Whats the lightest yet safest AV out there...

Whats the lightest yet safest AV out there? Every AV claims its light on the system but most of them use up a lot of resources on my computer

Windows Defender

well Sup Forums will tell you common sense and i agree with them. those so called anti-malware programs contain exploits and security holes that makes your system even more vulnerable.
also they do some unnecessary operations like forcefully inject they process in to browser or some shit like that. not familiar with this though.

Linux based OS

bitdefender free is p comfy

Avira runs fine for me, but I did not have a single virus warning in the last few years, so I can not tell about its performance during system checks. At least there are no noticeable background tasks, that slow down my PC.
The only thing I despise are these notifications like pic related.

If you're on Win10 and you practice the Sup Forums common sense meme, you don't need anything else. Microsoft security essentials is built into defender now. Why waste system resources on crapware?


This if you're running Windows.

And to the folks that say "common sense", that might work great for you but remember you've got other folks on your LAN who might be retarded. Always a good idea to patch and have at least a signature based AV solution running on any Windows PC.

I also recommend changing your DNS settings to point to OpenDNS's free servers or a the very least hardcoding them in your home router. Keeps said retards from continuing to infect your network.

im using W7 atm (no memes)

Should I ditch my current AV? I have AVG but I feel like its doing nothing but choke my pc

What do people think of clamwin?


Post specs

Everyone is saying Defender is the lightest but all the tests I've seen show the opposite. So which is it?

when I meant choke I meant eating up RAM with some processes

use avira my dude

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Common sense & Computer Knowledge

Haven't used any AVs for 15+ years and I've never been infected by anything

Though I'm more paranoid than most people so that helps a lot

Ya care to show us these tests

AVG is absolute cancer, uninstall it and get Microsoft Security Essentials, which is what Defender is on 8.1 and 10.

why so many MS shills in this thread