The Ultimate Desktop OS would be a Unix/Windows Hybrid

JUST IMAGE: Well implemented, it could be revolutionary. A W10NT+ compatible ReactOS in the making.
>With the ease of use of a mouse-centric and direct-to-user system of utilizing an efficient gui of Windows (without the botnet & proprietary bloat obviously
>With the efficient, extremely configurable, total control source & package-centric use design, POSIX compliant, devfriendly & sysadmin friendly file system, GNU/Linux and other UNIX changes

This could be the MEGAMAZING FUTURE you could have been looking for!

But Windows is already perfect.

kill yourself


its this shitto again?

nobody wants winblows on anything

The point of linux (and mac) is to escape windows. We don't want features of Linux and Windows together we just want no Windows.

Outside of gaming theres no reason to use Windows

Yes there is:

C:/Programs Files/

Case insensitive commands comandeer great ease of use for desktop users.
instead of the autistic unixy /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin ~/local/bin and /home/user and /home/.shitloadofhiddenfiles/config.conf


(stripped down windows in vm on a 2011 macbook air)

Outside of being a delusional fedora wearing neckbeard there is no reason to use Linux.

Windows literally does everything better. The only reason why you wouldn't want to use it is if you're retarded enough to fall for the botnet meme and afraid NSA will see your underage anime girl collection.

>he fell for the vivaldi meme

i have more browsers than you have had girlfriends

>he doesn't understand the unix directory structure

Do you enjoy just stuffing everything into one place and dealing with bullhit organization of shit that every vendor comes up with on their own?

no offense but are you gay?
Anyway. What you are saying would be impossible to build windows cannot be posix complian and other file systems would not work. Gui is not efficient it is easy, also that start menu looks so unfinished.


literally just %ProgramFiles%\Program and %AppData%\Program



yeah linux has superior file organization lmao

In 64 bit Syswow64 is for 32 bit ,and system32 is for 64 bit. Unless you use 32 bit windows. In 32 bit windows system 32 is for 32 bit .
Also In 64 bit Program files gets renamed to Program files(x86)
And you end up with tons of older relaiable 32 bit applications installed where the 64 bit ones should be. And newer ones by idiotic developers who say "what's the problem with that?"
Whoever designed that needs to consider suicide.

Also try looking in the user directory using linux and see how much of a big mess it is. The thing about windows is that it love's to deceive.

You clearly have never done any programming or development, because developing outside of unix-based stuff (Linux, macOS, BSD) is a nightmare. The windows shell is so terrible, and powershell is a bad replacement, not to mention the weird pathing system. Also, it's clear you've never worked at a real company because 80% use Linux servers.

>you've never worked at a real company because 80% use Linux servers

Well, obviously I'm talking to a sub 100 IQ retard Sup Forumsentooman, but h o l y s h i t.

You clearly have your tech knowledge limited by meme threads on Sup Forums without any real life experience.

>The Ultimate Desktop OS would be a Unix/Windows Hybrid
no fuck you

The Ultimate Desktop OS was Unix-like plus KDE4 b4 they started the plasma update and turn it into KrashDE


>The Ultimate Desktop OS
Windows 7

>instead of the autistic unixy /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin ~/local/bin and /home/user and /home/.shitloadofhiddenfiles/config.conf
those are symlinks faggot
it's literary just /usr/bin and your ~/bin if have one dumbass

yeah it actually does

One browser should do it just fine then.

>believing everything autistic NEETs on Sup Forums tell you because you're literally too retarded to check for yourself and see that there is no hidden backdoor that sends your degenerate porn habits to the government

But Linux (Debian) is already perfect...

Ideal. Except for the home folder and dev part

why stain acceptable unix with such trash? macOS proved you can have that without windows' other garbage. but really it's all harmful install plan 9.

Cherish those two years-

are you a window xp?

October 2021..


It's supported until October 2021 currently due to WES SKU.

windows would be perfect if it wasn't a bloated botnet

That's still borrowed time. Which is a shame, because W7 is better than its successors.

Somebody could create a UNIX OS with these features without merging it with Windows

It's pretty obvious, the Windows Meme will be a suscription-based rolling Linux distro with full propietary compatibility with legacy systems.

I would even say cheaper computer models will be only terminals of cloud computing.

Fugg off Microsh!t shills

Maybe they'll extend support if many enough people will still use 7. We'll see..

That's what my father believes, but I doubt it. Microsoft seems really eager to make people use 10.
And I'd rather see an end to closed source operating systems.

Kek no, there are lots of computers running xp. They need money to keep the company afloat.

Keep dreaming faggot