Who here /immediately turn off tap to click on a new laptop/?
Who here /immediately turn off tap to click on a new laptop/?
>not using tap to click
jesus, you must buy really shitty laptops if your trackpads aren't usable.
>relying on shitty gestures over physical feedback
Nah, I wish I could turn off "click to click" and tap all the way.
tap to click is fucking annoying, same with "natural scrolling" i disable both and when anyone uses my laptop they immediately try to use both first
I used to use it heavily on my Asus Eee PC 900. These days I stick to ThinkPads and disable the whole trackpad in the BIOS right away.
I use tap to click on Windows laptops as the trackpad button is usually shit. On the MacBook, I click.
Depends on the trackpad
All these years later, and Windows computers still cannot nail a fucking trackpad's software, the main method of interacting with the GUI. How much fucking work does it take to reverse engineer a MBP's trackpad? Is it that hard to make a good trackpad? Jesus. My X230's was shoddy as fuck, as was my X220's. I had an E130 which wasn't bad and I currently use a W530 which is satisfactory, best of the ThinkPads I've used. I can't wait until I'm not a poorfag who has to fuck around with multiple redundant Winderps machines. Amazing hardware but Windows is dogshit and Linux is worse. Hackintosh isn't reliable enough on this machine and I'll probably get my Apple ID banned.
Tap to click is the best, as the vast majority of Windows laptops have absolutely abhorrent clicking mechanisms. When are any of them going to have a haptic feedback mechanism that emulates a clicking sensation, like the MacBook did in 2015? are they going to keep mechanical diving board mechanisms forever?
If your trackpad isn't also a physical button you're using a shitty trackpad.
I just turn off the touchpad completely. The nub is superior (if present). Otherwise I just use a mouse.
> Not using a Thinkpad with Trackpoint only.
Wow, look at all these unique and special snowflakes itt
>Hehe no tap to click I'm so cool haha no one is like me XD
fucking commit suicide
It's worked flawlessly on every laptop I owned, no misclicks whatsoever.
I prefer it.
Asus has some laptops with better trackpads than Apple has (I don't know about those tactile pseudo click things in the new ones called force touch). If you rely on anything Sup Forums tries to sell you you're going to have a bad time, m'lady
Depends on the laptop. On one of my old ones, I always had it on because the actual LMB got fucked up by overuse, so it was convenient to not have to rely on it to click on things. On others, I turn it off since it can just be more annoying than anything.
How can you guys live without tap to click and natural scrolling
Having to push that to click all the time is fucking annoying. You can easily get used to not doing accidental clicks when tapping. I use a magic trackpad a lot and I seriously have no trouble with that.
And natural scrolling is just logical. You're not using a mouse wheel. You're dragging a page. When you use a phone or a tablet, you don't drag your fingers down to go down the page, it makes no sense.
>Friend wants to buy a laptop
>Recommend some, goes for some new cheap ASUS instead
>Only has drivers for Windows 10
>Install those for the trackpad
>Oh hey amazing gestures, it--
>100% CPU usage while using the trackpad, laptop slows down to a crawl even with an SSD
Yeah, fuck that.
disable tap to click,
disable smooth scroll / inertia
invert scroll direction.
max comf
that isn't the default on macbooks
>Only has drivers for Windows 10
Yeah that's what you get for being retarded, I guess. It's not like you cannot see that before buying.
>click click click click click
It's annoying in quiet rooms.
>Being this poor
I use / have used only Apple laptops, so I don't have to deal with peasant-tier workaround like tap-to-click.
I can guarantee you did not complain about the scroll direction of trackpads being “unnatural” before Apple release natural scrolling.
>But you’re dragging a page
No I’m fucking not. That only makes sense if you’re touching the screen. Are you touching your laptop screen? Didn’t think so.
Don’t forget:
>Enable drag lock
I feel sick when I watch people struggling to drag while keeping the trackpad pressed
Using your trackpad to scroll on a Mac is just as responsive as it is on a phone, probably even more responsive actually. You can literally roll the tips of your fingers up and down to accurate scroll pixel by pixel. It's not hard to make the mind body connection between flicking up to scroll down.
>disable smooth scroll / inertia
>invert scroll direction.
Absolutely disgusting.
But I’ve been scrolling the old way for so long now, user. Why should I change?
Plus I still don’t feel like I’m really touching anything, responsiveness or no.
>trackpad with no physical buttons
If you're doing anything else you're doing it wrong.
This. Love my Thinkpad, and have the touchpad disabled completely.
Tap to click has its uses. If you need to use a laptop in absolute silence, it's pretty nice. Unfortunately, it also makes it easier to misclick.
>Hunni in class sees me diddling my thinkpad clit
>Getting visibly aroused
if by immediately turn off you mean immediately install arch so that it doesn't work anyway then yes I immediately turn off tap to click on new laptops
It's good for quiet and fast clicking
get out b8
Mostly use the trackpoint anyway
When I use the touchpad I make sure normal scrolling is enabled and use the trackpoint buttons anyway
Buttons below the touchpad were a mistake