RIP in piece aplul, we hardly knew ye
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Wow, Samsung is faster at opening basic apps which are actually different to each other and open in different ways.
Meanwhile, the iPhone X is miles ahead where it counts.
>where it counts?
making calls and reply to SMS?
its me or the samsung phone litteraly skips some opening animations
Not a samshit and oxygen os has faster animations. Which can be turned off altogether to get even faster performance and battery life.
>Turning off animations results in better battery life
Animations especially today take up a significant amount of RAM, CPU, and GPU resources and delay increase the phone's OST because you have to wait for them.
Now 1 animation won't do anything significant but over the course of the day your phone may render hundreds to thousands of these little fuckers and all that will add up at the end of the day and your battery will mercilessly pay.
But reducing animation speeds doesn't speed up the actual loading time. Does it really make that much of a difference? Legit curious.
>But reducing animation speeds doesn't speed up the actual loading time.
It actually does but only slightly. That ~0.5 second animation is performed first before even loading the app in most cases and resources are used to render it.
>Does it really make that much of a difference? Legit curious.
Not short term but long term you'll keep saving that ~0.5 second of time spent on animations which will improve performance, battery life, and things will just feel snappier.
I recommend you experiment in the dev settings as most just shorten animations to 0.5X. Though once you turn them off you won't want them on anymore.
I have mine set to half since I still like having them but wanted it to go faster. It dose make quite a difference. It doesn't speed up the loading times but it's done loading before the animation finishes anyway.
Apps open really fast generally, and with how many of them are tested, and how many of them stay in RAM OP easily shaves off 10 seconds here. But in reality it gives better IMPRESSION of speed rather than actual speed, so it's a win-win for OP.
Nice oppossum video user.
lmao dude
you may laugh but countries like germany have shitty mobile data plans which is fucking sad... even poland have like 50gb of bonus for 20€ [after top up]
ye, it's works like cable one in big cities, I downloaded all DBZ episodes with this
I live in a country with great data plans, we still use sms, it have nothing to do with data plans, price have nothing to do with it.
Sms is just easier when you don't know the receiver that well.
The major alternative to sms is imessage because users do not distinguish between the two.
You can cry about it all you want, but sms is a "good enough" messaging system where you can reliably send messages to people using their phone number.
you can also use Sup Forums which is even better
dude, you literally spending no moneys through internet [including calls] get a life
How is Sup Forums a replacement for sms?
Calls and sms are just as cheap as data.
I pay $10/month and everything is included. Who gives a fuck about pricing structure?
>editing video on a fucking phone
Too poor to afford a proper workstation?
Man, that reminds me of my sister who is up to her neck with leases and credit card loans, frequency misses rent and credit card due dates, all the while bragging to her family and friends how rich she is showing off her apple products.
Already sat her down to talk with her how much financial strain she's putting our parents through but in the end she doesn't give a fuck.
She's just thinking differently, user.
You post this, but yet what we see in reality is the new Apple iPhone X coming out on top.
Your video is just anecdotal, probably paid for by [default manufacturer] to make Apple iPhone X look bad.
When we look at professional reviews by The Verge, Mashable, 9to5Mac etc, we see that the new Apple iPhone X comes at the top of every class.
Amateur YouTube reviewers need not apply. We all know Google owns YouTube, and [default manufacturer] gives out free devices and pays for good reviews.
Don’t be fool by paid evangelism [guys / gents / friends], stay on your guard.
How much did apple pay you to write that post?
Thing kink deaf foe rant.
Are you stupid or genuinely retarted?
Every single tech-review YouTuber can't say shit about the X except Unbox therapy and Tech smart, even that niggerMkbhd was paid by Apple you say that animoji isn't a gimmick.
So yeah, seeing a 1200$ phone got rekt by a chink 500$ phone was very funny
+10 rupees to you account.
That's the smartest thing you've said to date frogposter.
Please do not be racist, it is against the rules and is antithetical to a inclusive and tolerant society.
You are merely insulting me and others because you do not have a refutation to the superiority of the new Apple iPhone X.
That is where it counts for the majority of apple users
> falling for the stupidly obvious reverse-shill
I honestly can't tell which side is larping what. Man, how did Sup Forums become this boring?
>where it counts
>opens 5 fucking games
>+editing on a phone wtf if u are so rich to buy 1000$ phone you can buy also 2000$ work station or laptop , right?
>Icon modes in clock app
>left median
>poorfag doesn’t even edit on the go while he’s out with his friends and work colleagues
>not being the first to upload the next hit video in glorious 4K/60FPS
>his workstation can't be remotely accessed
Are you even trying?
yeah where it counts, androshitters running apps without fancy effects.
It's like those pro gamurs running everything on low to get max fps. Bravo, the meme is even with all effects on applel still shits on all androcuck """"fagships"""".
Grats, I'd give you a medal lads.
you're trying too hard
For what reason do you make these threads? Saged you retarded phoneposter.
I think OP is just trying to show that a phone that costs half as much as the iPhone X performs better. iPhones are and always have been overpriced but yeah it's pretty much common knowledge here. At least it should.