If Net Neutrality is removed and nothing happens, everything stays the same.
If Net Neutrality is removed and 1984-mode activates, it's even better.
>normalfag free internet
>1990s internet speeds
>no more bandwidth hungry shitsites AKA kikebook, jewtube, twitch, faggotgram, etc.
Win-win in my opinion.
I've already got 2TB of entertainment saved up plus countless DVDs of movies.
What're all the rustled faggots posting about?
What's all the fuss about?
Because it's an outright lie. Many smaller ISP's have banded together to show that Comcast and others are lying about this bandwidth nonsense that is supposedly harming them. The little guys are saying they have been completely unaffected by services like Netflix and Kikebook.
we can do something any moment now.
>normalfag free internet
Except they're already so hooked on the internet they'll pay the hiked up prices for the expensive service package.
fuck them then lmao
Considering you won't be able to access Sup Forums if 1984 mode activates, because the left will use the demise of net neutrality to only allow you access to websites that agree with their mindsets, it'll be detrimental for all of us. I don't get why we need net neutrality to be removed in the first place. Ajit "Shittin' on Internet Street" Pai has given his reasoning for the elimination of NN as something to the effect of "Because fuck you, that's why." There is no benefit to removing NN, only negatives. At least for us amerilards, you yurotards stay out of this business.
>won't be able to access Sup Forums
And why is that?
Because the incentive to block Sup Forums is far stronger than that to continue allowing it.
SJWs have vastly more societal and financial clout than NEETs. They can and will ruin ISPs that *don't* block this site, mark my words.
>Because the incentive to block Sup Forums is far stronger than that to continue allowing it.
Says who? What boogeyman are you listening to?
This is about bandwidth, not some retarded-ass TV-subscription model for accessing websites.
>This is about bandwidth, not some retarded-ass TV-subscription model for accessing websites.
Do you understand what bandwidth is?
Those are one and the same.
The amount of bandwidth that Sup Forums consumes is like a molecule of water in an ocean. And how the hell are the ess jay double u boogeymen going to ruin ISPs that don't block Sup Forums? Remember, one of the big arguements against NN is that people can't vote with their wallets because they only have one broadband ISP in their area.
No-ones going to block shit, the only concern is that it'll be throttled, which is actually extra comfy.
Maybe threads won't 404 in 5 seconds that way.
>Those are one and the same.
They're pretty explicitly not.
retarded shill bots will tell ya its leddits fault leddit wants nn, but its completely wrong nn is a good thing and prevents isps from becoming monpoloy giants and fucking your asshole because they decide to throttle you, and your websites you use, they can also remove websites they dont like. But XDXDXDXD nn doesnt do that it makes isps powerful right now. I want nn repeal shills to fucking leave this fucking board they are retarded paid shills.
There will never be real competition among ISPs.
And not because of government, but because of private property itself. Nobody will allow you to build the last mile infrastructure into their home.
Reducing a website's permitted bandwidth to zero is by definition the exact same thing as blocking it.
>Sup Forums: the tech-illiterate (or is that innumerate?) board
refer to
"got mine"
This, youll have to buy the white supremacist package, sign a contract agreeing to go on a list, and put a "warning, Im a bigot" sign on your front porch if you ever want to go on Sup Forums again.
Customers already have no ability to vote with their wallets. Almost all Americans have only 2 options of ISP, and a good fucking chunk only have one. Which is why bandwidth should be equal, because there is no free market when dealing with a service (cough utility cough) that has a natural monololy due to physical infrastructure.
I pay for a certain speed and as a consumer should have that speed applied to every website I want to visit. Saying I shouldn't is like saying that an electricity company should be allowed to decide how much wattage goes towards which electrical appliances I use, when I'm already paying the faggots by the watt.
This analogy is 2fold because, like internet, I can't "vote with my wallet" by choosing another fucking electric company.
If you don't understand this, you are:
1. A stupid faggot,
2. A double nigger
3. A newfag, as nobody on Sup Forums before 2014 would be of the anti-NN persuasion.
NN repeal supporters aren't shills. They're retarded newfags that voted Trump and watch Fox news.
If these niggerfaggots would quit watching fox and actually read for once in their life, they'd realize that Title 2 NN regulations are regulating ISPs, not the internet itself. And that furthermore, they are regulating ISPs by saying they can't regulate the internet.
Fox says NN is regulation, but it is strictly forced anti-regulation.
AT&T blocked FaceTime on their Network when it was new. They also blocked Google voice and other VOIP services.
Comcast has blocked and throttled BitTorrent on their Network
This stopped after net neutrality and it's what the ISPs want to be able to do again.
This is why people hate Trumpfags. You queers ruin everything because you're too dumb to understand how he's fucking everything up.
Then when people get up in arms because of your arbitrary faggotry, you turn hyperfaggot and just start spamming "TRIGGERED", "LEL MAD", "LEL NORMIE LEL".
Fucking kill yourself faggot.
This. Every wave of cancer up to this point pales in comparison to the influx of millions of MAGApede boomers and normies we got during the 2016 election. Thanks Sup Forums
Pretty much this. Plus, those cuck will have to pay corporatists just to access Sup Forums.
Verizon LITERALLY blocked Sup Forums before net neutrality laws are in place.
Why the fuck wouldn't they do it again? It's literally on Verizon's wikipedia page.
All this "haha no normalfags" shit is absurd. All that would be ALLOWED would be normie internet like reddit and fb.
Sorry, let me correct myself, there is a section in the Sup Forums wikipedia article that mentions the ban, not verizon's.
>le smaller ISPs meme
How much is verizon paying you?