User we need your help!

>Just have 1 user apply for a job at the welfare centers of all 50 USA states. They plug in a USB with WANNACRY malware on it that bricks all welfare databases on a given date. Most welfare sponges live month to month so will immediately riot. Trump declares martial law. This chaos spreads to Europe: Revolution starts.

Can we discuss this further? Who can create this malware? What else should be planned? Who is willing to volunteer for this plan? We need to anonymously organize this and meme it to reality boys.

reported to the proper authorities
he who betrays america betrays his fellow countrymen. all traitors must hang.

Why would anyone want to do that? Sounds like a stupid motive for a revolution.
Reported for illegal actions btw.

What the fuck are you niggers up to now?

its fucking hypothetical

OMFG Why does this not surprise me.
Were just having fun because were bored moron stop falling for our trolling.

ITT: People who don't know what larping is.

This satire isnt fun anymore. Lets take it offline instead.

It was wrong of us to assume Americans would go along with our satire. They are hopelessly enslaved, body and mind, to their overlord.
>9/11 is an inside job
>jews attack USS liberty on purpose
These thing mean nothing to the common American.
Pic very related.

>business critical databases all run on Windows

I'm not bashing SQL server but from my experience you're more likely to find DB2/ADABAS/Oracle on a Unix or mainframe, especially with some huge slow government department

So you were either shitposting in jest or shitposting in all seriousness. Either way you niggers were shitposting and this either being reported for illegal shit or reported for being off-topic, so you get what you deserve really.

Doesn't sound very ````hypothetical'''', kiddo. Enjoy your interrogation and subsequent imprisonment lmao

>huge slow government department
Why is horrible government IT a universal fact? LOL

> le ebin Sup Forums needs your help to TRUMP le cucks XDD
Seriously every fucking week with your bullshit.
Maybe if you guys weren't mouth breathing retards you could go do things for yourself.

too bad america betrayed its people

go on, stay there

More proof that Sup Forums is entirely made of teenage LARPers who don't know how anything in the world works.

>attempting to organize cyberterrorism on /pol
How to get v& by the FBI: An illustrated guide


Not your personal army faggots.

Next you'll mess with football.
Do people really not remember that?

God just go back to ffs. I swear all of you are le ebin native kekistanis from reddit and twitter who literally never lurked before they posted.
We aren't your personal army, faggot


I'm really unsure if this is cleverly constructed bait, or whether this is genuinely some Reddit child who has never lurked in his life


Sup Forums absolutely btfo