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What's the second best headphone behind the MA900?
jesus christ
what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?
you beat me finally
Currently have MDR V6s, thinking about getting Oppo PM3s, my only complaint is non replaceable earpads, should I still get them?
Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
Nice OP. I'd let her listen to some Rock on my HD600.
OP fucking wins
Is there a version of the HD600 that is closed-back or at least give some recommendations of headphones as good as the HD600 but closed-back? I don't like people hearing at what I hear/hearing the outside. For some reason I use headphones.
EL-8 Titanium is much more comfortable and sounds slightly better.
Is R*ddit correct with their advice here?
Is the FiiO E10K good enough for HD600s?
Why are you asking us? Someone here's going to claim onboard is good enough
Yes, /r/headphones' purchase assistants provide very good advice. Much better advice than you'll generally receive on /hpg/.
E10K is underpowered for HD600 IMO. DAC X6 is the most affordable DAC/amp that will be adequate for the HD600.
I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.
I would normally point out that OP is a bad person and should feel bad for starting a new thread with over 10 posts left to go before bump limit, but OP picture is actually pretty fuckwin so I approve just this one time.
>Is there a version of the HD600 that is closed-back
It's absolutely not sarcastic. Most posts here are clearly shitposts, but that goes without saying, since this is Sup Forums.
>carat face
you don't have to rub it in
Never heard of these guys, but the silver one looks good. Also the rated specs are MUCH higher than the E10k,WTF?
E10K:200 mW (32 Ω/THD+N
Of course it is. Just look at the guide, most of the DAC/amps are retarded audiophool garbage.
>Is the FiiO E10K good enough for HD600s?
no, get one of these instead for the same price
Don't get this. This is an amp for gay ponyposters.
Still looking for opinions on anything in this list. I'm looking for a high quality earbud (not IEM) with detachable cables.
Literally no bass.
Due to the HD600 being open-back, sound from the outside is going to leak and the sound that the headphones give will go outside.
Is the audio that go outside the headphones at a lower volume or the same one?
That's what I thought until I heard some good ones.
how are the monoprice m1060s compared to the oppo pm3s?
just click buy faggot, what is this /csg/? $200 is nothing. $200 is two pairs of audeze pads
iirc the hd600 is dampened by foam so the back should be lower than the front
The total is more like $500, user. Math is hard.
Anyways, the goal here is to weed out obvious garbage.
i didn't see that there was more than one cart. earbuds have nobass because by design you can't get a good seal with an earbud. a perfect seal is required for good bass response. you would want something bassy with a stiff driver to compensate
You'd be surprised by how much bass the DIY MX760 puts out. Earbuds' seal improves vastly with the foam rings usually provided as an accessory.
why are you chasing that dragon? you'd be better off with a planar IEM
I hate IEMs in general.
Earbuds are fun and cheap.
what's stopping you from chasing down an ATH-ES7?
I'd offer $180 and then buy when he suggests $200
That's pretty neat. Seems like an upgraded KSC75. Are the cables removable?
are there any headphones comfier than the Philips SHP9500?
dunno, don' think so. they are the persona 3 headphone the protagonist wears so they are extremely hard to find for under $500. you could always mod an mmcx on it
hd800 and ma900. ma900 is like 30% lighter
I have no investment in the persona series so it's sort of unfortunate for me that the prices are inflated. Looking at the history, some dude got a pair for $50 - I'll try for that perhaps.
Well, my M1060s failed after two days. The left ear stopped working, and it isn't a cable problem. Sending them back for a refund ASAP.
What headphones should I get instead? I got these for $230, so that should give you an idea of my price range. I don't necessarily want planar, I just want something good.
>long T-shirt with no underwear
fucking frick OP that's my fetish
Kek. Are you the user from last thread?
Got a pic of your ded cans?
did you like the sound? you should consider forking over more cash for an lcd-2c or ar-h1
Dont you bully me. They were structurally built well and sounded great. I thought they'd last.
Monoprice headphones belong in /csg/ desu.
>No headphones user
Opinion dropped (but no completely)
That's fine :^)
I recommend this user's recommendation
Can't afford those. I'd say $300 is my limit.
HD600 obviously.
HD600 or HE-4XX (garbage build quality warning)
I'd just get a replacement 1030. sometimes you just get melons
I know this is going to spark some shit, but I do have to ask. Are the HD600s much different from the Hd558s?
I don't think I'll go hifiman.
Another question, if I get the HD600s, will they be powered alright by the monoprice desktop amp? I got it for the M1060s, but if it won't work Ill send that back too.
They're quite a bit different. I found them far better than even the HD598. The monoprice amp will work just fine.
>Are the HD600s much different from the Hd558s?
At first listen, they won't be, but listen to them a lot for a week then go back to the 558 and yes, they will be.
Monoprice amp will be adequate for HD600.
jesus christ why are headphags always so lewd
What are the second best headphones behind the HD600?
But other way around :^)
I'm looking for something to power a set of stereo speakers.
Is there any reason to buy an amp over an AV receiver? A receiver can output greater power and has more inputs than a similarly priced amp.
What's the best way to clean the HD600 earpads?
just fucked up the cable on my K702s
any recommendations for a replacement cable that actually has decent build quality?
Lint roller. Washing seems to damage some pads in some way, i've noticed
you don't, you drop money on new pads like a baller
piece of tape wrapped around a couple fingers, then finger it
Magni 3.
Xiaomi Earbuds are great bass\treble ratio. Got a pair of them, feels comfy af.
replace the tape as needed, and just keep fingering it
finger it real good
What's your cable budget?
Pretty low. I just want something that isn't going to be loose/have a shitty connection and won't make audio quality worse than stock
If you can link me some high quality connectors I can build my own though, I just have no idea where to look for this stuff.
Yeah, no idea here either, user. All I have are a small list of overpriced custom audio cables
>All I have are a small list of overpriced custom audio cables
not him but I need a red braided minixlr, any ideas?
Found this site some time ago. Of course, i've never bought anything, so I have no idea how it's going to be like. Good luck and have fun!
these fuckers. it says 60 eur base price but then it asks you to choose cable quality and they add 15 for braided copper. isn't braided copper supposed to be the base price? what are they going to give me if I don't choose a cable type? A coat hanger wire? stripped ethernet?
Both of those would be audibly transparent, so who even cares?
I don't, but everytime I see these erroneous prices it makes me want to just make my own. braided copper is cheap af
Completely overpriced, t b h. Got this website from Head-Fi (surprise). I used to have an alternative with better prices but they've long since shut down.What headphones are you connecting them to, anyway?
atticus, I'm guessing you're maki user again? I think we've had this convo before
i suppose i'll just get this shitty thing, it seems this one has a decent connector
maybe i'll spring for a fancy cool colored cable in a few months or if this one is bad, i dunno.
Nah, i'm AKG user, soon to be Massdrop slut after I recieve my HE4XX and HD 6XX
those are all good prices though, pretty much the only things worth buying from massdrop
The fuck is wrong with her belly button?
Good luck, user. Don't think i'm changing my cable out anytime soon, but I honestly hate the stock AKG cable
Game time. What headphone is this EQ profile for? Remember that this has my personal HRTF built in.
Last time's was the VE Monk.
Come on, give us a hint, user
The hint is that you shouldn't need a hint for these ones.
Ummm... Something something AKG?
Some kind of DT 880 variant?
>hitting the wrong two of the big three
Nope. Although it should be really easy now.
╔ ═════════════════ ೋღღೋ ════════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you own a beautiful strong ATH-M50 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cuz you can afford a real set of cans ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚═════════════════ ೋღღೋ ════════════════╝
>Big three
That treble spike is putting me off. HD 700? 660 S?
The treble spike is part of my personal HRTF and you should ignore it.
i have the brown and blue ones and the earpads are peeling and i cant find replacements
Am I getting warmer?
Oh. Then it should be the HD 600 judging from its popularity on this here shitposting general