IS python actually good for a starter language? Want to get gud at something at my life and bored of doing fuck all. Pls help, I wanna become game dev. People suggest Python for starter language...
IS python actually good for a starter language? Want to get gud at something at my life and bored of doing fuck all...
Language doesn't matter, what matters is how productive you are
If you want to game dev, probably use C++. Its the main game dev language, and you'll want to stay motivated for the next 2000 hours or so.
No. Learn C.
Why don't you just try it and make your own mind?
>I wanna become game dev.
I'd suggest C++ for this, but I suppose python does have a few libraries for game development too
also this
i'd learn C/C++
>Its the main game dev language, and you'll want to stay motivated for the next 2000 years or so.
Stop shilling pajeet. Python is dead.
I would get the basics down by learning python, then learn C or C++ for actual coding since it's much more efficient
Or use a game engine like unity if you're a dirty normie
Python is the most fun language. You'll hate all the bullshit you'll have to put up with when you code in C or whatever. C++ is bullshit squared.
jump straight to unity
Is the CIA sponsoring python? We know from Vault7 that python is full of exploits.
>python is full of exploits
You mean exploits are written in Python.
Start with a game engine and it scripting language
Choose one:
Godot is Python-like (and going to Python)
Torque is C like
Unity is C#
Unreal is C++
Apple IOS is Swift
Browser games are Javascript
>Programming indie games in C++
Don't listen to this guy
Anyway python is easy but it's also pretty different from most other langauges. You may have a hard time switching to a new one. You can make games with godot in python if you want to.
Knowing how to program isn't about specific language. If you know how to program and need to use a specific language for something you can pick up the basics in an hour and be reasonably fluent in a few days.
Python seems easier when you look at the code, but the combination of no strict typing, only showing errors at runtime and the error messages it does show being often incomprehensible and useless for debugging, especially for a beginning programmer, makes teaching yourself with Python an exercise in frustration.
Java isn't as easy to understand at a glance and grinding out all the boilerplate code takes longer, but it's overall more organized and easier to figure out what everything does since you can see all of the datatypes in the source code.
Plus, the OOP part of Python is shit with weird mismatched syntax and you have to use all kinds of stupid workarounds and syntactical loopholes for things that are basic functionality in other languages' OOP systems.
Take your meds Terry.
Actually, you shouldn't care about the "I wanna be a gamedev" when it comes to choosing your first language.
What you'll have to master is OOP and algorithms.
Then, when wanting to create a game, you will code it with what is needed by the platform you want your game to be run on.
Python is very good.
Python is excellent.
Python is wonderful.
You may not be exposed to as many things as, let's say, with C... But it's not a big deal.
List comprehensions (easy syntax), generators, lambdas, OOP... Go for it.
And code using atom and pylint3 (thus, you will learn a lot about what you should write and what you shouldn't).
Execute in terminal.
>No strict typing
Python is strictly typed, I don't think you know what that means. Dynamic typing != Weak typing.
And I don't see why people complain about dynamic typing, I like not having to type out the int or float or whatever.
Plus a decent linter will warn you about type changes.
So Python is good enough for a starting language I guess then I can branch out onto other languages?
Yes, just start coding
Yes sir.
Yes go.
But you should also have a good book/website with proper exercises on complexity, how to think an algorithm, recuring problems, etc..
There already was a thread asking the same fucking thing you stupid fuck
I fail to see where tf you read the 'indie' part
I don't why I wrote the first part of this, for some reason I got strict and strong mixed up and accused him off getting mixed up.
Yeah I don't see why static typers don't just use a debugger if they have these issues.
Yes, if/else statements, loops and basic shit is the same no matter what you're using. So it doesn't't really matter what you start with.
Considering that actually working for a big video game company is the worst job imaginably I just assumed you weren't telling him to do that
Having to be mindful of data types is good for helping a beginning programmer understand what's going on in their code.
Python often likes to fuck around with your datatypes for no good reason, especially when it comes to user input.
Python was my first language and I still have bad memories about a CS assignment where we had to reinvent several basic list functions (add, join two lists, remove, insert) and it insisted on adding every single user input to the list as a string for no good reason so I had to write a whole set of helper functions longer than the list manipulation part of the program to check the datatype of the input before I did anything with it.
It will teach you programming, but since it has no types or polymoprphism you will miss a lot of the basics
>but since it has no types or polymoprphism
u wot m8
Just because types determine whether a particular class fits that type rather than the other way around doesn't mean it doesn't have types or polymorphism.
yes it's good as start but don't stop there
i recommend "learn python the hard way" for learning
Why is Python 2 backward compatible with Python 1 but Python 3 is not backward compatible with Python 2?
Some of it's fucking dumb, I'll give you that. So many simple scripts could use py3 as a drop in replacement if not for the fact that they changed print from a statement to a built in function.
But the problem with making everything backwards-compatible is then you accumulate tons of cruft that you can't touch like Java and it's various examples of "well we fucked up but now that code in the wild depends on our fuckup we can't go back and fix it".
let me ask you this, why do you avoid deprecation warnings?
Easiest would be C#, turbo easy
>game dev
>not deving with python
What? input() always returns a string. That's the exact opposite of fucking around with types for no reason.
Why are so many of the vocal python haters so ignorant of the language?