Redpill me on p2p pirating

Redpill me on p2p pirating

Strap on your encryption and dive into illegal online activity, friend.

Literally nothing wrong with it

It's illegal usually

All of capitalism is based around exploitation of labor and services for capital gain. Both businesses and consumers have the right to exploit these things to their benefit. Businesses exploit consumers through the sale of goods for a higher value than the object is worth. Similarly, a consumers strength is in their ability to seek the lowest possible cost for the highest quality product. Pirating is the ultimate manifestation of consumer exploitation, as you are able to get a true quality, digital product for 0% of the cost. It is the job of a business to prevent this exploitation by inventing protections to stop consumers from accessing their products (paywall, encryption, etc). So, it's not pirating. It's shopping.

But shouldn't the consumer be able to truly own and modify/maintain their own computer? Wouldn't excessive DRM on the hardware side (or low level mandatory software) go against this?



Shadmad meme aside, he drew a good ass on her

It's average

Shad's art is hot

Never post again

Piracy is an insult to the reaponsibilities endowed to us as users of technology. Anybody condoning it is a disgrace.

If I could download a car I wouldn't because it wouldn't be nice!


Fuck off weeb

It's a meme to hate everything by shadman you dip



lrn2link fag

It's okay

The end goal of capitalism is to redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich, culling the poor through economic eugenics and the values that are important to them such as altruism, work ethic and rewarding values important to the rich such as psychopathy sadism, and living from passive income without working.

Piracy saves lives by allowing the poor to educate and produce material items of value themselves without the financial, class and legal restrictions that come with doing the same in a business or college.
In truth software or media has no value, it is only given that by artificial legal protections.

Is this what you tell yourself to feel good about torrenting trap hentai

I feel good about torrenting trap hentai because the 3d alternative requires a lifetime of child support and/or alimony. pirating has little to do with it.

Most countries dont give two shits,usually the ones in Easter EU and Asia.
The ones that do,pirates usually just buy collective and their on ISP license or use VPN providers extensively.
Use qB torrent client,there are search scripts for it and you can find anything.
For music use SoulSeek ,works better than any private tracker and with no autism.
Private trackers are league on their own.
Most of the time they dont hold anything of value except select few on which is nearly impossible to get in unless:
You actually suck dick to get in
Have someone on the inside
Have money to burn on gear or donations
Suck dick for months on irc to get in

It's when you go pier to pier in the high seas to get all the booty. Aargh.