Superior OS Thread

I listened to the Sup Forums memes for too long. It really just werkz.

t. long time Arch/Ubuntu/Windows user

Other urls found in this thread:

>$0.01 has been deposited into your account

What's a computer?

Hackintosh or full blown Mac faggot?

full blown. found a 2011 mac mini in my parents house over thanksgiving and added an SSD and some ram and updated to high sierra

>[email protected]
>i5 2415M
It's a mac mini retard.

owo desktop thread?

Nah m8, linux became too good.
Everything else is shit.

>t. long time Arch/Ubuntu/Windows user
How can a "long time user" of literally anything switch to another OS and say "it just works" is beyond me as it would effectively require zero knowledge of the prior systems from the person in question.
So how does one use Arch/Ubuntu/Windows for a long time without knowing shit about any of them, user?
Maybe the premium Facebook machine was more your speed to begin with.

post feet

Fuck off, degenerate.

anime website

I miss the futamac guy.

I love that we have DESKTOP THREAD to share our ANIME in


Go to your containment thread or better - board, you fucking autismo.

jesus i don't care if you're a d00d i'd plunge it in the ass so fucking hard

you first



Wait did Patchy get a sister?

Man Apple needs to freshen up the Mac Mini lineup, my server rack could use one

post more : ^)

only ONE more ok?

O w O




gui is the only thing superior about it, i'll give you that.

Trips confirm

dumb phone poster

>superior os thread
>posts an os with like 3 major security issues last week that also has shit drivers and shit support

You know, I believe you're a girl now. No other creature could desire attention this much. Whether negative or positive, it's all good.

>Superior OS Thread
Literally retarded shill


>major security flaw
>have to set a root password which takes ~45 seconds

pick one:

>mac OS: two security flaws which were patched in a matter of days
>windows: thousands of computers infected by wanacry and other viruses
>linux: even if you're not vulnerable shit still breaks when installing or updating

>>linux: even if you're not vulnerable shit still breaks when installing or updating
No, you are just dumb, please kill yourself

>windows: among billions of computers, thousands are infected by wanacry and other viruses
I'll pick that then.

What's the point of using iTerm over the built-in Terminal?

>What's the point of using iTerm over the built-in Terminal?
The gaming network card and the gaming antivirus.

It is superior to any linux bullshit.


just easier to customize out of the box, comes with solarized colorscheme and key binding options

>use arch with LTS kernel
>update kernel; wifi breaks
>takes 3 days to find because there were multiple updates and it wasn't clear what the problem was
>find it and try upgrading to newer LTS kernel
>wifi still broke
>downgrade and have to switch to regular kernel

>try to use KDE with a nvidia graphics card and/or a monitor with built in speakers
>pulseaudio fails miserably at using the monitor's speakers and screen tearing ruins the desktop experience even at 144hz with composition pipeline turned on

how can linuxfags defend this?

If I want to use hackintosh I have to go back to integrated sound card and that's not ok

>using arch
>using KDE
>using nu-vidia
You asked for this.

>Try Fedora KDE live before installing
>Every 10 to 15 seconds I get a notification telling me that shit crashed

>Try Manjaro KDE
>Works "fine" from the get go
>That is until I install it
>Have to reinstall sddm, can't even get into anything graphical
>After all that crap decide to try another distro with KDE

>Go for Kubuntu I mean why the fuck not
>Chromium and other applications are having some trouble with performance, really jerky scrolling (no tearing though)
>Spend a full week trying to figure out what it is, it turns out I have to disable triple buffering by putting a script somewhere

>Chromium still being a shit though
>Have to enable the "override software rendering list" option

>Well let's plug this PS3 controller
>All it does is detect most buttons as d-pad buttons for some stupid reason
>xboxdrv "fixes" the issue, until I check on how to use it wirelessly
>spend several hours following verbatim what's on the arch wiki and other sites to get that working
>give up completely

Nah nigger. I'm done with this bullshit

>nvidia works good
>amd works good

>nvidia works good
>amd works good

>ppfffffttt you should have bought AMD
>ppfpft you have a GCN 1.0 card you're fucked

>windows: thousands of computers infected by wanacry and other viruses

because users are fucking morons, aside of holes in the system, it's been long time since it was so easy to infect own computer with anything unknown

>linux, the only OS where you're retarded if you can't get it to work, and also retarded if you try

Works on my machine

>defending non-free software
How did you become such a cuck?

linux is piece of shit and it will still be, shitters telling you that they fixed problem with the printers [after 20 years?] and that's desktop ready, fucking no, it's not, windows may be annoying but if you chose good computer it gives you a lot more including graphic interface for fucking system options

This shit still doesn't have GUI?! even for power management?! are you shitting me?!

i'm a big supporter of free software, but it's too frustrating to actually use in its current state

at least apple cares more about my privacy than microshit

You've been told here for hundreds of times that a nice way to get into Linux is using cuckbuntu for a week or two, then arch, then gentoo (when you learn some shit about arch). You tried to simplify things and you got what you got

Well I literally had working kde without tearing, proprietary nvidia drivers and pulseaudio using monitor's speakers.

>then gentoo
Sad thing is, this was probably not satirical.

i don't doubt that you did, but it's still true that what works for some users doesn't work for others. i spent a week trying to fix both of these issues before i gave up and switched to an OS that actually works


What's the worst is that at least a half of these autists are doing this completely unironically.

Make your own mac mini and the hackingtosh it. Apparently hackingtosh is now a lot more stable.

Doing what?

Any recommendations how to deal with the new Photos suite?

I installed an SSD to gf's old Macbook and upgraded the OS to High Sierra mainly because of the APFS. It turns out that the new Photos is utter shit and a true prove that Apple is degenerating. All the photos are in some strange Photo Library.photoLibrary package and pain to browse with Finder or something like that. I don't understand what the developers have been thinking. An example:

>browse through photos in Photos (that works okey)
>hey I want to send this picture to some one (email, facebook, telegram etc.)
>no show in folder option?
>have to browse with Finder to usr/qt3.14/Pictures/Photo Library.photoLibrary/masters/2017/11/20/123123_12123/image.jpeg or something to get the file

>browse through the 1000 photos taken on a trip
>lots of similar shots taken so that the shaky or some other way bad photos can be deleted
>on my computer I just browse photos fast on fullscreen and hit delete if I see failed ones (might be many, you can take 20 pictures of a one situation within couple of seconds and only 1 picture needs to remain)
>mfw (no face) Macbook keyboard doesn't even have delete-button

I haven't used Mac by myself so I might not know how to use that but the Photos is cancer for sure and needs to be replaced with something. Any recommendations?

Right click in Finder -> Compress
There will now be a
Open, enter
sudo rm -rf
and drag into the terminal window
Press enter and enter your passphrase, press enter again.
Close Terminal (if you want)

That's how I do it since they stopped developping iPhoto.

macOS is kind of like linux except it actually werks

at the trade off of the freedom meme

There's a "share" button in the photos app that doesn't necessitate digging through finder. As well, command+delete is the "delete file" macro. The exact same is true in finder. command+delete moves shit to the trash can the same way.

I've had a macbook for 3 weeks and I know this stuff smdh.

>got an old Pentium Dual pc for free and install Mint to it
>give to parents to be used as a media PC with tv (store and watch photos, watch youtube etc)
>one day after recommended system updates the system will boot only to black screen
>some kernel update broke the video
>have to spend few hours first for trouble shooting and then fixing

>had a laptop
>decided to install Ubuntu
>after some update the backlight of the display stopped working
>had to use hours to get over it somehow

>have consumer Thinkpad with Mint
>touchpad drivers must be buggy, I don't believe the hardware can be that bad
>speakers won't work
>had spend good time to get the bluetooth work
>so far updates haven't broken anything

Just saying

Thanks that worked perfectly
Okey thanks have to try that out. But still no direct access to the file? Also didn't see Telegram in that share menu but maybe it could be added

>still no direct access to the file?
I haven't tried to access pics from the photos app in finder, but then again I don't use Photos. I prefer using the preview in finder and then opening stuff in Photoshop. That's easy enough for me and translates between operating systems rather well.

>Also didn't see Telegram in that share menu but maybe it could be added
pic related. I downloaded telegram from the app store and clicked the share button and then "more"
tick the box and it should work. I didn't try it because I don't use telegram, but it's there, so at least worth a shot.

inb4 delet

fug forgot pic xD

Is High Sierra stable now?

>t. long time autismodistro/debian+botnet/pure botnet user
Install Gentoo already, it's the only good distro

its called a hackintosh rajesh

moar plz cutie

Fyi you can change the model name to whatever you want on Hackintosh, but you’re right this time.

When are they going to fix it? It's pretty buggy.
Does anyone on older hardware (pre-2016 MBP/MBA) get battery issues with High Sierra?

Stop stealing pics

>thread is titled Superior OS
>it was about MacOS and not Debian

christ these just get worse every time

people only 'like' OS X because it doesn't require them to think

Congrats OP. I made the same change.


user: root

Why is high sierra so slow

Arch will always be superior

>Mac Mini
>Added RAM
Get better at lying OP

>google chrome
>microsoft word
what are you even doing on Sup Forums ?

I disagree but the arch wiki is pure awesome.

The real question is, when will they make it usable?
As of now it feels like a beta.

>using a mac
>dock that big
>dock not on autohide


I don't know how people can use other POSIX systems like GNU yet somehow dislike Mac OS, the only commercial Unix system in the market aimed at desktop/workstation users. I don't have any problem administering and managing a server, but I don't want to manage my own system locally.

high sierra is the fucking WORST release ever
it works so bad on ALL of my machines (mbp 2016, mac mini late 2012)

can you share the wall?

So is this an OpenBSD thread?

That's not Plan9.

>the only commercial Unix system in the market aimed at desktop/workstation users
shill detected

Feel free to name an alternative.

>Get better at lying OP
What about that is hard to believe? The Mac mini has an okay CPU and it's less than $30 to buy 4gb of ddr3@1333mhz. Plus I had an SSD laying around that I was using for arch but fuck that.

Probably the best way to get a legitimate Mac for poorfags in my opinion, because the Mac pro/iMac/macbooks are expensive as fuck
