Tired of being a degenerate NEET.
What does Sup Forums think of Computer Science and Computer Engineering?
Which one's superior?
I understand that CompEng is more focused on the enterprise scale of computing, a mix of electrical engineering and computer science, while CompSci is an industry more aimed at the public and providing consumer software and programs.
CompSci or CompEng?
Neither nigga
What's better?
Frontend Javascript deweloper.
What are your career goals? CS gives you more breadth-of-knowledge, where CE tends to specialize towards firmware and embedded systems. That said, embedded programming is generally more lucrative, especially if you're looking at industries such as aerospace and defense. CS is better for pure software, with a much larger range of salaries and opportunities (which can be better or worse than CE, depending on what you do and where you go).
Wasn't CE supposed to teach you both software and hardware thus giving you more options at the expense of being a more difficult major?
Comp eng is double the classes without much of a job difference
It really depends on which school you go to, but in general I'd say no. In one case, a CE won't have as much background in higher-level stuff like OOP or databases simply because they're busy taking DSP instead. In another case, the CS program is designed to prep people more for grad school, and then the CS curriculum is closer to mathematics than it is CE/EE.
try a little bit of meth
Backend web dev is god tier. If you’re good, you’re worth six figures easily.
Tell us your interests, they're two fields for different people. I'm an Electrical Engineer, and it's fun as hell. Lot's of math, and not enough programming for it to become boring.
do comp eng
comp sci is for pussies
learn about circuits and do some wavy af mathematics with signals
learn how to make asics and fpgas to do useful shit like make sure your shitty fucking elevator doesnt murder mother fuckers
everything is based in physics and happens for real fucking reasons
comp sci has no science and shit so you dont get the bonus of learning how to make drugs in chem class
your gay ass project might not work because the hipster faggot who designed your trendy programming language didnt like a particular syntax
some pajeet in india can easily replace you
tldr; comp eng is hard mode comp sci is easy mode
also you get a cool little ring at the end of comp eng that gets you a shitload of asian pussy
Computer science is easier to learn on the job than CE.
EE is harder and more fun, but tends to pay less
here CE have both physics courses and maths courses so that you are able to communicate with other engineers and cooperate, so that you can understand more complicated domains. On top of this you have OOP and other high level courses like graph theory, data structures, algorithms and such.
with CS you can pick some specialized computer math courses, but you don't need to have proficiency in engineering/math courses like linear algebra and multivariate calculus or electromagnetism. You get more credits to spend on computer course though. instead of maybe wasting them on circuits and engineering courses
also this is different form school to school and CE and CS are just names/labels.
what country/school is this?
every canadian metropolis is full of asians
and hence canada is full of asian pussy
Sid is that you? XDDDD
we have engineering ring in Norway too, pretty neat
This stuff should be in the sticky so we don't get these threads anymore.
CS is a bunch of math and some programming.
CE is circuit design and hardware design.
EE is both of these, with a side of physics. You should start here instead.
Double major in ECE (electrical and computer engineering) and SoftwareEng
>i have become god of all systems and circuits
And you will never use any of all that math you learned in university
American CS degrees are a joke.
Just take CE, and if it's too hard, switch to CS and get the credits signed over
I am a poorfag who couldnt afford anything past a measly HS.
What can i fucking do to stop being a brainlet?