dinosaur language from the 1950s is faster than your kiddie scripting?

I don't know how you read that form my post, nor am I entirely sure what you mean by that.


>using node.js and its shitty buggy internal web server instead of an actual server

>Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

But those JS fags are better paid than any C++ embedded developer.
The SV bubble is real.

>oops extra space on that line
>oops not enough spaces on that line
>space space space space space
magic spacebar scripting language

>oops extra bracket on that line
>oops not enough brackets on that line
>bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket
magic bracket programming language

>In fields where the companies are liable and their software has to actually work, like aerospace or defense, you'll never see python being used in production.
lmao my dad used to work for Baker Hughes and they spent tons of money buying some shit startup seismic package or whatever written in python but all it was was a fucking gui basically and the actual important shit was almost non existent cause the idiots who wrote it didn't actually know jack shit about programming or geophysics.

Also why The Haliburton buy out fell through cause they took one look at Baker-Hughes and were like Jesus Christ fuck this retarded shithole of a company.

So anyway tl;dr sometimes big companies that do serious work are fucking retarded I guess.