I recently found my iPod touch 4g

i recently found my iPod touch 4g
what do?

Download as much gay porn as possible on it and shove it up your ass.

give it back

Sell it then leave you fag.

Destroy it.

Install visual novels on it


Browse the app store for the visual novels. And Google which english ones are available on the app store steins gate is I know that. Android doesn't have steins gate.

Then see if you can download VNDS on it. Android can do VNDS. See if Apple can. Or an alternative. I play Saya no Uta and tsukuhine and ever 17 on my Android through VNDS .

Doki Doki Literature Club on my Android as well

retarded nigger

Get a camera adapter cable and a usb midi keyboard, install synth VST's

Thats what i did with mine.

>Doki Doki Literature Club
opinion discarded

Give it back Jamal.

Jailbreak it and install iDroid

jailbreak it obviously (not recommended/necessary on more recent iOS, but for old it's a must)

stick in your ass

>1000 dollars grinder meme on Sup Forums

_____ it __ your ___

give it back manjaro

give it back devuan

I found mine also but it just has a white screen feelsbad

give back tyrone

sell it to me for a dollar, literally useless in this day n age

[spoiler]but on a serious answer, use it as a music player n shit[/spoiler]

put a benis init

tyrone, back it give

Just give it locked to random nigger and watch what happen.

>that old youtube app that came default with ios

paint it blue and throw it at the nearest body of water near you

It no longer works sadly.