/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

Post your one-off questions that don't deserve their own thread here. Try and research it first if you can.

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I remember that show.

which one?

Code Lyoko
It was definitely a kids show, but a fun thought experiment none the less... If you could handle getting cucked everytime the plot started to actually rear its head around.

Is a career in IT worth it anymore? All I wanna do is help users with there problems, you know hands on work. Seems a lot of IT anymore is 70% paperwork or management bullshit. What happened to actual fucking working on shit? You know actually upgrading some dumb ass's desktop or re imaging the sucker after they totally fucked it up.

learn enterprise level products, erp, crm, etc then you can work in fun stuff integrating services for small/mid business

No, you don't get a chance to help anyone before you're expected to move on to the next person with a problem.

Blame network advancement. Now that we have infrastructure in businesses that can transport a shitload of data, along with virtualization, all technical issues can be worked on via teamviewer by some pajeet in India for 5c an hour or some shit. If it's totally fucked, they can just contact the single administrator running the entire network to revert the thin client back to a snapshot.

PCs don't really break anymore like they used to. Most of the shit that breaks is because of a bad image/bad group policy configuration. So it can be managed by 1 dude in an office in front of a management console and menial shit can be fixed by pajeets for pennies on the dollar. If the actual hardware fails, they just hire a contractor to come replace the unit under warranty.

will I ever find a girl that enjoys the /prog/ as I do?

Can I edit documents on a chromebook in a way which doesn't involve uploading it to some cloud drive?

No your best bet is to find a girl into economic science.

This is how long it'd take to do a full fucking restore of my server from backup. Holy shit! Yes, its way better than redoing it all from scratch (if I even could) but still. Yes its an automated process but still a lot of shit can happen in this length of time.

Didn't get an answer, and in case I don't, what are those USB devices that just pretends to be a keyboard and types in some text stored on the device at the press of a button?

I have a device that communicates to my computer through fiber using a TCP/IP. When I plug it in I dmesg says that the link is ready but I can't ping it or open a socket to it. I'm pretty new to computer networking so I'm wondering if there's a way I could send out a general message and see if I get anything back. Like connect to any possible IP address and see if it'll work.

Thats why you segment out system from data.
You can restore your system while having a copy of the data on it seperate that may or may not need to be rolled back.

wtf is ricing

How do I spawn multiple turtlebots in gazebo


How do I enable flash on Firefox 57? Trying to watch Homestar Runner but can't figure out how.

pimping your desktop
only gays do it

boards.Sup Forums.org/g/thread/63678002/#p63679668
pls respond.

Link it properly and Ill look at it

Are there any search engines that can compete with bing for pornography since google put the minimum safe search to medium like 5 years ago?

When will the Haswell-E/Broadwell-E massive decomission happen?

with youtube-dl, how can i set the default download destination?

can i use it to automatically convert a mp4 file to mp3?

Where you launch the command

Put your path in '-o'

i'm sorry, i'm a lot stupider than that. i open up cmd, drag a file called youtube-dl and then put the target URL after the command

typing "youbue-dl -o [and then my desired path]" gives an error message

>gives an error message
post the error message

I keep having problems while I'm trying to install any torrent game, be it a repack or just normal release. This damned -12 error from unarc.dll. Already disabled UAC, checked permissions (literally everywhere that's applicable is Everyone:Total Control), disabled AV, disabled the service for WD, cleared %temp%, updated redists and .net, checked my privilege and everything else I could find on the internet. I have also tried torrent's Force Recheck option at least 10 times already.
What else could it be? Also, is there a way to just make the setup stop fucking checking for CRC? I bet I can fix ONE file with problems, but no way I'll be able to do it if the damn setup keeps dying because of it.

C:\Users\USER>"D:\Desktop\Folder\youtube-dl" -o "D:\Desktop\Folder"

Usage: youtube-DL [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

youtube-dl: error: You must provide at least one URL

So use -o to download to a folder and use a url to download

you still need to specify the youtube video at the end

Ok, I want to get off chrome if possible
I moved to chrome because firefox was being shit with multimedia, and then I made the full move when I wanted to save images, chrome would save from cache, firefox would save from the image location, making dead threads a nightmare unless I used downthemall and sorted though later.

However nearly every board has an archive of sorts so that issue is fixed, and chrome is so shit with multimedia now that I open almost everything externally if i'm going to actively watch it, fucking stuttering youtube shit.

So I have firefox open... and fuck me it's like a worse version of chrome in every way.

there any way to make this more like older pre chrome versions of firefox?
Also is there a tree tab that works across multiple windows?

speeds will be reduced to 128Kbps max if you exceed your plan's monthly data allowance.

how slow is this


Have you considered the possibility of your computer being garbage?

Like having to wait over 10s to load images.

nah, I can play 8k without drops on a fresh browser with no other tabs, but over time and with normal use form me, youtube stutters and it's fucking annoying.

old firefox could not play videos for shit, I mean like version 6-12, I moved to chrome because of that, then fully to chrome because it saved from cache, but now chrome and firefox are not where I want media to play, would rather play it in stand alone players as they do a FAR better job.

My optical drive on my PC is loud as shit when I watch DVD's (like a whirring fan) when watching via MPC. Is there any way to make it more quiet?

Any way to get Amazon to stop emailing me every day to remind me to configure my dash buttons? I guess I can block the emails with a filter but wondering if there's a "proper" way to tell them to stop sending me this shit.

>First thread on Sup Forums: Sup Forums image
>First thread on Sup Forums: Sup Forums image

What is roming and how do i rom my axon 7

Is there an extension for chrome to open videos externally rather than copy the url and open url in a program that will take it?

Not sure if this is the right thread to ask or maybe one of the chink shit threads but whats a good prepaid card to buy things online with? I need something that doesn't have to many stings attached. So basically almost no cost, just something simple so I can deposit like a hundred bucks into. Or should I just go with paypal?

Visa for temp
paypal for constant use

When i have no drivers this is what I see. Installing the drivers stops it working all together

What do? is it dead?

What does this mean and how do i fix it?
Trying to run a jar
java.lang.Error: Properties init: Could not determine current working directory.

my default image viewer keeps changing itself from preview.app to grab.app, anyone else had this problem or know the solution?

lately I'm getting interested in machine learning and I also have been interested in data science for some time now. I really wanted to invest my time to learn data science but then I saw shit like IBM Watson and it made me worried this job will be automated soon, that's why I've had put this option aside for now. I feel the same will happen to machine learning, although I think it's kinda of an irrational fear so I want to know: is data scientist/data smith and machine learning jobs that will get automated soon or are they future-proof jobs? my plan is to get a degree in math or stats

That's a feature.

What's the best internet streaming solution for TVs? I want to cut cable and just use things like amazon/hulu/netflix. Are those Chinese IPTV android boxes practically the same as an RPi running android? Would I need to worry about those Chinese boxes being part of some botnet?

Is this a fresh install, first time on new hardware?

How can I convert a bin and cue ps2 game file to iso for opl, all on linux

What kind of visa card do you recommend? I need one for international purchases from places like China or Eastern Europe. Also I heard you can't use paypal on Aliexpress.

whats the lightest laptop in the world?

Install bchunk, then run something like
>bchunk file.bin file.cue output.iso
Sometimes games are only bin, but you can just make your own cue file by copying/editing the one you have.

How can i get my keyboard to easily switch from english latin to russian cyrillic on ubuntu?

If you have a cup with an airtight lid with a straw built in, will a soda still go flat through the straw? Or will the liquid block the carbonation from leaking out?

Illustration for example. Can the carbonation get out this way?

Is there any reason to get rx 560 over rx 460?
460 is like 10$ cheaper

So, I heard about this thing called GPU pass through and I was wondering if there is a term for like, CPU pass through? And what would software supports each? I would like to have a few Linux distros and win 10 running as close to native as possible without a bunch of rebooting, but I have no clue what I'm doing. Would love to be able to switch between them similar to how virtual desktops work? No clue if this is possible or how to do it unfortunately... If someone has a link to an in depth guide for brainlets, please link?

lel, I guess it would mostly stay carbonated, but it would still go flat when there is air between the lid and soda.

Save buying a quieter drive and swapping, just rip it to your pc while you aren't in the room to listen to it. Maybe that's not the approach you were looking for but hey, it might be what ya need

I guess you are looking for a hypervizor, or setting core affinities maybe.

I really liked that show, they ruined it with the new live action garbage though.

Use Firefox ESR bro

Shit this is for extremely sorry for inconvenience

after stress testing firefox quantium, I think I have to use chrome for a bit longer, I opened every page on a Sup Forums board, then closed them, it gave up the ram, but the program was so fucking unstable at that point it caused every other program to be unstable too till I killed the process, it was only using 6% of the cpu, but it ground everything to a halt

Shit works far better than chrome when it works, but no extensions mixed in with a fucking shit inflexible ui is kind of the deal breaker.

feh --bg-scale /path/to/image.file
Didn't create a ~/.fehbg

Have you tried Vivaldi? It's pretty neat.

I may, but honestly its chorme with a paint job, and If I have to use chrome, may as use a compatible with all the extensions chrome.

I have a case with 2xUSB 3.0 ports. Is it possible to plug these into the USB 2.0 header on my MB so that they function as just USB 2.0s?

Hello my good friends, i have a question.

Is it really worth learning how to program if I'm just going to die some day anyway?

How do I copy a scrambled DVD on Debian 7? I've already installed libdvdcss

if you're ready to die you can take the express route

it doesn't fit

>it doesn't fit


Thanks, what's this called exactly? When I search USB2 to 3 adapter I keep getting external cables.

Is Kvm/virtual box a hyper visor? I couldn't find much info about exactly what it is via google. apparently Microsoft's hyper-v thing is a hyper visor though? how does that work? hyper-v breaks all my other emulators like NOX player and android studio. Is it possible to use something linux side and host other linux and windows things like it was native? Otherwise is there a hypervisor that isn't really bound to an operating system you can recommend?

I've been using git to "sync" my reaction/meme images across my different computers. With everything sorted in folders.

It's becoming too big, and I'm thinking about using a solution that works with tags, i.e. Hydrus network.
How do I synchronize my computers though ?
>ipfs or local booru
both these features would require me to keep track of the files that aren't on my other host myself.
sounds complicated, and I don't know if I do something like [download everything new] while also [upload everything I have that isn't on the server]

If you don't use Hydrus, what do you guys do to both sort & sync' your images ?

I'd like to disable play store games somehow, or at least disable the installation of them but nothing else. Any ideas? Or should I just code lock the whole Play Store app?

I searched for "usb3 header adapter"


*GNU/Linux. GNU is the operating system, Linux is one of its kernels.
*GNU/Linux. GNU is the operating system, Linux is one of its kernels.
*GNU/Linux. GNU is the operating system, Linux is one of its kernels.

Yeah, what's your point? Do you want to contribute some help to answer these questions, or would you rather keep virtue signaling about how great you are for using the correct terms even though in general colloquial use everyone just says Linux and you clearly knew what was meant. Because doing the later just makes you look like a prick... oh wait! I know which you would choose :)

What component should be replaced first for better performance in video games?

I don't want to just buy a new graphics card like an idiot if my RAM or whatever would get me the better return.

What performance are you looking to gain? What is causing trouble for you? Either way get 8gb more RAM

hmmm... hard to say from that alone. Ram, CPU, and GPU are all starting to get just a bit old, though I'm tempted to say maybe the GPU? Do you notice ram filling up a lot, or task manager showing 100% CPU usage? Figure out where your bottle neck is and go from there.

*GNU/Linux. GNU is the operating system. Linux is the kernel, one of the essential major components of the system. The system as a whole is basically the GNU system, with Linux added. When you're talking about this combination, please call it “GNU/Linux”.

I'll call it Linux because it's shorter and it is directly implied that GNU is included in that, unless I'm specifically in some rare circumstance where it is important for me to make such a distinction. Also you look quite pathetic trying to be the language police. If you like that so much just go to Canada with their bill C-16. i get a feeling you would love it there.

Are illegal tv/movie streaming sites even making any profit? Some have no ads or sign up, terabytes of copyrighted material waiting for legal trouble.

Why go through all the trouble and risk? Are the people running these sites just out of good will and camaraderie? If so then hats off to them.

some are, others mine bitcoin on your CPU. Others have a vested interest in keeping such services alive. Some are community supported, and many do use ads.

I can run most good looking modern games at absolute max for ~40fps, and just on high for ~60fps. Sadly if I knew which one was the largest bottleneck I wouldn't need to post, I'm competent enough to research a good buy when I know what needs replacing, but I'm kind of lost at sea when it comes to diagnosing.

Nice to know nothing is jumping out as a huge red flag I guess.

ok, play a game that has slowdown. open task manager. look at "CPU usage" and "RAM" if CPU usage is at/near 100% upgrade that. If RAM is nearly full or it says you have more RAM reserved than what you have that means it's using your hard disk to store data and you should upgrade that. If it neither of those and you still get frame drops it's probably the GPU. If you want better loading times get an SSD.

Noticed lately that CCleaner tend to wipe my greasemonkey userscripts out whenever I run it but I hadn't updated it in a while, just updated is this fixed or will it always happen no matter what and there's nothing I can ever do to fix it so I should just give up now?

Anyone here knowledgeable on cctv systems?
I'm going to install one around my house - I plan on using 5 hikvision DS-2CD2385FWD-I cameras for starters, can anyone comment on these from experience, or recommend an NVR or an alternate setup altogether?

OK, sweet. RAM seems to be hovering around 80-90% in fallout 4 on max, not hitting 100. FPS is at 60 sitting still, dips as low as 40 when there are a few lighting/particle effects on screen.

I figure I could probably get returns out of either RAM or GPU, maybe with a preference for GPU as RAM isn't hitting 100% when I get slowdown. This has been helpful, cheers.

Sounds like a good plan. gl user, hope it works out.

Any of you in Sprint and know any good phones with Lineage/Slim/AOSP support on them?

I would usually be against joining sprint since proprietary phones are trash, but financially it's currently my best option for now.

they used to fight a botnet

Might not be related, but fitgirl's repack uses some odd compressor which requires more than 2GB of RAM in order for it to work properly.
Mine with FM2017 just froze on over 60% while extracting.