You get unfettered access to his laptop for one (1) minute. What do you do?

You get unfettered access to his laptop for one (1) minute. What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Install Windows.

Steal the emacs source

Copy the drive contents to a flash drive.

rm -rf /*

Check for CP and other weird shit

>take out battery
>leave with battery

install gentoo

install Alpine Linux


It sure that has some wierd password and everything encrypted

change the gpl

>ok google, define unfettered
acquire noods ofc

Is it still a lemote?

I make a program in MIPS assembly that prints "have a nice day, Mr. Stallman" and run it. About all I can do in a minute.

No. It's a Libreboot Thinkpad T60/X60

I'd clone the hard drive if I had more than a minute, he probably has some gay ass encryption that'll be a pain to exploit

Oh. Well I'll install Rust on it, open emacs, and leave a message for him that he needs to re-discover the joy of programming.

this right here and hope its his only backup of everything he has

i want to make a grown man cry

Same as RMS himself. Check his email and shitpost on his personal domain

change his background

steal linux source code

already did so

Take a dump on the keyboard and close it.

poo in it

t. Pajeet

nice job you got the joke! congrats on your first post also buddy! keep up the great work!

I would install proprietary software

I can't find versions of this page with "another caveman" or "I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophillia" as hyperlinks what is the deal? I want to know who the caveman is and I need to know what rhinophytonecrophillia is, beside as a joke.

Oh man I just remembered ugoto, any archives still up?

Cum in the io ports

Give it the ol' one stroke poke would ya? The one pump dump, the one thrust and bust ah?

Install Google chrome, set homepage as Google and then cum in the fan.

Write 'u r a faget' in his Emacs.


>grown man

Try my damndest to get it into my ass
Have you ever put a laptop in your ass in under a minute, OP?

i'd carve a dong on the lid

here is what that links to

even worse install windows 10 S.

Here's the original page It's like halfway down the page

The "another caveman" link is dead, but it used to go to

The nasal sex story is here

>One of them said he was upset when you talked about nasal sex with plants

You can't even get the installer to the license key entry in a minute

Stab stallman to death

export EDITOR="/usr/bin/rm"

This can't be real.

It is very real. See

>Stallman being this much of a degenerate
How have I not realised that Stallman is mentally insane since now?
For fucks sake, I once idolised him.

I still do with regards to software and hardware. He is most certainly a degenerate though.

Install Windows 8

he'll eat it

>people are STILL too retarded to understand that "nasal sex with plants" is an autistic attempt at a joke referring to smelling them

he's a neckbeard with a cp stash, no wonder Sup Forums thinks he's god

copy his ~/.emacs and ~/.emacs.d/

Stallman is a good newfag filter, only a fucking retarded newfag would ever take that degenerate piece of shit as anything but a walking joke.

Start a Windows install

Change his root password.
Change the PATH so all he can do is open ed.
Lock the bashrc so he can't make changes.
Alias emacs and vi to ed.

1. Image his hdd
2. Install Windows
3. VM full-screen image of his original hdd
4. He thinks it's fine but he's running Windows
5. Masterbate furiously

wtf I hate Stallman now.

echo 'deb testing contrib non-free ' > /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update

>wtf is pendrive install of xp

Immediately throw it off a cliff because it undoubtedly contains child pornography

Check out his porn