Why linux distro do girls usually use?
Why linux distro do girls usually use?
source: im a girl
Mac OS
I hate women so fucking much. except for my mom
I'd avoid the living shit out of you if I ever saw you in public.
hint: if you have a dick you're not a girl
I doubt you are a girl
Proofread your post you illiterate fuckwit.
Your mom is just as bad as any other woman.
i dont have one
creepy af
Cancerous faggot pretending to be a girl
Dubs deserve proof
Open Bobs and Vagene.
oh, good. tits or gtfo then
Hannah Montana Linux
>without a dick
fucking dropped
Maximum cope. Most men are visibly balding at 40. Men who look good at 40 have been Chads their whole lives.
balding men can look good, sagging women can't
99% don't. Balding objectively murders a man's sex life. Stop coping.
Roastie detected, admit it, you would let a bald guy fuck you
iOS init blud.
girls don't use computers, they use phones. At a push they may have ipad.
But the only girl's I've ever known to own a computer are students, and usually their computers are broken because they're mentally retarded.
>hating on cottage cheese
Poor comparison
those look like soy curds
I don't believe anyone on the subject of sex on Sup Forums of all places, settle down there larper
>160 packages
Fucking nice.
Fuck yeah, I'm a straight male and have been using Debian for 4 years or so.
t. matthew santoro
I hate my mom the most because it was her who brought me to this disgusting existence full of unspeakable pain and suffering. Not many realize that this is the first and the most important reason why women are primary and eternal evil they are lifebringers but also deathbringers.
One of my female friends uses an arch laptop. She doesn't maintain it herself, her dad and brother do, but it still counts
>le age like wine meme
The majority of men become overweight and start balding in their adulthood. Those who are atttactive by middle age were already attractive
Face it, incels, if you're not attractive by your mid 20s, you will never be attractive at any point in your life
Well, both of my sisters like fedora 26.
Girls just wanna have Funtoo.
Its called gnu/linux
I met a ukrainian femanon on the r9k omegle tag on text. That stupid fucking cunt uses ubuntu. I really hope she dies in a car accident.
its just linux
Okay lets say your name was cuck. You wouldn't want me to call you cu, right? I'd call you cuck.
you're analogy really sucks
its just linux
cute uwu
60% GNU 40% Linux. Go back to /r/ linux nigger
>60% GNU
you wish, the sh*t that is gnu software barely makes up any of the actually used software in a normal linux system
>normal linux system
Keep calling it linux. you really aren't changing anything in this world. Most people call it gnu/linux anyway.
>Most people call it gnu/linux anyway
lol imagine being this delusional
mfw this guy really is mad.
I've literally never heard anyone call it GNU/linux unless they were making fun of people like you.
"I'd like to interject, its GAAHNOOOD linux"
she is a chubby girl with big clitoris that acts as little benis
Which gnu/linux distro do you use?
I don't use gnu/linux, I use arch linux (the name given to it by the creators, keep your gnu shit out of it)
>Most people call it gnu/linux anyway
My fucking sides