Why doesn't the nautilus file manager have list mode like the windows file manager?

why doesn't the nautilus file manager have list mode like the windows file manager?

Because lincucks are busy writing twenty new file managers instead of adding features to existing ones.

Because you are using software written for absolute retards.

This is the number one issue with all things Linux. It's why all the software sucks and nothing works quite right.

What's the explanation for nothing quite working right in Windows then?


Nautilus is shit, desu. I use GNOME, but the first thing I do is install pcmanfm and set it up to my liking.

Everything works fine in Windows if you’re not a retard dicking around with system files. There’s also heavy documentation online as well, step-by-step guides, system restore points, cloud backup etc.

If you fuck something in Windows, then you’re a bigger retard than any other Windows user, and you should probably just stick to internet explorer like Grandpa

the gnome file manager is nautilus, dude

Everything works fine in Linux if you’re not a retard dicking around with system files. There’s also heavy documentation online as well, step-by-step guides, system restore points, cloud backup etc.
If you fuck something in Linux, then you’re a bigger retard than any other Linux user, and you should probably just stick to Windows like Grandpa.

Nice how you had no argument so you just modified my post.

I’ll take that as a win :)

>"you're wrong it does work, if it doesn't you're just retarded" is an argument

Because the gnome team thinks features are the devil. Use a better file manager like thunar or spacefm.

Assblasted much

Because Gnome devs want the smartphone audience.

Use literally any other DE.

I know, I'm saying I replace it with pcmanfm.



>using gnome

what else should I use oh glorious user

Just use double commander and stop complaining.

Are you literally fucking retarded
