Lern the HolyC !!!
Install TempleOS !!!
Terry really needs to stay away from kids.
>2018 - 1 month
>not using the only operating system that God himself gave the instructions for
>I am Divine King Terry, the Terrible, of the Holy Roman Catholic Kingdom, AZ/NV
Screencasts then: /comfy/ programming spaceship games in templeOS in a bright clean bedroom with the alpha bird singing on the background.
Screencasts now: smoking non stop, drunk waifu stalking and singing rock'n'roll while coughing his lungs out every other word.
Occasionally memories of his glory days, watches family pictures, shows his undergrad transcripts and recalls clever workarounds he made. Then he gets angry, explosively rants about something and suddenly calms down and read gods words or the bible.
Why is he always so angry?
Terry should lift
Zeus himself weeps knowing that chiselled jaw is laying to waste
bc cia telling hin that random numbers dont exist.
...he has a talking space alien!
anyone have the link to watch it on mpv? watching it on the website is aids
old tread
how do you define an array?
there's nothing in the holy c doc, text search for array comes up with nothing there actually.
I don't think sizeof does what I think it does either.
there's some examples I can find of arrays being used in other programs but they do weird things like U8 array = {1,2,3} and I thought U8 was supposed to be a char. I mean when I change mine to U8 I just get the same error
check BOOL Cvt(char *in_name,char *out_name,BOOL cvt_ascii)
in TOSZ.cpp
I blame the Diana imposter.
1. cannot initialise massives inside function
2. size() return size in bytes
I'm 27 and have same body as Terry, how do I fix it?
>tfw constantly learning about holyc quirks
This one is pretty annoying.
memcopy it
if you were the Chosen One that bend over backward to entertain god 24/7, build him an OS and was promised world domination and 72 waifus, you too would be angry if you still found yourself homeless and waifuless.
he got a drumkit
>>Get used to it
This shit is f-cking perfect!
new version?
I'm writing a custom WinMgr to display 9x style windows/ctrls
You Terry ?
Anyone has the vid of Jerry jerking off on a couch?
Who the fuck is Jerry?
Sorry i meant Henry
sorry i meant garry
That's it, t, Terry will excommunicate you for this.
That's really cool user
should be good as long as the icons aren't multimedia
Wow, that looks great.
Windows NT 3.51 copy next?
how good is the HolyC optimizer? does the linker work?