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I like BLACKED porn

ive been memeing on frequencies again

I suscribed to BLACKED to reupload it on a private tracker and get ratio.

I do
sudo pacman -Su
without checking anything.

oh shit

I make top 1% salary making shitty iOS apps

I dont know what having an SSD feels like

I like mint

I like girls.

How old are we talking?



I think macOS is the best desktop operating system ever created, and I think the "Apple tax" is well worth paying.

Thats some next level cuckshit and white genocide in one.


I went from an iPhone 7 Plus to a Moto G5 Plus after using nothing but iPhones since I got the first iPhone a month before release and I'm never going back to iOS because even this poorfag tier phone I bought for $75 on a whim is a better experience overall. Well, except the camera.

I dont hate safari

it's my daily driver

It's Current Year, I'm 24 and have never had a smartphone in my life
I still use an ancient regular samsung mobile. justweks senpai

Not a Confession. But a statement of absolute truth: Christianity is better than Technology. Christ is better than anything in the whole universe

is christianity FOSS tho

I'm gay and I don't wear thigh socks when coding at home or work in silicon valley

I hate both FF and Chrome.

28 year kissless virgin that hasn't went anywhere else besides work, home and the grocery store the past 4 years.

Isn't chromium/iridium still a botnet though? What's so different compared to Chrome?

How fat(or not) and ugly r u?

not funny sodomite. reported.

Yes, but the devs seem to have an issue with people forking the Bible. They use to burn people for doing it.

I enjoyed playing games at 320x240/ 20 fps with my S3 virge card.
The bilinear filtered walls and higher color depth totally make up for the loss in performance if compared to the software mode.

You must be a basement dweller.

i opened a .js file

>what is syhunt community
keep being a pleb

i have written a bot that scrapes common questions and makes dumb shitecode for languages i dont like and often post it to stack overflow or on support forums and act as dense as possible when people try to help

if i could totally automate it i would


I don't really like programming and linux. Only here because of hardware shit circlejerk

B-but ths Christian bible is a fork. They changed license?

awesome software on shitty hardware > shitty software on awesome hardware.
>what is syhunt community
a variety of Brazilian malaria.

it's not

I ironically like C++ but unironically hate rust

I love the idea of Linux but still use Windows only because it has gayms. I also let Microsoft fuck me in the ass by using Windows 10 instead of 7 because 7 doesn't have directx12 support. I am also a shameless phoneposter.

I use an Android phone, I hate Apple, but I make my pay making iOS apps.

I couldn't figure out how to get mutt to work with imap so I switched to alpine

Forgive me father

Happens to me but with Microsoft. I use Windows at work, I develop enterprise software using .NET, but at home I have a MacBook and I exclusively use macOS, and I hate MS over-engineered developer platforms.

You should test DX12 vs DX11 on your games and see if you get any real advantage.
If not, jump to 7.

I hate Linux and the command line

I used 1200 bitcoins to get some hot 16yo virgin cosplayer pussy raw


I'm 35 and never had one either. I do all my computing on an actual fucking computer and I'm not a teenage girl that needs to stay connected to social botnets 24/7 in order not to get ostracized by other teenage girls.

Translated: I don't have any friends and I don't leave the house.

>projecting his cucked generation's dependence on social media on people who grew up and made friends without it

try emacs. best browser out there

this tbqh

>made friends without it
Bet you have lots of them!

I'm actually pretty sure I have more than you do among those 789 people Facebook calls your "friends".


I have nothing to hide.

I bought an acer laptop
