So is this really the end of the line or will there be another "new XP" after windows 10? What will everyone do once the january 2020 deadline passes?
So is this really the end of the line or will there be another "new XP" after windows 10...
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windows 10 is the new XP/7
Wait for the piece of shit WINE to get better.
Win 7 is the new XP
DX12 is the new DX10
I fell for the W10 LTSB meme, gets security updates only, doesn't have new """features""", cortana or modern """appz""". It's pretty much Win7 with the Win10 interface (which may be better or worse, it's subjective).
>but muh botnet
All versions of Windows are botnet, go Linux if you don't want botnet.
MS does seem to realize when they fuck things up. they fucked everything up with ME but then they made xp. they fucked up with vista, but then they made 7. maybe the next windows version will be better
There is POSReady 7 which ends in October 2021
2020: Windows 8.1
2023: Xubuntu
they fucked up 8.
10 is good.
I'm going to use 7 in a virtual machine on a Linux host of course.
>10 is good
>serves you ads in the start menu
>spies on you incessantly
>if you don't have corporate version your computer restarts and does other shit without your consent
>yet another generation of UI shit pasted on top of several other conflicting generations of aesthetics
lolno. 8 was good, but the plebs couldn't handle it.
So they made 10, which has all the worst features of 7 and 8.
Windows 8.1 is Windows 7 with a Fisher Price UI and under the hood improvements. Use Classic Shell, disable the Store and you got the same shit as 7.
>windows 7 has been consecutively growing each month on the steam HW survey for the entirety of 2017
You'd think M$ would have gotten the message by now kek
Windows 8+ is the ugliest shit ever
already switched all primary computing to osx 2-3 years ago
classic shell fixes the start menu but the windows still look like shit
I'll probably try to get my hands on a copy of Windows 8 and hope that Linux gaming takes off once that runs out.
Is there any real risk if you don't update? I remember reading about a "hardening Windows 7" guide but it was behind a paywall. Still looked pretty in depth and made sense. Of course it crippled it a lot but im sure many would preffer that to W10.
Just get Windows 10 LTSB
Atm you'll be fine, but after 2020 (2021 if you use Embedded), you run the risk of unpatched security holes.
Also new computer processors don't officially support Windows 7 anymore.
this, 8 GUI was shit but that was it, like when xp came with luna theme and confused some that were used to the classic theme, but if you wanted you could go back and see no diference.
But the clusterfuck that is 10, that's not possible, it's like the whole OS looks for a way to fuck up your shit even if you as a user do everything fine, i mean those random cmd pop ups even out of network, pushed updates that are like a russian roulette with a pistol, windows randomly deleting your files because "they were considered risky", shit themes that basically are just a palette change, and cortana that shit the bed even when looking for a local file...and i'm probably forgetting a ton of things.
I was talking after 2020 my dude. Really wonder how much that guide would help.
>Also new computer processors don't officially support Windows 7 anymore.
No problems, I can stay on Sandy/Ivy indefinitely.
All shit that can be avoided if you use LTSB.
It's also been installing games onto my computer without me doing so, I go on the start menu and it has a new game which I've never seen before and have to uninstall.
8 GUI is unusuable
It's better to just move onto Windows 8.1 or 10 by that point. You'll get nothing by staying on 7.
No it isn't. Use Classic Shell and you'll be fine.
>use an emulator of another GUI
So? It just werks
>Atm you'll be fine, but after 2020 (2021 if you use Embedded), you run the risk of unpatched security holes.
Soooo, don't click shady files like a brainlet?
It's not just that you moron, it's other shit, like the recent SMB vulnerability that was unpatched on XP, but patched on 7+, but Microsoft released a patch for XP even though they don't support it anymore.
just use classic shell. problem solved. Microshit is thankfully not that evil in restricting the users on what software/modifications they use
same. LTSB is the last "good" version of windows.
>considering upgrading to win10 from 7
>ltsb doesn't support creators update which removes 4gb vram cap
I'm still using Win XP. I'm thinking eventually I'll get a chromebook for web browsing and continue using the Win XP machine for everything else. For me "everything else" is primarily note taking with WordPad.
I believe this only affects games that require Directx9, so shit like Skyrim.
Guess we'll have to wait for the 2019 LTSB (now called LTSC) release, which will probably suck.
the thing is i plan to mod the shit outta skyrim but i also want win10
Guess you can use a heavily modified version of Enterprise or Education. I remember there was a thing on Github where you can deploy a custom version of Windows where you can remove features and then build your iso. Don't have the link, sorry.
I already installed Gentoo. The only thing that it's lacking is games. Most software has a Linux alternative or works reasonably well through Wine. Games perform pretty badly through Wine. PCIe passthrough also exists, but is a pain in the ass to set up.
>there are people on Sup Forums defending win 10
holy shit what happened to this place
Microsoft aggressively encouraged a lot of people to upgrade to Windows 10. They knew that even if people upgraded and didn't like it, they would put up with it and eventually defend their decision because of choice-supportive bias. This is also aided by the inherent tendency for people to think newer things are always better and that something being newer is an inherent positive point. Add in the fact that the press around all the built-in spyware has died down and the fact that the new generation doesn't care about giving away their data, and you have the current opinion of Sup Forums.
W10 Fall Creators Update fucked things up for me. Installed LTSB and everything is perfect, 0 bloat. Even RAM usage was down significantly. I recommend anyone on the fence to install W10 Enterprise LTSB instead of Pro. You don't get any of the garbage "feature" updates MS pushes out twice a year which will fuck up your system, just security patches.
Reminder that anyone advocating Windows 10 is a shill
I'm staying with 7 until I can no longer buy hardware that's compatible with it.
well considering the number of machines with Windows 10 in the US has actually declined, I'd say they gambled and lost somewhat on that bet.
Should 11 be bad, this will be the end of Microsoft
Four options for Windows 7 EOL.
1. W7 inside of VM on Linux with rolling security patches and firewalled/sandboxed.
(easy but bloated)
2. Linux with WINE for what ever programs you can find alternatives for.
(can possibly break if that proprietary program is abandonded or WINE updates)
3. ReactOS; after W7 EOL it could be viable at that time.
4. Windows 10: Cortana's Cuck Edition.
(lazy boomer option) You will give up all of your freedoms to keyboard/mic/cam monitoring 24/7 and periodic disk scanning for malware and DRM. (read the EULA next time lads)
Not to mention forced adverts and any data can be shared to 3rd parties.
Bonus: MacOS (be labeled a starbux "coder" with mental disorders and a defacto liberal)
Option 5: Windows 10 LTSB
An outdated version of an OS in beta stage
lol that's just one big epip failure. I realize I shouldn't laugh since I'm in the 0.27% GNU/Linux users category (I've never been asked to be in a steam hardware survey so I don't even count - not that I understand why they have them and not just make the steam client report the OS).. but man this is a failure.
Windows 10 64-bit has a -5% negative growth and Windows 7 is up 6%?
This really says something about what the subset of computer users who use steam think of Windows 10...
? It's literally Windows 7 with a new UI.
Already using Linux full time. If I need windows for whatever I can always dual boot with w7. I don't even care about security since I doubt I'd use it for anything that needs internet or maybe a few games.
Tl;dr stay on w7
It already works for everything that needs dx9 or older. Which is the majority of games. It also supports some dx10 titles.
This. Make a secondary boot which enables PCI-passthrough on booting so when you want to do something GPU intensive on the virtual windows you can just reboot into this setup.
You can use PlayOnLinux to never "break" WINE compatibility. In it, install separate WINE versions (latest stable and rolling, usually), then just click "install software", select the version of WINE (ex. 2.22) and select the exe you want. That software will now only run on 2.22 and won't use the system version of WINE. So it will always "run as intended".
ReactOS targets XP compatibility. Even if it somehow manages to become fully XP compatible in 3 years (doubt) it will still not be a w7 or w10 replacement. Best you can do is help developing it or at least donate to the project so it gets done faster.
Or just use LTSB or the version that was shilled here which has most telemetry disabled and has some pre-installed FOSS programs.
Best option is WINE + KVM for some software. Or a separate, fully offline windows PC.
it's easy to spot a neo-Sup Forums redditor; they usually use and defend spyware such as Windows 10 and DRM like Spotify. there's a lot of them here and that's why this place is so different these days.
i dont plan on stopping using 7 ever.
windows 10 is just god damn ugly
gaymers already mostly switching to 10.
people with half a brain switched to a real os a long time ago, before 7
So, I understood the whole hanging on to windows 7 when 10 first came out, because there were game driver issues ect.
But we are years down the line and its a great OS.
The one big complaint is the privacy, but if that is really a massive concern then pretty much all Windows distributions are not for you, something like Linux Tails would be far better.
Overall in terms of functionality I think 10 is basically 7 just made a hell of a lot nicer to use.
no it isnt
its the new ME/vistAIDS
Soooo, dont click shady files like a brainlet?
>So is this really the end of the line or will there be another "new XP" after windows 10?
I wish, but no. Microsoft now defines Windows as a "service". I bet Bill Gates wouldn't allow this if he were still in charge of being the president of Microsoft.
>What will everyone do once the january 2020 deadline passes?
Exactly like what said. Alternatively, I may stay with 7 forever.
I don't think it was ever about drivers. Always about privacy. Tho 7 isn't great about privacy either.
The first part is not true, assuming Steam users is a reasonable proxy for gamers. Windows 10 has been shedding market share on the Steam surveys all year; Win 7 is now at 70% & Win 10 down to 24%
>I've never been asked to be in a steam hardware survey so I don't even count - not that I understand why they have them and not just make the steam client report the OS
But that's what they're doing. The survey is just to estimate the hardware used, the OS percentage isn't based on survey data AFAIK.
You do realize you can get pwned and done nothing wrong right? Well done nothing wrong besides using an OS that doesn't receive updates anymore. Seems like you're the brainlet here.
Did you ever check what data the survey actually collects?
is this the same person
d-dont make me do it
tfw dualcore with 2gb ram and integrated gpu
really thinking about installing xp just for the compatibility sake of nostalgia
Found the program you can use to build a custom version of Windows. It's called MSMG Toolkit.
You can install POSReady 2009, the embedded version of XP with the EOL being 2019.