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Do it
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I dual boot ubuntu/windows and mostly use windows desu senpai.
Macbook > thinkpad.
Online music streaming > downloading FLAC.
Only thing I wish I could check that I haven't is owning a home server.
Does HTML count as a programing language?
But you dont know html either.
Not really, it's a markup language. But it can still be considered a programming language
A markup language is not a programming language.
>can still be considered a programming language
I don't.
here's mine
I did it mom.
I'm a broke college student going six year strong.
No bingos here.
Guess I belong on this board.
Didn't count the Apple Newton I bought at a yard sale for shits and giggles
You're supposed to do the opposite of what Sup Forums says
Whoops forgot the terrorist watch one
**that's not how it's done**
I feel like the pic should be updated
everything is social media, Sup Forums is sociaol media
trackpad mouse really?
hacker phone? really?
graphic calculator? really? because we are trying to find people in specific age group and location? Because here in europe we did calculus without $500 calculators
terrorist watch? oh sure, wait why? what for?
Does steam controller count for trackball?
does leaving my laptop running all day count as a home server?
You're just mad you didn't get bingo, poorfag.
Go back.
and ofc I have a self-built pc, I forgot to check it
forgot to cross out apple garbage
ʇoƃƃɐɟ noʎ ʞɔɐq oƃ noʎ ou
Is the book special?
what the fuck is a flawless mouse sensor? my mouse never caused me problems so i guess it's flawless?
also, i used to have a ghetto dual monitor setup
Why do you own graphic calculator?
You dont need to reply if you are in those specific ~2 years when you need it for classes, but I doubt all of you are.
graphing calculators are comfy desu
no you dont faggot
because I had it for those specific years and never sold it. It hasn't been touched in over a decade.
[bold]wrong again[/bold]
Wolfram alpha is uncomfortable?
yeah, thats what I thought fits the most
fags who cant get rid of old shit fir money because it would involve human interaction, but its viewed as some virtue
>Wolfram alpha is uncomfortable?
it's not autistic enough
I bought one for my high school years and just kept it
I was just owning it for those 7 years yes. (tech high school, and then engineering, where it was allowed sometimes when PC was not, or not feasible)
I would have sold it, but i use it now a lot when doing field work (i don't care about getting to know an app, this calculator is fine.)
Last time i used it a lot, was last autumn, where i was in a team of volunteers, constructing a railway bridge over a small stream for the scouts. A narrow track railway, old mine track, it's the only way to get larger equipment into the camp.
Being so poor you have to sell your graphics calculator. I don't know that feel, sorry bro.
The amount of people here without a trackball is honestly disturbing.
I don't own more because I'm too poor lol.
Bought for highschool and never sold it. Their price isn't going to drop, so I could honestly just sell it whenever.
I bought a TI 84 plus Ce-t for school
wolfram alpha doesn't have TI-BASIC
programming dumb gaymes and tools got me through middle and high school
thanks for life story that you wont get to tell anyone else, but the thing you would be accessing wolfram alpha on would have alternative useful programming language
>Straight horizonal line
>Straight vertical line
>Four corners
Ultimate bingo.
i'm sorry you never had hobbies
post screenshot of you music collection with the size in GB too
>16:10 is muh golden ratio
Just google "golden ratio myth" and see why it's nothing special. t. MacBook owner
Lossless is vastly overmemed. Using lossless for music is like saving photos in PNG.
If you aren't listening to classical, or any other music with high dynamic range and little noise, there's almost no point in it. If you're actually tech-savvy, you'd stick to MP3.
(noʎ) ou
>respects freedom
Good goyim, worship papa Soros
>using sorozilla cuckfox
>Macbook > thinkpad
Get out.
This was made specifically to prevent me from having a bingo
My Casio isn't really Sup Forums-related. I just used to referee and needed a cheap watch that can light up.
I've probably been in Sup Forums for a combined 1 year, non-consecutive, but I can't stand to be around you people for more than a month at any given time.
>Don't use or own any Apple products or services.
Y'all forgot to count CUPS?
>use a proper operating system
>using neckbeard tier commie cuck trash like BSD or 9front instead of linux
an applelfag
nah m8 you're missing the O
What are you listening your flac collection on?
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
That bottom row is bullshit though.
Graphing calculator? Really?
Literally every college student owns one of those, which is like 80% of Sup Forums's population.
Thinkpad is offensive bigotry used by racists.
not him but pic related is my main library
i have another ~100gb unsorted/untagged music from a vocaloid torrent on another disk
>If you're actually tech-savvy, you'd stick to MP3.
nice troll, but a tech-savvy person would realise that vorbis/opus respects your freedoms.
and you miss the point with flac: it's supposed to be an archival format. keep copies in flac somewhere, and then downconvert to a lossy format to listen on your devices
>tfw have like 200 GB of music.
>Don't even listen to most of it, mostly go back to the same 10-20 albums.
You ever wonder what the fuck we are doing here?
The more I know the less I understand.
>The Biggest Autist: The Thread
I'm really into the meme.
autist website
usually i have my list on shuffle so i listen to most of my stuff
Two birds with one chip:
>usually i have my list on shuffle
Too many soundtracks, one minute i'm hearing number of the beast, the next its god knows what.
Ruins the chill.
I assume I cant count my phone as graphic calculator.. Otherwise pretty close.
what did I win?
>vorbis/opus respects your freedoms
That's why no one but neckbeards cares about it.
>and you miss the point with flac: it's supposed to be an archival format.
yeah but the bingo says "have most of your music in FLAC".
Unless you rip all those albums yourself or have a large collection for sharing, it's pointless.