>tfw got romantically attached to my ASUS
Anyone here grow attached to a piece of technology?
What do you mean romantically?
To your ASUS what?
I doubt you want to know.
Is there an user x ThinkPad greentext I can rub one off to?
That's autistic as fuck tho
Although I kinda liked my old Lenovo netbook. It survived soda spilled over it, a few drops to ceramic floor and showed me the joys of Linux distros (came with XP but also saw the lands of windows 7 and 8). Used it for 4 years till i sold it to a classmate back in the days.
>decide to upgrade from shit-tier 2007 Acer Aspire about 2 years ago
>be a degenerate
>forced to hide degeneracies and power level
>feel like my comp is the only thing to understand me, see who i truly am
>realize that tech is the closest I'll ever get to a relationship
>begin to wonder what it'd be like if my computer was self-aware, what it'd think of me
>for some reason associate a feminine personality with it
>a brief slippery slope later
>jerked a couple of times to the thought of anthro computer waifu
Just fucking kill me.
Damn those computers are sexy as fuck
you people are seriously pathetic
What do you expect me to do then?
Looks wonderful.
You are a good Sup Forumstard.
i hate all my electircs, pieces of shit
ywn fuck your computer
Holy fuck I have a K501UX and it looks great but sucks
>tfw got platonically attached to my x220
I 'dunno, mine works perfectly.
It's been able to run anything I throw on it, even gaymes (spintires & fallout 4 on highest settings, works, inb4 )
I got the 8GB RAM 1TB HDD 256GB SSD i7 version for only $900.
I can do graphics, source filmmaker, anything. It renders and compiles fine, does everything I need it to.
Even toaster-chan?
it happened to me
Mine has fan problems
I have the same as yours, only 12 gigs
I call my laptop Mayu, so yes it's this bad.
what laptop?
Oh, no fan problems so far.
But then I use a blower cooler combined with a pad cooler so maybe that's why I have no problems.
Runs 30 degrees when idling, 40 under load.
Don't have my blower with me right now so it's hovering around 40 while idle.
>intel i7 skylake
out out out
>spend day surrounded by fake and boring people
>get home to finish my daily grinding and boring routine
>get on my PC
>A myriad of anything to do, things to know, videos to see, and e-books to read
>terabytes of collected assorted pornography, depravities, information, and useful things that I myself chose to fill my drives with
>Only met one other person who understands this feeling
>he's a closet homo, afraid of ostracization from his incredibly religious community and family
>wonder to myself if this is what being in the closet feels like
>drift to sleep, knowing my PC is my closet, and there's no exit
>still using galaxy S2
>all new phones are phablets
really like my tiny amoled screen its great for reading and the size is comfy there isn't a phone currently I would trade it for and will probably hold onto it until they shutoff the 3G network
why the fuck don't samsung do compact models like sony?
Bang the queer.
>all new phones are phablets
>sony makes compact models
what's it like to be retarded?
sony only use LCD which kills the eyes for night reading in addition they don't sell the current compact model in australia
Already did user, even though I walk and talk like a straight man, I'd fuck just about anything that accepts my hole pole
>Imblying that our computers aren't self-aware at this point.