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It's not
It's not, you're just really really fucking stupid.
Go get a trade instead, Mario.
Maybe you just suck.
And stop charging us folk $1000 just to paint a room, wtf man.
Stop being a brainlet
>problem solved
If pajeets and niggers can do it, anyone can.
You just have to start from the very basics.
Because the human mind is "programmed" to understand moving images not text.
I’m a math/stats double major with certificate in Actuarial Science, good grades in all of my courses but I just can’t fucking apply the logic to programming. I am unable to think like a computer, it was the same reason I couldn’t do accounting. I’m not analytical enough.
Programming is not for everyone.
Computers don't think you twat. That's your first mistake.
It drives me crazy mate. I have to take intro programming with my stats major and it’s the toughest class I’ve ever taken.
It's not hard if you are interested in it.
It is hard if you are not interested in it.
Just like with anything in existence that takes time, patience, and a specific mentality to develop.
The specific mentality for developing a skill that fits your innate personality is:
1. Interest and curiosity keeping you motivated to do it for the sake of it by default, not due to any external impetus or goals.
2. The daily focus being mainly oriented towards that craft.
3. Feeling of fulfillment whenever you are involved in developing it, without ever getting tired of it. It has to be like cocaine, something which you turn towards to escape from the shit side of life.
Those are the 3 criteria that mandate that a certain job/trade/field is right for you.
If they are met, then you will inevitably find it easy due to comfort and casual state of mind while doing it, and you will not fret over difficulty or ease because you wouldn't even think about such concepts when doing something you enjoy.
Take a deep breath. For your intro class throw your math background out its just going to hinder you. Nothing math related is really going to becoming into play yet. Focus on just what the course is teaching and nothing else. Avoid stack overflow its just going to confuse you more because the answers there will cover topics that involve proper implementation not learning the basics and are likely to be overwhelmingly confusing.
read a book
>you need to read a book
>doesn't suggest any book to him
Brainlet detected.
I do (Applied) Math too, I lot of my colleagues have trouble with programming but I think they just aren't very interested.
What type of stuff are you unable to implement?
This is good info anons, thanks a lot.
My course is over in a week so I don’t really have the time for creating a deeply rooted foundation that I need to be very successful in programming the future. I hope to keep coding as a hobby though so I’ll make good use of the info.
Good, I can elevate you from brainlet rank to faggot rank now. Don't forget the link next time.
I have gotten confused with, ironically enough, algorithms. Stuff with 2D arrays, I have a project to create a blackjack game and that’s tough for me. I understand the algorithms but I just can’t write the code to make the algorithm.
It’s probably my fault, I’m sure I should’ve practiced more.
>It's not hard if you are interested in it.
Basically this.
Use a branelet language like python or js or something
computers have no innate logic or intelligence
they are only as smart as those who make them
and they take everything literally
make sure you understand classes, or just look into simpler problems involving classes
I understand this, but when you program you have to think about how the computer would take the input and output it. i.e tracing loops and Boolean expressions. It can be a complicated concept to grip for some people
>it's not hard if you're interested in it
This. I used to fear mental effort but programming taught me it can be one of the most rewarding things out there.
A computer does not think. It all just electricity passing through(1) and electricity not passing through(0).
It's much closer to throwing a ball at a wall and expecting it to jump back because physics says so than a wall thinking.
>brainlet language
This is a meme. I'm comfortable with C++ and JS, and use both daily, and I've used C# and Ruby to build production applications before.
Programming is only as hard as the problem you're trying to solve, not the language you're working in. (at least outside the world of contrived academia problems)
You mean languages that allow the programmer to focus on higher level abstractions and concepts instead of dealing with out-dated strong typed retardation?
Yeah, maybe that's a good idea
When making software you are the dictator. And the computer is nothing but a tool. It has no thought of its own. Take a simple action ,walking, and seperate it into the small parts that make it happen all in order ,raise right leg by 1cm,move it forward by 50cm, lower leg by 1cm ,and now you just got into algorithmic thought.
It is quite letterally about telling someone exactly what to do.
user is shitposting but there are definitely languages that abstract away a bunch of concepts that are difficult to grasp for new programmers, like pointers and stack/heap.
It really isn't. Try making some 80s games as excercise and you'll learn quick.
That's why I think lower-level languages are pretty fun, if you making fizz buzz or similar projects, but after a while, having to focus on pointers and memory allocation just becomes a pain in the ass, it's hardly interesting. The interesting part of programming, imo, is thinking of problems and solving them, not doing the same thing over and over and over.
Why calculus is so confusing. I want a suicide booth
friendly reminder that all women and brainlets can't into logical assertions.
If you can't solve this by inspection within a minute, you don't belong here.
public static int mystery(int n) {
Random r = new Random();
int a = r.nextInt(3) + 1;
int b = 2;
// Point A
while (n > b) {
// Point B
b += a;
if (a > 1) {
// Point C
a = r.nextInt(b) + 1;
} else {
a = b + 1;
// Point D
// Point E
return n;
Categorize each asssertion at each point with ALWAYS, NEVER, OR SOMETIMES when
n > b
a > 1
b > a
create a 5 x 3 table for this. GO
Just to add; don't ever feel discouraged if you don't feel like programming one day/week/month.
Sometimes it does take a break to get back into things. But try to keep things going at least at a very slow pace no matter what so when you eventually come back, your skills will be there.
It's what I'd suggest, even programmers can feel drained sometimes.
I bet you heard linus tech tips say that, then assumed it was a very technical explanation. What a nigger.
eventually it clicks. the problem with programming is that you're initially thrown into a vast sea of new concepts with no point of reference.
just try to get a solid understanding of everything you're doing and eventually the knowledge will start to pile up in a logarithmic fashion as your vaster and vaster knowledge allows you to understand new things much more easily.
for instance, segfaults are initially some esoteric consequence that you'll be walking on eggshells to avoid but once you understand what your OS' kernel does and why they happen, they'll seldom happen anymore.
the only "mentality" you need to adopt is a healthy obsession with demystifying anything you don't understand at least fairly well.
a human brain does not think. it's all just electricity passing through neurons.
programming is like math, you need to practice to git gud
What the fuck is the structure Random? C++ is so awful.
What's Sup Forums's opinion on tutorial hoarding? Can you learn if you do enough tutorials?
that's not c++ lmao
up to a certain point.
eventually you will have to grow out of them because they only teach you how to write magic words to make shit happen magically. like the first year of a CS degree.
they're a nice way to immerse yourself and learn to actually make things but after a while you should be able to accomplish anything with simple documentation.
You are ALWAYS a cool guy
You should NEVER doubt yourself
SOMETIMES you'll feel down but that's okay
>It has no thought of its own.
Unless you're in the really wild end of AI. That's where one of the big questions is "what is thought in the first place?" and that's been pissing off philosophers for thousands of years.
Programming is not hard. Modeling your problem in a way that can be worked by a Turing machine is hard
OP said he has a problem with basic programming not AI. That shit comes way later and if only if you care to develop for it.
>id understanding of everything you're doing and eventually the knowledge will start to pile up in a logarithmic fashion as your vaster and vaster knowledge allows you to understand new things much more easily.
For example: dumb bimbos.
Yeah true.. that’s just brain chunking, the problem is the first learning curve
We're starting arrays and looping next week at my boot camp. Only my third week and I'm realizing I cant study or concentrate to save my life. I'm trying to look for an Aderrall XR hookup.
If it helps: Your source code isn't some arbitrary text like a tax form but a tree.
What’s webdev like compared to the basic CS track in University? I had to build basic sites in html in high school and I enjoyed that.
>arrays and loopin
>fourth week
Nigga wtf are you doing are you a millennial sjw imbecile or something? This shit is easily comprehended by French majors (I know one) on day one!
Modern web development is really just programming in JavaScript. Look up things like ReactJS and Redux. No one codes HTML directly anymore.
Because programming is just applied mathematics and you're a huge brainlet / not autistic enough