Which do you prefer user?


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i3 or dwm

Mind posting a screenshot of your dwm setup?

KDE, but don't take that as an endorsement.

What distro do you use? If you use debian thats great! Cause they explain how to customize dwm.


KDE, best Linux software is Qt/KDE based.
Thumbnails in the file picker
Customizable desktop
Light on resources (KDE Neon uses 400MiB)
GTK is deprecated shit.

>the year is 2018
>C and C++ merge in C+
>GTK+ and Qt merge into GQTKt+
>a hybrid DE combining the best of both worlds is born: GNKDOME


>Thumbnails in the file picker

Confirmed for not having used gtk in over 3 years. I have no problems seeing thumbnails in my file picker on Cinnamon.


This is the current state of the GTK filepicker.
Hope your "patch" won't get rejected again for the 10th time. Gnome devs are too busy to fix it, they have like 10 features to remove before 3.28

KDE, uses less RAM on startup.

I use Arch and Fedora, so similar steps, I suppose

just why? linus uses it for some reason

use debian. but yeah similar steps but their wiki is shit.


gnome is too weird for me now

Arch just werks for my gaming computer and Fedora has newer repos than Debian.

I prefer both Pacman and DNF to APT


Gnome, my workflow got better after trying it, dunno why since I thought it was designed for touchscreen devices.

I use it now on my pc and my thinkpad.




I prefer Gnome, only because nearly all my encounters with KDE (outside a VM) have been buggy as fuck. Also now that Canonical have gone back to Gnome it will be interesting to see what improvements they make to it in 18.04.

This is not what I would call a "thumbnail view". I wish there was a way to set a default file for all applications.

Just riced the fuck out of my KDE5
I used to despise it, it just takes lots and lots of work
Now I have wobbly windows and genie minimize animations, It's so cozy desu

dwm has perfect out of the box settings. Unless you want to rice it, you don't ever need to edit it.


Hitman is that you?

KDE is better, but they are both good.
>not using xmonad

What's your theme?

Does he still love trump or got fed up with his shitshow?



KDE if you want to use windows xp in 2017
Gnome if you want your computer to work like a 2010 nokia phone
Truly the century of the GNU PLUS Linux.

You could be right with KDE3.

if you're comparing fedora to stable yeah but centos/rhel is a more apt comparison

just use testing or unstable

between those two, gnome. installing debian net right now and I'm gonna install a tiling wm instead though

Other than some forks, Gnome2.x is effectively dead.


Do people still use Gnome? Why? Not only even the "hurr durr but KDE is bloated" argument is valid since KDE uses less RAM than Gnome


What are you even saying?

This space is for the eject buttons of your USB sticks.
Try inserting a USB stick and see it.

>KDE if you want to use windows xp
XP truly the best GUI not like modern win shit.

ootb it looks so nice that it doesn't need any rice

Obviously KDE.


KDE easily. GNOME is pure shit and a complete embarrassment. Not that KDE is perfect - personally I prefer something more along the lines of MATE or xfce.

>KDE if you want to use windows xp in 2017
Wtf I love KDE now.

s0 eYe c ur RunNing gahnoghmmm



GNOME is cancer and as long as it lives there'll be no year of the Linux desktop

Not i3

Dines only in Dorsia


*scrolls in xfce once*
Shit is ridiculous.



Both are bloat, but KDE is functional bloat.

... and when said eject buttons dont exist?

Restate your question.

This space is there so if you plug something in the button is not pushing the bar in the window.
its really a minor complaint.
Also you need to have OCD/autism to obsess over 20 pixels.

Gnome 3 is brain cancer.
My journey:
Old KDE ok
New KDE = shit
New Gnome AKA Gnome 3 = shit
Cinnamon = great.

Really makes you think

I3. Mostly I can just use the stock config, and just get work done. I add maybe ten lined to the config to bind audio keys and a screen locker

i3 (-gaps)

Of the 2 choices, KDE is the obvious choice.


I appreciate xfce but if you're running modern hardware I don't really see an advantage.

Turn on vsync in the window manager tweak settings.

The advantage is that it's light, quick, stays out if the way and looks decent. Unlike Gnome and KDE. I prefer to use my hardware to run applications instead of staring at de animations.

You can shut the animations off, and like it said as long as you have decent hardware it's going to run fast. You're not going to notice the difference unless your hardware is actually old enough to restrict your DE.

They are both awful and the epitome of why programmers shouldn't attempt GUI design. KDE comes out on top by a slight margin by virtue of their core devs not being absolute mega autists and their mascot being cute.


More customization, you can change a lot of what you see. The best file manager with the only google drive plugin that doesn't shit the bed on linux and doesn't cost money. Only issue is the defaults.

Best KDE distro?

Kde with i3


Manjaro or OpenSuse.

KDE Neon or OpenSuse

I use Gnome, because KDE still keeps crashing all the time ... and I've tried out the more recent versions, they still crash.

The advantage is that it seamlessly integrates with i3


I'm looking to get into i3, what do you mean by that?

Settings > Display > Compositor > [Rendering backend: OpenGL 3.1; Tearing prevention ("vsync"): Full screen repaints]
No crashes after that, on X, for some reason.

GNOME, but diversity is the lifeblood of Linux, so having KDE is cool too. I find GNOME more stable and, perhaps because of their origins, have a slight philosophical preference for GTK.

I run Debian on my personal machine and Ubuntu for work (just what our servers are on so it's what we use), both GNOME.


KDE of course


>Not saying what he wants
>obsessing over pixels
Seriously you must have autism.
in like for real.

Personally I never noticed these quirks.
There are worse pitfalls in cinnamon.

I never did say cinnamon is perfect.
you are obsessing over a space for 1 extra character.

Can you name one WM that is better then cinnamon?
Needs to have:
Win+arrow keys to position window
"Expo view" CTRL+ALT+Up/Down
""""Pocket"""" (I can pin my own programs to the menu side bar when I pres WIN key)

forgot to add:
Needs thumbnails in everything
> I prefer to use my hardware to run applications instead of staring at de animations.
I like my thumbnails and productivity.
Go buy something modern and stop using a computer from 1998.

>You can shut the animations off,
Animations in what?
What are you talking about?

Used gnome 2 when it was new. Switched to Mate when gnome 3 became a thing. True legends never die.

>light, quick, stays out if the way and looks decent.
I can't speak for gnome, but kwin is also light, quick and stays out of your way.
It stays even more out of the way since it have a graphical frontend to the config files so I can easily flick a switch to change a setting for a specific window or for all windows.
I personally find tiling window managers slower.
They don't priorities hardware acceleration, so resizing is slower.
Setting up the exact behavior you want in every situation is harder to do and the defaults are really bad.
And i3 just pissed me off for shifting the navigation keys. Either do it like vi or don't. vi is obscure enough already, making it more complicated just to be special is dumb.

last time I try Gnome it randomly disconnected my session whithout saving my works, both on wayland an Xorg on Ubuntu 16.10
it take too much RAM and the application menu is slow as fuck on first start

never had a serious bug on KDE since 4.5

>and their mascot being cute.
You disgust me. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.

Started out with Gnome2 + compiz, when Gnome went to shit switched to MATE + compiz, when that started not playing nicely finally tried KDE and stuck with it since.

tl;dr: KDE

i want to use kde but without their bllat default apps


Thanks I'll go with Kubuntu

Is it possible to switch between the two in one distro?

>GTK is deprecated shit.

What the fuck are you talking about.

You mean to switch on the go? Or just substitute one by another?

Yes. Log out and pick a different DE.