I pop adhd meds, drink coffee, smoke ciggys and code all day. Occasionally i'll do cocaine.
Any other tweaker's out there?
I pop adhd meds, drink coffee, smoke ciggys and code all day. Occasionally i'll do cocaine.
Any other tweaker's out there?
yeah but i dont code. i just take adderall and masturbate for 6 hours straight
I take Lithium so I don't get too paranoid or delusional about what I'm doing, but then again it's for everything else too.
where do you get your shit?
the dark web ;)
Well i used to smoke a shitton of weed.
It really fucked with my creativity and speed when solving problems.
Caffeine and good regulated sleep nowadays.
modafinil + coffee is my stuff
all the people who say weed doesn't do anything are retarded if you are a heavy smoker for a couple years you become so fucking slow
i smoked some weed in the summer. it turned me into a lazy retard. creativitiy my ass - all I wanted to do is eat shit, watch stupid sitcoms and masturbate like a monkey.
maybe my problem is that I have a high IQ and all weed does is dumbing me down. it probably feels different for small minded low IQ plebs and they really might perceive some increase in creativity because it get synapses firing that aren't used much by dumb people.
if you only smoked in the summer thats probably the reason desu like once you get used to it after long usage it helps you get shit done but i'm wondering if this happens since your so used to weed you cant do stuff without it
Indeed, i smoked very heavily for over 3 years.
Shit made me slow, unmotivated, and downright dumb as shit.
I've met so many people who would "code" while beeing blasted out of their mind, thinking they are super leet coders because they could program a simple double linked list for uni homework.
I don't really hate weed per se, just the culture surrounding it.
I might start it again if live allows it (aka stable job, house, wife etc), but wasting precious years in your 20s just so you could be the mental equivalent of a couch potatoe is just plain stupid.
Don't do drugs kids, and if you do make sure your life is sorted out.
Otherwise you are no better than random soundcloud rappers.
i did the same thing desu from about 15 - just before i turned 19 took a fuck tone on drugs and went a bit mental. was sorta good because i wouldn't have gotten out of it otherwise. i fucked up college but have just managed to scrape my way into uni. i am dumb as shit now but i hope it's just from being out of practice of using my brain intensely
Are you 16 years old or a grown man who still acts like a degenerate child?
how do you even get introduced to drugs? ive had a lot of shit problems in my life and i never even had a drop of alcohol.
The pills in your stock photo look like paracetamol
Yes same here, smoked from about 20 to 24, last 3 years multiple grams a day.
Went through some tough episodes where i would break down mentally.
Tried to stop hundreds of times.
Eventually got my shit together, moved to another town and got back into university.
Doing great now.
Even though im ~2-3 years older then most of my peers i have a different attitude towards learning now.
Yes i definitely wasted those years, but i've been playing catchup ever since.
to be honest i wouldn't say it's a really bad thing since it's probably better to go through a drug phase when you are young instead of like 30 - 40 when it will have a lot more serious consequences. What are you studying?
Computer Science.
Im trying to focus on more low level / security stuff.
Currently taking courses on RE, i would love to work as a malware analyst someday.
It's just been a blast to finally see that yes indeed your brain IS capable of doing complex stuff, if you allow it to grow.
Back in those dark days i would fail hardcore at even the most mundane programming tasks.
I take antidepressives, antispsychotics and anxiety relieving meds to have a semblance of normalcy.
It's alright I guess, but it kills my sex drive.
come clean and realize that your code is dirt
que te pasa?
do elaborate user. what address do you actually put on your package and how do you pay?
nice good luck to you senpai i hope you do well, i should be starting software engineering next year i'm excited
I write excellent code while being just a teeny tiny little bit high from weed, but I can't understand the code when I'm not high and when I'm stoned I can't code at all
are you me?
Facebook.com it really help me out when I was in need
Your doctor sucks m8
He's giving you the worse benzo, antipsychotics, antidepressants AND strong stuff for schizophrenia, that is a terrible combo and doesn't make much sense.
pls go to a different doctor
source: my mom is a psychiatrist
Mejoraté amigo, nunca te vas a sentir normal con esa medicación, solamente peor
Sometimes I take my boyfriends ritalin if I need to focus extra hard on something.
I microdose speed occasionally when I really want to focus on something/get something done. If it's good enough for the military it's good enough for me too...
Good luck mate.
I actually wanna try this some time.
Sounds painful to both your dick tissue and all glands appended.
>taking advice given on Sup Forums
Perhaps the individual has schizophrenia
And your dick STILL works? Fucking congrats f a m