What have you achieved lately?
What have you achieved lately?
>east London
Considering the place that's an achievement.
>East London
kek, how is this a thing!?
> "His father also plans to enrol his son on various on-line courses, such as the Cplusplus, to stimulate his programming skills. – Voice"
Dayumn son, musta been a helluva temptation to burn those social security checks on something like spinners for his bike or new jordans
>insulting the kid instead of the journalist
The journalist is the real faggot here.
damn right satan
Have you studies the Cplusplus, Sup Forums? Don't lie.
what a faggot when i was around his age i was installing minecraft mods and jerking it to pictures of dawn and misty
>what a faggot when i was around his age i was installing runescape clients and jerking it to pictures of Twilight and Fluttershy
The kid is still a nigger.
pony fags must be a dying breed don't think i have seen one in years
They are. Source: I used to be one and sometimes dip in to see what they're spurging over this month.
never liked them but it's pretty sad seemed it was huge part of chan culture when i first arrived
Never forget the greatest inventor of all time?
Nothing wrong with the kid. 11 is a pretty early age to build a computer anyway, so I don't see any issues with him being proud of himself.
Whoever wrote the journal is a moron though, and clearly doesn't know how (relatively) simple it is to build a computer.
yep. that was mostly what drew me in, being even more autistic then than I was now, I thought I'd found my people. Luckily I got over it and now have more refined tastes like anime and computer components.
I want Sup Forums to leave
Average LTT viewer
And I want niggers out of my country, we can't all have our way.
look at this naziphobic straight white man hater
It's an edit. The original article uses the word "builds."
once an empire, now a doormat.
didn't get fired and got my 10% raise, you?
Still nothing that should be written in the news
Haven't killed myself yet
I have not. No lie.
I know. Just saying.
Most of them just learned to keep their powerlevel hidden. It's not like liking ponies is even relevant in most discussions.
It gets even better
>“I did the necessary research and avoided anything that could break or destroy the components, such as static.”
>Joshua’s new Windows 10 PC is now the fastest in the Ngoka home and by far the most popular with family members constantly attempting to use it. The machine has a speed of 3:20 gigahertz and 500 gigabytes hard drive for storage.
I like ponies. The show's still good. The movie was nice. IRL literally no one cares so I'm pretty open about it and collect some merch including a t-shirt I wear to work once a week.
what's wrong with your cops?
fucking slam that POS to the ground
those specs are aweful for 600 bucks
Wow! This is amazing! What kind of computer is it? What technologies and physics he use for his invention?
>11-year old
holy shit what are they feeding him
The tears of a falling nation.
I still do.
>mfw inventing the oval office
They all stay up in /mlp/ and /trash/, they keep their shit away from everyone else UNLIKE Sup Forums
nigger and pajeet central
Burn it down.
>not haruka and hikari chan
The good news is, like furfags, atheists, and bronies, Sup Forumsshit is and will continue to die out as people get fed up with their autism
>IRL no one cares
This, literally everyone that matters won't give shiz
Hahahahaha holy fucking shit the absolute state of j o u r n a l i s m
>Live in US and get abusive cops
>Live in UK and get pussy cops
Why can't we just have a moderate cop?
>The talented youngster is now planning to use his new computer to design his first video game, which he hopes to launch within the next few months
Hey Sup Forumsuys!!! Did he released his game???
Go back to Sup Forums. Nobody wants you here
>gets more viewers than the rest of the site combined, due to the election
"D-Dying out, guiz!"
hate speech doesn't
Took the first steps to making a smart-room
Just a couple questions though:
Should i stick with Chromecast to play music and videos on the TV?
If so, should i get a Google Home next...?
>inb4 botware
the same happened with bronies, eventually they learned to shut up and stay inside of their containment board
What the fuck are they doing? One of them is giving the nigger a bj and the other is batoning the nigger's ass.
Sure that looks pathetic but the guy they are fighting is not doing a good job either. At least there won't be a week long protest over a shot dindu like in burgerland.
there is no such thing as hate speech
theres speech thats mean to people, but its still protected free speech
That only worked because the mods actually moderated it. Plus, it's a lot easier to see a picture of a pony then slam down the ban hammer, while it's more difficult to define a Sup Forums post.
What the fuck am I watching?
As soon as le kekistani warriors became popular enough for normal people to see how cringy they were it started dying out. “Meme magic” has been dead for almost a year now too.
So what you're saying is that Sup Forums is almost entirely reddit cancer and newfag boomers who came during the 2016 election? Yeah that sounds about right
The kekistan shit is alt-lite cringey meme shit, Sup Forums hates it and makes fun of it too mate
well the concept of "meme magic" lives on Sup Forums, and other sub communities have realized the power of memetics, and that if you can convince enough people of something, you can make big changes.
>it's a glorious achievement to assemble a simple pc living in the second most important city on earth in the year of our lord 2017
nigga wat
Now compare this to how British police treat white youths.
>invented a computer
So what changes did you make to the Von Neumann architecture?
Wew lads. Even California cops use aggressive force
American here. East London is looking pretty damn packed with immigrants. The only English thing in the webm was the blonde guy with the camera.
I can tell that I'm looking at a city of the Old World by the architecture (I've been to Europe before) but the people are sticking out like a sore thumb. I expected to mainly see white people and a slight peppering of brown folks.
Eh, it won't be so bad. Eventually they'll assimilate and intermarry. The majority of Muslims will eventually become Christians. Give it 100 years and England will be white again.
You guys just have to get the leftists under control. They're the real enemy.
>Eh, it won't be so bad. Eventually they'll assimilate and intermarry. The majority of Muslims will eventually become Christians. Give it 100 years and England will be white again.
Not sure if trollbaiting or serious
Not trolling but England has to toughen the fuck up and get the pussy leftists under control. They're destroying your nation from the inside out. The people of England can't allow Sharia law or any of that garbage and they most certainly have to kick the shit out of violent Muslims. A violent Muslim only understands violence. I never said that the assimilation would be peaceful or that it would happen if the English sat on their asses eating bangers and mash. People have to take action.
Honestly the populace should get armed. I know that the English are used to having unarmed police and unarmed civilians but you see what that gives you. Check out the webms for proof!
By the way. America isn't as bad as the left makes it out to be. I'm an American of Cuban descent. I would be happy to have a Brit stay in my house while I show him around South Florida. I would take him to a shooting range and happily show him that guns aren't the devil. My family had the choice between communist Cuba and America. Pretty fucking simple choice. Now we're just regular people that pay our taxes and work just like everyone else.
Us brown folks aren't all that bad either. Most Hispanic Americans are very conservative and want Trump to build a fucking enormous wall...just like MEXICO has. Yeah..the left calls America racist for wanting a wall but they don't mention that many European and Hispanic countries have walls. We may speak Spanish at home but we are heavily critical of Hispanic immigrants that think they're entitled. If you don't see this its because you haven't sat down and talked to a Hispanic person that immigrated to the US back in the 50s or 60s. Memes aren't news. Talk to a few of us and you'll see that we're just like you.
That grown ass dude is 11? What the hell
Are nigger years different than human years?
That Glen Munro person is really retarded.
Also I built computers at about that age too, without everything being shape and color coded and with the OS setup involving CLI work and some knowledge.
>Eh, it won't be so bad. Eventually they'll assimilate and intermarry. The majority of Muslims will eventually become Christians. Give it 100 years and England will be white again.
(you), you repulsively stupid jackass
He looks like a kid, just fat
>Are nigger years different than human years?
Yeah actually, they mature faster physically
You're not an American. You are a Cuban piece of brownie shit that is imitating an American. Americans are all Europeans, everyone else is an imposter larping faggot.
You speak as if leftists are some fringe group with disproportionate influence in the UK. They're not. The people of England are left leaning.
t. Bong
>nignog invents computer
>white person wastes parents money trying to build a computer that barely works
Look, even if you consider OP, it's the journalist that is WAY more retarded than the kid. Even if you see a black kid in the photo.
> UK becomes more right wing, education and a lot more goes to shit, and with it many young people are in trouble
Sure, sure.
> prageru.com
Le private sector health care costs more in the USA itself than government health care AS WELL as it being the same situation basically everywhere else, but we're telling you government can't fix it.
Here's the counter video:
> The people of England are left leaning.
And that's why the house of commons as well as the government in general is held by conservatives.
Yes, the UK is governed by right wing conservatives, but you can't blame them for the shit they do - it's all the left's fault. And immigrants.
>hate speech
No such thing. Just because it's morally reprehensible doesn't mean you can't say it, according to the 1st amendment.
the Conservative™ party are not conservative you plebeian.
>They fell for the left-versus-right meme
>They don't realize both sides of the isle are idiots that use wedge issues to gain power and hardly and spend money like it's going to last for-fucking-ever without any plans to pay it back, unlike a true conservative
>They don't realize both sides of the isle are against civil liberties of any kind, especially those relating to the populace bearing arms for self-defense and the right not to be spied on 24/7, unlike a true liberal
>when a nigger builds PC out of parts designed by east-asians and europeans, it's an wizardry innovation
Bar is really low for them.
And Labour aren't the "true" left, so they'd surely be actually right wing if THEY had been the governing party to mess up 1979-1997 and most importntly since 2010 (which actually was the conservatives, plus 1970-1974).
Because no true Scotsman -I mean left winger- would make a mistake.
Sad excuses. Conservatives are definitely right wing and as responsible for the time periods indicated above as the more left wing Labour was for 1964-1970, 1974-1979 & 1997-2010.
user, who wrote this article?
1. That kid. Because he is in the photo and the story.
2. Some dumb ass journalist whose ethnicity we don't know, but might as well suspect to be some white born-UK citizen.
i installed linux on a vm and dicked around on it then unistalled it and deleted everything
are you seriously implying 11 year old nigger can write many sentences? of course it's some jew putting niggers on pedestal!
three successful live goings and i have resisted the urge to buy any shiny hardware toys for christmas.
Quite pleased with myself i must admit.
The article says his father is an It consultant... How the fuck does he allow for such embarassment
activate wangcows