The Pyra - Will it flop?
The Pyra - Will it flop?
most definitely
there's no way such a beautiful looking device could flop. no.
Solves a problem no one has, so yes. Some will buy it, and it will be collecting dust a few weeks later.
>Solves a problem no one has
But I have this problem.
I was specifically talking about non-autism related problems.
The long development cycles and access restricted access to dev kits for higher-end SoCs kinda restrict it. the only real benefit over eg. that chinese x86 mini gaming thing is probably more freedom, but the GPU driver does need blobs anyways unlike the intel counterpart
I thought it had flopped already
Already did.
>Five inch screen
>16:9 AR
Tall as fuck.
Lets see.
It's still a work in progress after years of preorders.
It's hardware is all from 2011.
It's bad design make upgrade add on boards impossible.
It's literary cheap as shit quality wise. (That shitty screen.)
EvilDragon spends preorder money on his own private things. (Woops dude)
Did I already mention it's in development Hell?
Oh and the CHEAPEST unit costs 600€.
While GPD Win costs 300€.
While GPD Win 2 will be coming out next year for 400€.
Obviously there's a handful of retards with more money than brains that will buy it.
But that's about it.
The extreme of the tinfoil hats most likely.
They're different devices for different niches.
Aren't they built to order?
>access restricted access to dev kits for higher-end SoCs kinda restrict it
someone asked Evil Dragon if they could make a SoC themselves like the Atom on in the GPD Win
he said absolutely
then they asked how is it going to cool it, as it would require active cooling for turbo and a heatsink for basic operation
he never responded
>that chinese x86 mini gaming thing is probably more freedom, but the GPU driver does need blobs anyways unlike the intel counterpart
fuck, it's true
the win is actually more open then the pyra
One is a UMPC the other is a glorified ARM PDA.
Both have gayming controls are and meant for gaming.
One can run only Linux while the other can run Linux and Windows.
One is far cheaper and has better quality components, the other is a overpriced plastic brick.
Both have the niche of being portable emulation devices.
If you don't need that, buy an N900 if you want a pocketable device that runs Linux on ARM, or well, just a GPD Win.
The Win has the gaymen niche. The Pyra has the freedums gaymen niche, freedums phone niche, upgradeability niche, etc.
>freedums niche
>requires binary blobs for GPU acceleration
unlike my linux install on my gpd win
go eat evildragon shit, I see you love it
When a device needs to be funded with pre-orders, thinking you're going to get any kind of significant upgrades is fantasy. All modular tech kickstarter type things end up with this. They release a modular 1.0, and then that's it, because no one bought 1.0.
>Lets put Linux on it
>Lets also put gaming controls on it
>Oh, and don't give it any dedicated graphics
>unlike my linux install on my gpd win
Enjoying that Intel ME?
>go eat evildragon shit, I see you love it
I really don't, I'm just capable of seeing the device's purpose.
The possibility is still there though, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say about other mobile electronics.
>Enjoying that Intel ME?
You realize the Pyra has a ARM Cortex-A15?
It also has a botnet inside.
At least I've got a chance of upgrading it to a fully free SoC. I'm not a freetard anyway though.
OpenPandora was awesome.
But this one guy from the OpenPandora team that's working behind Pyra, not only a furry and a transvestite, he gables with pre order money and shitposts his own forums like a SJW whenever someone mentions something against his will.
This thing will fail. Basically it already has, over those dozen 3D printed prototypes, nothing more will come of it, things have been going backwards for the project lately and pre orders won't even get their money back.
>Enjoying that Intel ME?
like the older Macbooks, you can overwrite the IME ROM without any ill effect on the Atom EFI, unlike the older ThinkPads
Can I do that on my early 2008 iMac? Got a link?