What the fuck happened?

>Opened up my case to clean dust
>Took off CPU heatsink and replaced paste
>Put everything back
>Start it up
>Fans and power come on but nothing appears on displays

Have I just fucked up big?

You didn't plug something in properly.

could be video card is loose, monitor cable loose, monitor switched off

>Took off CPU heatsink and replaced paste

Gone back over it and I can't imagine what it could be.

Mobo light is green but on startup the DRAM LED flashes red twice then turns off

try reseating cpu. or if you have heatsink that you can tighten like a water cooled you could have it on too tight

You're supposed to do this every 3-6 months m8

Something isn't plugged in or seated properly.

Pull CMOS battery and wait 10 mins, try again

about to go to bed but will try to help if u respond quick. what motherboard do you have?

If you don't replace it weekly then you shouldn't even bother

According to whom? The thermal paste industry?

M5A97 R2

Wondering if I should try mem OK?

yes, hit mem ok button and see what happens. that was my reason for asking

Well, pressed that and it started to do its thing but after a few seconds the PC shuts off without restarting

Pic with the heatsink removed

>heatsink off
>LED on
What are you doing

I was trying to give a better pic of the board, will the over temp shutdown really happen that quickly without a heatsink? The CPU isn't even hot

ok. gotta take it down to basics and build back up.
remove video card, all RAM but 1 stick, make sure no dust in RAM slots, connect video cable to onboard video. remove cmos, unplug computer, wait at least 10 min. and retry. verify cpu power connector seated firm.
see what happens.
if that works start adding back mem 1 at a time and then video card

amd's heat up quick. doubt that's it tho. if cpu is not getting warm then you have no power to it or motherboard died.

Is that plugged in all the way?

>3 ram sticks on a dual channel motherboard
>no cable management
>fucking AMD

Your stupidity hurts me physically.

Take off those ram sticks, take off your graphics card, put it back and try the PC with the HEATSINK ON THE CPU by putting those ram sticks back in one at a time in to slots 2 and 4 (counting from left to right).

If you try and boot it without a heatsink you're asking for it to die. They do have thermal cutouts, but the heating is so fast the temp sensor doesn't have time to heat up before damage occurs.

hard to tell from pic. u have modular psu from what i can tell. just unplug and push back in firm. cpu power connector is sitting beside cpu tho. to the right of cpu in pic.

If it's nothing else (improper/missing connection or damaged hardware), dust can be conductive too so you could check that. When I've neglected cleaning out out case before, my computer would mysteriously shutdown until I cleaned it out. There was also a time where I was working with a microcontroller that had exposed pins on the underside of the board, and a fleck of dust or hair was actually shorting out two of the pins and causing the system to crash

come on man. at least he's trying and even asking for help. but yeah fuck amd. and yeah 3 ram on dual channel not helping either.

Will try this

Okay, I've reseated the heatsink and the PC now stays on.

Yep, all the way in

Op you have the same case, mobo, and GPU as me.


Good luck fixing your shit

good sign now that it stays on. like another poster said dust can cause all kinds of problems. make sure NO dust in RAM slots

One thing I've gleaned from looking all over my case is several power cables are just slightly out of their sockets, half a millimetre. Unfortunately reseating them doesn't seem to be fixing my problems

I had the same problem; I woke up one morning and my computer was doing that.

turned out one of the sticks of ram was being shit, so every time I want to turn on my pc I have to take the ram out, start it so it works, turn it off, put the ram back in and start it.

so your problem is that something instead seated right, doesn't mean something is busted.

take it apart and rebuild it

probably you put your cpu in wrong and the pins aren't all aligned...
another possibility is that gpu is unhooked?

Sorry what do you mean by onboard video? My monitor is DVI and there's no port other than the video cards ones for it

i didn't look up your board. some boards come with video made on mobo but that's becoming less common these days. follow previous instructions about rebuilding and cmos reset. be sure to unplug power or it won't reset.

Adding on to this, still the only clue I've got is the DRAM led flashing twice, but Asus documentation says there's only a problem if it stays on

if you end up having to buy a new mobo or cpu take the loss and go intel. AMD is a major pain in the ass. they are cheaper for a reason.

Alrighty, removed video card, all RAM, mobo power and reseated everything

First successful boot to the display but before the OS starts I get a CPU fan error, looking into bios now

good shit, make sure cpu fan is plugged onto board and spinning. if you continue to get the error then cpu fan is probably bad. there's a wire on the connector that communicates with mobo that can go bad. buy new cpu fan and u should be good if that's the case. also check bios and clear error logs. could be an error from when u turned it on without heatsink/fan attached

>he fell for the meme
Just monitor your temps.
If your temps are still fine you don't need to touch anything.

sorry but i gotta hit the bed man. almost 5am here on east coast. sounds like u are well on your way. glad it's working. happy to help

Yep, tweaked settings in bios and it's all working fine, crisis averted

Thanks for all your help!

To answer
I'm all too aware it's a hacked together AMD box. It was built when my weekly salary was ~20 bucks a week and is really just a hodgepodge of what I could afford. I've got an FX-6300 in nearly 2018 for fucks sake.

Forgot to add, after all that trouble my CPU temps are riding way cooler now

It's always the RAM

>never replaced paste on any of my pc
>never had a problem with temps

you fell for meme fag