>be me
>be in lecture
>oneplus 3t starts playing music by accident as I put it down
>I generally listen to nightcore because why tf not
>high pitched voice song because of nightcore
>only just realised that people think it was porn because of how quickly I closed it
>tfw no one will ever believe me
>fucking Oneplus man, over sensitive music controls
>the worst part is that I actually use the music gestures the most when I have headphones in but now I have to disable it.
Be me
Serves you right for listening to gay ass shit
Nightcore is unironically the best genre of music
>not having media volume muted
Take this (You) and kill (You)rself
That's the thing though, I thought it's muted but apparently headphone volume is the same as speaker volume. I wonder if I cucked myself by getting this phone
Why not just play the same song again if you’re asked about it?
Then they’ll know it’s not porn.
Install Lineage instead of OnePlus' memeOS
Or you could, you know, just flip the fucking HARDWARE volume switch to silent when in class and not worry about this ever again.
Firstly, it's not really a well known song and does sound a bit gay to the rest of the Chad's, so doing anything now will probably do more harm than good to be honest
Also, I probably won't get asked about it and will probably get forgotten but I am dying inside and won't forget it until I'm 82
I could do that, but I prefer the notification sound on, and nobody gives a shit if I get a text.
I might do that now, but the problem is that Lineage and other custom roms will always be unstable, and the thought of having my phone fuck up on me by bootlooping or some shit in an emergency is unsettling. I know oxygen os isn't the best thing out there but it's supported by oneplus, has official updates and also has gestures. The gestures are good for screenshots, flashlight, as well as just music so that's why I keep it.
>Lineage and other custom roms will always be unstable
I never had a single problem with Lineage OS on my Nexus 5.
I don't remember having problems with cyanogenmod on my old SGS3 other than dropped frames in some places.
>I prefer the notification sound on
>in the middle of class
Un-prefer it, faggot. That's what the switch is there for and hearing whatever plink-plonk noise you have for your text alert in the middle of class is still annoying even if noone says anything.
I know they will be stable in most cases, but while the official rom is still supported then il use it because there's a level of guarantee that the phone won't fuck up on me.
The point being is that even if it did go off, no one would give 2 shits, though I generally don't get any notification apart from the occasional uni mass email.
However if some nightcore started playing then that can't be redeemed.
Mine has literally never done this :\
you got off light, porn is probably better than nightcore
That's the thing, this shit only happened after I updated to Oreo stable a week ago.
>inb4 downgrade to nougat or lineage
my phone has something that mutes music when no headphones are plugged and pauses when you unplug. maybe that too is removed from new versions.
Looking to see if that can be implemented with Tasker or some shit, but it should be solid for now, now that the music gesture is disabled. Thanks for the idea anyway, don't know how I forgot that because my last android had Lineage and nougat and had that function with it.
do new phones not have a notification led? even my 5 year old poorfag phone has one that can do multiple colors.
The 3T certainly does.
Enjoy your Sup Forums's FOTM meme. This phone has been shilled so much here I'm not actually surprised it's shit.
>it's shit.
Except it's not. OP is just retarded.
It does have an LED but it's not immediately obvious, especially when I'm not looking in the phones general direction. Also I'm just used to the notification sound to begin with.
Idk what FOTM mean, but I didn't get this phone because of Sup Forums, I got it because of the price and specs, also because it's generally well supported by oneplus and other developers aswell. The phone itself is actually very good, apart from the gestures, which work well more than it doesn't but the "ghost touch" or oversensitivity causes problems occasionally. This was the absolute worst case of wrong place wrong time when it went off
>Except it's not.
Except it is, like most Android phones which lack a physical keyboard and a visible LED for notifications. Moreover most Android phones like the OnePlus have shit stock launcher, apps and system, aka bloatware.
Flavour Of The Month.
I would still probably think higher of someone if I think he is watching porn on his phone, than listening to nightcore
>Also, I probably won't get asked about it and will probably get forgotten but I am dying inside and won't forget it until I'm 82
you will die in a civil war so no worries it won't take 70 years
>unironically wanting a keyboard for ants
My phone is rooted and have removed the bloat such as Duo, play music, play movies and that's it. The only oneplus bloatware in there is actually just the stock launcher and Community app which is a forum. Given non dedicated users don't use that app, it's shitty on Oneplus behalf but I actually like that app, and have got Nova Launcher working instead of that stock launcher, which isn't too bad anyway.
Dipshit deserves the utter humiliation
>unironically keeping on using a laggy, bloated, unaccurate software keyboard
If you've felt the need to root your phone and install a different launcher at a certain point, this simply confirms my idea that OnePlus is bloated OOTB. Rationally speaking, you don't need to invest time on rooting and customizing your phone when its preinstalled features work well.
I rooted it so I could fuck around with the system and hack iAPs, not only for bloatware. Also, the best parts of android is undeniably the customizability, where you could install icon packs and launchers, so that isnt the fault of oneplus to begin with. It's at least better than touchjizz, where if you trip knox then the warranty is basically fucked.
i have this
I was really expecting you to say
>can't FUCKING remove the battery
as part of this story.
No there is not. That's like saying Microsoft Windows is stable, so you should use it until your hardware can no longer handle it.
It's basically the new Samsung since Samsung was shit after the S3. Same button placement, mostly the same freedom you used to have. They are getting worse/boring with recent phones, though. I am going to move on from them. I'm hoping to get the Gemini PDA as my next phone, and then I'll probably stick with that as long as possible. The spec increases really just don't matter anymore. I'd rather have a keyboard.
>like most Android phones which lack a physical keyboard and a visible LED for notifications.
What? Basically every Android phone has a notification LED. The last phone I used without one was the Galaxy S1.
>be me
Who else are you going to be you dumb frogposter.
Are you from Reddit or something? I've seen dozens of stories that start with ">be my friend" or similar. You could say that this is an unnecessary detail, perhaps, but it's not that weird.
Always turn your volumes down before class, it will save you from embarrassment.
I always do it, cause 90% of my music is pretty much touhou
>take generic EDM or gay ass pop
>speed it up
>best genre
I'm afraid your music taste sucks. There's better high energy electronic music that isn't as fucking gay.
>Speed up songs
>Call it a music genre.
>mfw my collection of Miku/vocaloid music starts to auto-play at work
>Mfw it was one of the better songs, coworker asked what it was
>Mfw I have to explain to a normie about my Hatsune Miku
At least they don't know I have a shit load of her music, posters figures, and the like.
I never called a genre, I know that sped up songs is all nightcore is, and I enjoy it, so what gives?
is this b8?
I would claim it was porn to avoid embarrassment.
>he uses that oxygenOS garbage
>while lineageOS is available
When the first post is also the best post