One Picture is worth a Thousand words
Linux is stupid
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(You)'re not even trying.
it means its on the official repositories
pls dubs
apt-get upgrade
That's not a picture.
They should've said brew install sdl2 for Mac.
kek i was rooting for you
>arch is the only distro that uses pacman
You have to go back.
Why is this stupid? I could see a problem if it was some little-known little-used package that's not part of every single distribution out there. But this is SDL. It's a package you don't have to think about, maintain or care about - just like a ton of other packages. If it's updated then you'll get the update when you apt-get upgrade or dnf update or emerge -u world.
Why is this a bad thing? Manually installing and updating minor packages seems like a waste of time.
czech out my doubles.
>linux is about freedom of choice
>im not free to choose how i want to download and install software.
really makes my noggin joggin.
>Mac OS X
>extensions literary named damage
but I search on the internet for PPAs
$apt search simple directmedia
libsdl2-2.0-0/xenial,now 2.0.4+dfsg1-2ubuntu2 amd64 [installed]
Simple DirectMedia Layer
How is this a problem?
but i don't want to use the terminal grandpa.this is not the 70's anymore.also where is my "freedom" to choose the binary installation method instead of fucking around the terminal or compiling all the 6 trillion packages myself?
Why the fuck are you updating all your software one by one by navigating to the website and downloading the new binary?
Just run
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
And you're done
Linux is a joke unless it’s Android
no one is stopping you from writing your own sdl replacement
why not let the program handle updating itself instead of a package manger?
>sudo apt-get autoremove
>end up at Tty or grub rescue
So this is the power of package management.
PPAs aren't binaries. They are repositories
Sometimes (Often times) ITS NOT IN THE REPOS of my specific distro. Quit being dense.
>even in Ubuntu Ardvark I had to use --force-missing because it couldn't find some SDL dependacies
Denial everywhere
What about downloading the source code and compiling it you moron?
It doesn't matter. It's a lot easier to download & run binaries if you can't find the deps in the repo instead of fiddling configs and strapping URLs to remote third party repos that you're not even sure has all of the deps.
Bloat? Why does every program need its own updater to run, when there can be a centralised program that does it. There's much less overhead of one program checking for updates than processes all checking for updates regularly.
Besides, package managers allow auto updates, or you can run it as a cron job.
>things that didn't happen
>make everything harder for the end user
>doesn't understand the frustration and potential system-breaking and messing up consequences that's involved with source compiles
I can clearly tell you've never downloaded source code and compiled it yourself.
Happened to me on Maverick mate.
Since Linux has nothing like automatic restore points, I had to wipe and reinstall.
# emerge -va media-libs/sdl2-image
>git clone x
>cd x
>make install
>only lists make install
Yeah. You've never done it
If it uses pacman and isn't arch then it's an even bigger meme than arch
Is it good? :3
Try this:
> git clone x
> cd x
> ./configure
> make all
> sudo make install
>originally introduced into SUSE in 2012
>Maverick was released in 2010
>not a default installed package on most distros.
Good for what it is, terrible that there’s no standard built in tool in distros.
sudo apt-get install sdl2
sudo yum install sdl2
sudo pacman -S sdl2
no thanks
u r stupid :3
OP is a mousefag and can't type commands. You have to spoon feed him on how to do it via graphical interface.
What if I want a portable program on linux? For example, I want firefox on linux that changes nothing outside of its own folder.
>90% of the world are mousefags
>implying people should make things harder or more terse for the end user
>"Gee Bob, look at all these text commands I can type. I feel like a hackerman. Sure makes me feel smarter than you Bob!"
Though I've heard a lot of good things about AppImage since you don't even need it installed to get a portable statically linked binary.
Also random but, is there a name for fonts that better differentiate I from l and 1?
AppImage looks nice I will look into it
You are free to do that and then have an insecure system with old packages that cant update themselves because everyone is sane and wants a secure system that will not give them 100 update prompts for every program half of which will be shit updaters that cant even download shit properly
>Copying text is hard
Lts and 17.10 have mostly the same packages. Almost all development packages exist in the default repos.
You are retarded.
I think you're talking about Serifs. Google it for more info
lrn2AppImage, faggot
Downloading binaries from random mirrors is totally safe and never broke anything for sure. Of course there are bundles for linux too, but keep up being a faggot.
If there was a distro that bundled every single component even in its repos in the form of AppImages + configs. Man that would be great
It is binary package though also you can get it from the software centre
Autoremove removes packages that that used to be dependances of software you installed before and removed now. Also apt always tells you what specific packages it is going to remove or install if you cant into reading MAYBE YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
Seems like theres a lot of guides on how to use an appimage file (which is easy just open it) but not many guides on how to download a package and repackage it into a appimage yourself
>development scattered all over the place
>riddled with bugs
>have to fuck around to get the most basic of features working
>lacks a lot of powerful software and support Windows has
I'm still using it because I'd rather not have my OS be spyware but it's plain not user friendly, and while it remains not user friendly, its community will never grow big, and if the community never grows, it'll never have better support and development.
The fact that you still have to deal with shit like the awful file chooser even if you install a "just werks" distro like ubuntu is just hilariously bad, I have no words for it.
I don't think you get it. On windows I have to: google the program, find the website, download the zip, extract it, run it, and click next a bunch of times through setup. On Linux, I do: sudo dnf install sdl2
That's it.
But no dependency, so an update wont break that portable windows install as often as an update will break a linux package.
Depending on the program you dont really care if its up to date, you just want it to always work. In that case a portable program, which is common with windows, is best.
Also because you can easily have multiple portable copies of a program. Say two portable firefoxs with different settings depending on which sites you plan to visit.
>an update will break a linux package
Your or your distro's fault for letting you do partial updates.
>two portable firefoxs with different settings
The fuck? This is what profiles are for.
>Using a package manager that breaks shit
>Using a distro with a supremely low amount of packages
Install Gentoo and feel welcomed by the blessing of Portage
>just werks
you're just a plebian
No, it would be a clusterfuck. Each program will come with common with other programs libraries. An hybrid approach as flatpak/snap may work.
What you need "lot of"? There is a single that covers all you need to know. The official one:
Yea, it's completely retarded that OSX and Windows users need to go to a website, download manually, and then possibly go through alternating paths of extraction / running installer / ... that cannot necessarily all be automated the same way until at least the files are on the disk.
It's fucking sad. Android and Linux just let you automatically download and install always the same way with one management command with their default methods.
Sometimes you want it totally seperated.
Say one mpc running for optical autio spdif output, one mpc set for another output
>Sometimes you want it totally seperated.
Yea, you can do that with the local install of FF anyhow, but in case it's an application that very much resists doing two instances on one machine systemd-nspawn or docker or rkt [...] will take care of it.
Fun thing, docker / rkt containers and packages are also common on Linux, for more applications than there are portable binaries on Windows even.
>my shitty terse use case is all that matters and is the only user-friendly resource-efficient time-efficient use case for literally everyone
LINoOX fanbois are almost just gay filthy sodomites and annoying as Windows fantards. LINoOX morons are average smelly nerdfilth retards who like to pretend their fringey and edgykewl when in reality they're just another obnoxious bunch of bandwagon hoppers / fanbois, who glorify their idol loonix center of fanboism at the expense of common sense. Same for any retard fanbois. Fanbois should be killed
Biggest host OS for the world's computations and storage and "the internet" (at multiple layers) and so on, but clearly fringe because idiot user doesn't have it on his desktop.
BTW if you want to argument to popularity for private use: Everything besides Android is now fringey. Why are you being an edgy pretendboy and don't use it exclusively like "everyone else", fag?
use firejail
that's how i run games, limiting them to their own private home folder
you don't need a portable version of a program to limit it's access
I can assure you that MSYS2 is NOT a meme
I should add I like having multiple portable versions (the same actual "version" I mean with different settings, bookmarks, etc) of a browser for example for different purposes.
Yes ive noticed that, could you elaborate on how docker works for that? Lets say running two seperate firefox installs.
I thought docker was just for whole OS vms
you can do that as well, just have multiple private home folders. for example;
firejail --private=~/firefox_one firefox -no-remote
firejail --private=~/firefox_two firefox -no-remote
now you have two entirely separate instances of firefox running (not including your "main" one just using your real home folder)
just make a .desktop file with those commands to have a shortcut to run them
jesus fuck
are there really winbabby devs that download and consume prebuilt binaries?
how the fuck do you retards even manage updates? even git submoduling these projects makes more sense than dl'ing tarballs of prebuilt binaries or sourcecode
as a linux user for 13 years now, i'm embarrassed to admit that i did the same thing initially
it's hard not to make assumptions based on what you know
when you've only ever installed software from a cd or a website, naturally you're going to assume that's just how it's done anywhere
>imblying that pre-packaged binaries from the developer is better than having the software tested by your repository maintainers and then either compiling it from source or downloading the tested binaries
Retards like you make me invalidate every statement/opinion preceded by a weeb picture.
Basically, if you're are retarded enough to feel the need to effectively avatar-fag with completely unrelated animu "reactions" you're likely to be yet another idiotic CS-student (at best) who uses Unix-likes as a hipster toy to waste some of his excessive free time.
In conclusion, you have no idea what you're talking about and your opinion on the topic should be disregarded completely.
Interesting ill have to look into that
btfo xDD
And I laugh when dipshits like you have elaborate explanations for why they talk down to a pedo weeb faggot. You don't need to explain yourself, just be the dickhead that you want to be, the topic isn't interesting enough for you to explain and people stupid enough to need an explanation aren't worth trying to impress.
Why can only Apple figure out fat binaries?
because applel users are too stupid to know the difference and would hurt themselves.
Everyone else is not retarded and doesn't need a nanny when using a computer
pacman -Ss XXXXXX
>sudo make install
>wonders why xorg is broken
typical archfag
Portage is genuinely awesome. I just wish I was smart enough to get an encrypted root (and boot) with grub and btrfs working.
Fucking genkernel man, how do you add your keys to the initrd?
After about a year or two of Ubuntu after using Windows 98 forever, I learned package management pretty easily.
...although I am also the type of nerd that did Linux From Scratch pretty early on. Learning how to compile was fun, I really should do LFS again.
1/10 boring and retarded
I believe, opinions of autistic tripfags are universally disregarded across the whole website.
You're free to install it any way it's distributed, or even build from source.
However, if it's in the repos, installing from somewhere else is just plain stupid.