Firefox 57

It's been like a month already and there's barely any extensions that works

Stylish and its equivalent are fucked to hell, I can't even use my custom CSS for Sup Forums
I lost all my Greasemonkey scripts
There's no Speed Dial worth a shit
No good Tab management extension

The only thing that works is uBlock, and even there I'm not so sure

What the fuck was Mozilla even thinking?

Mozilla has nothing to do with extensions working. Developers had an ample amount of time to update to the new web kit API, so blame them.

>but but why didnt Mozilla just keep supporting the same shitty legacy api that made them work!

Nobody is forcing you to upgrade. Stay on old bloated 57 forever.

It was a desperate gamble, I imagine. I just really hope Google suffers from some major Chrome-related scandal and Firefox will have enough momentum again so the devs can figure out how to make old add-ons work.

I'm on 37 with no regrets.

Soros writes their paychecks now, you do the math.

Okay, so I thought I would stay on ESR and get the new Firefox in February or whatever with my distribution, but trying it out it actually is really damn fast. I might just stay on it.

Two addons don't work: SixOrNot (shows me what websites only support legacy IP) and RSS Feed Icon in Navbar.

Can you put icons in the navbar with the new API? If so I'd write the addon myself.

Why the fuck do you need Stylish for Sup Forums? Sup Forums x allows you to use your own CSS.

God damn your retarded ass doesn't need good things.

So, based soros is giving us the only good browser that isn't a chromium fork?

I wish someone would come out with a "Retrofox" that went back to an earlier version of FF before they started changing it every few months. WTF.

That's basically Pale Meme.

Soros is a distraction by the lunar reptoids. Wake up, morans

Write an add-on that replaces version number 56 with 5.6. Bam.

I use Firefox because it looks less foreign on my system (though it still doesn't looks like it belongs) and Mozilla at least says that they care about internet freedom.

I mean they probably are full of shit and would gladly accept censorship if it fits with California SJWs, but considering there really are only two real browsers to consider, this is the choice I made. Note, I don't trust any of the Firefox forks to be fast enough when it comes to security problems.

What I guess we should write is a totally new browser that only supports a sub-set of HTML/CSS/JS. A browser that may not run the latest web app from a code artisan, but that can show me news and lets me contribute to BBS kind of sites. A browser that simply sends zero information about the users to the server (user agents and the like are inherently harmful) and simply shows sites as text with images.

>I lost all my Greasemonkey scripts
>There's no Speed Dial worth a shit
Exactly what made me downgrade after trying 57.
I also need some way to easily disable and enable referrers as well as Rikaichan.

Other than that I wouldn't even mind the changes it did that much.

>A browser that simply sends zero information about the users to the server
They get the information from shit embedded in their JS

uBlock works. What more do you need?

A functionning ulimited paginator on Konachan

I have two problems with Firefox 57.
1. sometimes when i close the browser and open it again, it won't restore my session properly. This is a very basic feature that needs to just werk properly or else it could drive everyone away from the browser.

2. it's supposed to be more ressource efficient, but it's actually less so for me than Firefox 56


enjoy your CVEs

Let's close the gender CEO gap: women, work harder.

I have been using firefox for half my life and i won't stop now

whenever someone says gender gap i imagine a vagina. therefore such articles make me sick to stomach.

we need to address the penis gap right now! 14.6% of CEOs have three holes between their legs, and we need to get that percentage up to 100%!


Default Sup Forums settings also allow custom css.

You mean Pale Moon or SeaMonkey

Seamonkey never was like Firefox


Extension devs had so much warning that it isn't even funny that they haven't updated their shit yet

It was literally a copy of the first Firefox browser.

Seamonkey is an internetsuite that includes mail and other shit which are typically not part of a browser. Firefox 1.0 was a pure browser.

How do addons in these browsers work? I wouldn't mind switching to some FF meme fork but if my ublock and umatrix along with some other shit don't work I don't really see the point.

>had so much warning
Did they really?

At least since mid-2015, so yes

Oh shit, I forgot it was called something else back then.

Pale Moon supports older versions of uBO and uM. Try PaleMoon and WaterFox and see what you prefer. I've read somewhere that waterfox will be compatible with webextensions but retain compatibility with older addons.

Over 2 years now. And they had Firefox nightly and beta to test addons on.

>ublock works
>https everywhere works
>privacy badger works
>Decentraleyes works
>User Agent Switcher works.

Tell me again why you autists need anything else?

Ublock and umatrix have already been updated, stop FUDing

2 years of warning is usually enough.

are you an idiot?
>Stylish and its equivalent are fucked to hell, I can't even use my custom CSS for Sup Forums
>I lost all my Greasemonkey scripts
why don't you make a webextension, it's the easiest shit. put your css, js into a file, write
>oh yeah this shit is only for Sup Forums btw
into a manifest, done. it literally takes less than a minute.
>No good Tab management extension
what is tree tabs
jesus christ go back to chrome, brainlets. there you have even less extensions, but at least you'll be coddled by google. fucking shills goddamn

and it's still the best browser. how does this make you feel, Sup Forums? are you triggered yet?

They still did API changes a few months ago.
Who wants to rewrite their extensions to use an unstable API?

Anyone who isn't a lazy retard.

Software developers tend to be lazy.
Especially if it's about maintenance and not implementing cool new features.

Unless you're baiting, then you're purposely opening yourself up to several browser vulnerabilities.

>why don't you make a webextension, it's the easiest shit. put your css, js into a file, write
oh, yeah, wast time, when it properly worked on Firefox 56, nope...

>into a manifest, done. it literally takes less than a minute.
oh, yeah, wast time, as it works only on Nightly builds, which I won't be using per too many bugs...

At least there is ONE WHITE MALE...
Not all are pajets, nyggas or shitskin mudslimes

Has anyone used the trick where you put an old style extension into omni.ja?
Share your omni.jas here

Red flag for shit software

>shows me what websites only support legacy IP
Why would you ever need to know this?

Greasmonkey update never ever

I just want to browse with Sup Forums X and AppChan x again.

I switched to Violentmonkey back when FF 54 was the current stable because I knew this was going to happen. No complains so far.

Greasemonkey already got updated though?

After installing Quantum Sup Forums and appchan x wont auto update

you have to go to the site and manually install the new extension to re-kickstart everything

I just want DeepDark and Download Manager back.

I guess I'll check my own triple dubs.

Everything works fine besides Thread Watcher

Greasemonkey or violentmonkey for 4chanX? Which doesn't have botnet/telemetry and werks?

Should I stick with greasemonkey or switch to violentmonkey?

>SJWzilla completely replaced the extension API, yet again, with a very neutered one
>SJWzilla has nothing to do with extensions working
too obvious, shill, too obvious...
you need to go back

>what's tampermonkey

have found acceptable replacements for everything except tabmixplus. anyone know of a way to switch to far right tab after tab close?

they worked with the noscript dev directly and even he barely got his port done a week after release so dont give me that ample amount of time bullshit

The only thing preventing me from switching to chrome is the NoScript add-on. I really liked to old add-on pre-57, now it's some convoluted piece of whack

>User Agent Switcher works.

>tfw no built in download statusbar yet
What fucking year is this?
Replace what you have broken.


Are you blind?

A lot of those browsers exist.