Stop saying coding instead of programming.
Stop saying coding instead of programming
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Out of the loop here
Why does this trigger Sup Forums?
Watch me __code__ a VR porn experience machine that will make me millions, Varg! Haahahahahahahah
"coding" is faster to both type and say so fuck off.
what's your favorite Burzum album?
I never started
wrong answer
Correct, Varg. Saying "coding" instead of "programming" smacks of numale and/or inexperience.
>not "developing"
Either that or very old. In the early 80s it was always called coding, at least in Britain.
Mostly because it is what beginners say and the kode meme. Also sort of implies youre mindlessly typing shit instead of understanding what youre doing.
Not really, if you're coding something then it's anything but mindless as you're processing what you want into the code you type.
Newbie python using retard faggot here. What's the difference?
I program my VCR
I code my computer
I just want Varg to live a happy life with his snownigga brethren.
The few times I've interacted with someone from that era, they've always used it in the context of "coding something up" rather than being a "coder", but that might just be poor sample size
Is this the new Burzum thread?
There is none, Sup Forums is just autistic and homosexual.
There used to be the "bedroom coders" in the 80s. It was a term commonly used by the media, so it was in popular use.
>there are people itt !RIGHT! _NOW_ shitposting Varg pics without having listened to a **SINGLE** Burzum album
but i dream in code
Belus is a fine album for sleepy tiem
That's fair, but either way, the term is divorced from that history these days.
Euronymous ran down a flight of stairs and stopped to call the neighbour's door bell. He quickly realized that I had come after him, so he continued to flee down the stairs, knocking on the walls, trying to call the door-bells of the neighbours as he ran past them, and screaming for help. I stabbed him (three or four times) in his left shoulder as he ran - that was the only part I could hit while we were running anyhow. He then stumbled and broke a lamp on the wall, probably with his head or arm, and fell into the glass fragments - in his underwear.
why do you insist?
But what about Kode with Klossy?
The glass from the broken lamp that Euronymous fell on is essentially what gave him 23 stab wounds.
Kode meme?
why did Varg become such a meme?
Varg did nothing wrong.
Varg is a good boy.
actually it's called gramming
coder: java/javascript/python pajeet, probably learned through a shitty free "everyone can code!" website, doesnt give a fuck
software engineer: java/javascript/python pajeet, probably learned through a shitty free "everyone can code!" website, doesnt give a fuck, with a job
programmer: programs in C-family or bash for scripts, cares about his work, understands what he is telling the computer to do
Hello, Varg.
kode with klossy was an initiative to bring girls into programming. it is often mocked and shown as 'proof' that women are inferior to men.
Come on, we all know it's because people here hate popular things and don't want to be associated with them. They want their hobbies to seem as obscure as possible.
There is coding and there is programming, they are two different things
Open the source code of any serious/half-serious native program (mpv, linux, BSD kernel etc) and you will see programming.
Open the source code of any meme.js written by pajeet or a numale and you will see coding.
but i'm a coder artist
How does the function on the left work?
Go develop an ulcer.
thanks, will now exclusively call any form of programming, scripting, development, or engineering - coding.
Is is hacker code to steal nude photos
I'm coding programs
eat this
by using evil floating point bit magic
Way ahead of you
a > b && b < a
>if a and b are equal she returns 5 every time
there's so much wrong
she didn't really post this on twitter, did she?
this is a troll produced by Sup Forums autists to trigger people
I prefer the term, cyberspace warrior.
I keep coming back to Filosofem.
>she didn't really post this on twitter, did she?
She didn't.
Now go program me one
Already have one in my mouth
Yeah this is objectively his best album