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Is this an improvement in any way over my core 2 quad and 2nd gen i7.
In other words is it work buying it.
From looking closely at the chart, I can tell with little margin of error that this is literally fucking nothing.
They'll add 2-core 35W CPUs to their existing Coffee Lake lineup. Likely Pentiums. And then nothing else for the rest of the year. That is, if the chart is not a fake.
If Zen+ can actually get clocks up, Intel is fucking dead.
No 10nm kek
Apparently this is official by Intel. Authenticity has been confirmed. Intel is mighty hopeful that Zen+ isn't gonna bash their skulls in. Would love to see AMD skullfucking the 8700k desu.
Rypoo garbage can't compete with Intel
Did you just look at the same chart I did? Intel has nothing for an entire year. While AMD has a dye shrink coming within the next quarter and possibly an architecture improvement later next year. There's a high fucking chance Intel is going to be behind on all ends by the end of 2018. They're already behind on multithread processing because AMD already fucks them over on core count. If they get their single threaded performance up, which is not hard to do on dye shrinks, it's simple as fuck actually, Intel might actually be fucked.
But keep throwing baseless le fanny indian memes around. That'll help Intel a lot.
>dye shrink
stopped reading there
Does it mean cofee lake s will be compatible with z370 mo's?
>eheh, ur argument was pretty gud kiddo, but u made a le spelling mistake, so the argument is invalid, though luck ;^)
God forbid there's people in this board who aren't English natives.
>does this mean the new intel generation is going to be compatible with older motherboard
I Googled but did not understand it. Pls teach me senpai
Pick one.
>If Zen+ can actually get clocks up, Intel is fucking dead.
just like Intel was dead when Ryzen was released?
AMD doesn't seem likely to ever beat Intel in IPC, so their only benefit is gonna be cost to performance. and since most games and Facebook don't utilize more than 4 cores, Intel will be faster 90% of the time. Ryzen is good for prosumers but for anything else, Intel has the better performing products
'based' means 'good guy'
Oh look, it's the "If AMD can do X, Intel is dead!" meme. After Bulldozer and Ryzen, how can you honestly maintain this level of naive optimism?
>AMD doesn't seem likely to ever beat Intel in IPC,
AMD's IPC is some 10% lower, that's passable for a generational improvement you fucking idiot.
WHAT DOES lrn2google MEAN ???
New architecture isn't perfectly optimized, everyone stop the presses! You actual fucking retard.
It took Intel several iterations of the same architecture to perfect it to what you have now. Intel themselves already said that a new architecture would likely have worse single threaded performance even on a smaller process. It's one of their struggles when building a new architecture, that it'll probably be worse at first.
>and since most games and Facebook don't utilize more than 4 cores, Intel will be faster 90% of the time
Just because 4cores are fine, doesn't mean it should be enough. No one stopped when we had 128MB disk size because it was enough back then. No one stopped when we got to 1Mb/s internet because it was enough. More is better, in all computing fields. Especially because more of the better stuff makes the worse stuff (ie, 4cores) cheaper for everyone. That logic is beyond retarded, my man.
>Ryzen is good for prosumers but for anything else, Intel has the better performing products
Except, you know, Ryzen is actually fucking cheaper than Intel on most segments. Not only that, but no one fucking needs top of the line IPC unless you're a progaymer that needs to squeeze 5 extra FPS on CSGO.
>comparing Bulldozer to Ryzen
That's some top level denial shit going on.
Thank you based senpai :)
>10% of 5ghz is 4ghz
Dumb pooshitter
Jolly good show, favela monkey.
>New architecture isn't perfectly optimized, everyone stop the presses! You actual fucking retard.
obviously not, but you're still ignoring the fact that AMD hasn't had better IPC since Athlon. and the head engineer behind Ryzen, Jim Keller, left a few months ago to join Tesla, so they lost a big part of the development team. in the meantime, Intel has been working on new architecture and improving their current products
>Just because 4cores are fine, doesn't mean it should be enough
I never implied it was enough, I implied that more than 4c/8t is superfluous for 90% of people 90% of the time. the main drive to go Ryzen is the total core count, otherwise you may as well get Intel and get better single thread and equal/better game performance with higher overclocking potential
>Except, you know, Ryzen is actually fucking cheaper than Intel
only cheaper if you look at CPU benchmarks and do price/perf. in almost every test, between two similarly priced products, Intel gets better fps. now sure you can argue that "it's only 5-10%, just wait!", but until AMD proves they can actually beat Intel, there's always gonna be people who want the best, not the cheapest. oh and to add to this, none of these benchmarks include overclocked cpus
>10 % from 5.0 GHZ equals 4.0GHZ
>pic is (You)
Get a trip.
>no 8core CFL-S
>obviously not, but you're still ignoring the fact that AMD hasn't had better IPC since Athlon. and the head engineer behind Ryzen, Jim Keller, left a few months ago to join Tesla, so they lost a big part of the development team. in the meantime, Intel has been working on new architecture and improving their current products
Architecture is done. That's the hard part. Optimization is just iterative work, gets done over time and massively improved with die shrinks, just like the one coming up. Plus, AMD's architecture has already proven to scale amazingly and get much better yields than what Intel has got right now. Jim Keller left because he was no longer needed, his job was done. He never stays anywhere when he's done.
>I never implied it was enough, I implied that more than 4c/8t is superfluous for 90% of people 90% of the time. the main drive to go Ryzen is the total core count, otherwise you may as well get Intel and get better single thread and equal/better game performance with higher overclocking potential
>no one needs more than 4/8. Why do you want 4/4 anyway? Here's a perfectly good 2/4!
You act like Intel didn't pull this shit for 10 years just because they could. Most laptops these days pack shitpiss 2/4 """i7s""" because there's no fucking competition. Yet they still charge premiums for them, just they did for 4/4s and 4/8s on desktops. Intel isn't moving forward at all. They were stagnating CPUs on core counts, when obviously the technology to do more was right there. And yet, you defend it, just because "most people don't need it". Well, most people don't need 1Gbps fiber connections, yet the technology exists and they keep pushing it farther. No one needs 1Gbps disk speeds or SSDs, yet the technology keeps improving. Technology, motherfucker. It shouldn't stop just because "no one needs it". Why are you even on a technology board?
>only cheaper if you look at CPU benchmarks and do price/perf. in almost every test, between two similarly priced products, Intel gets better fps
>muh games
No one cares about 5 fps difference. You talk about 90% not needing more than 4 cores, yet cling to games as if that was the main usage computers get. Guess what, even gaming is a small market compared to what PCs are required for every single day. Every office worker out there in the real world uses a fucking computer. And every single one of them is glad that the 400$ budget for their shitbox can now include a proper 4c/8t CPU, instead of the shit 2c Pentium that Intel forced down everyone's throat.
Now go back to
>coffee lake-s 35w LGA
>gemini lake 10w BGA
what a development. and then that shit throttles as well because it can't handle the turbo boost, which without it those processors would be pure garbage.
how can you buy this fucking piece of shit. intel hasn't produced anything half way decent since q6600
Well said. Nobody needs computers anyway, we wan't them. People were just as happy in the 1950s as they are now.
Also, that 90% of the time bullshit is dumb AF with computers lasting as long as they do now days.
You all fell for my bait.
>i was just pretending
disgusting oy
why would I buy (((intel))) when AMD is cheaper and doesn't have the pile of shit that is intel ME
>intel: fuck you buy a new board every year
>amd: what of course you can upgrade your cpu in 3 years on the same board
reminder that am3+ existed for over 3 years
mean nothing
das a big cpu
he said IPC you idiots
Frequency doesn't magically increase IPC
fo you my man
>Skylake still alive
The fuck?
look at how much market share they've lost, though. when i talk to my gaymer friends about computers, literally all of them who have upgraded picked up ryzen. AMD's on the way up, even if they aren't quite killing intel yet
For... what?
That slide shows there's absolutely nothing to be thankful for - at all. Am I missing something? Looks to me like they've got jack shit coming down the pipeline.
I don't even get why they'd bother having a presentation, they might as well have said they plan to sit on their asses and milk current products.
I guess they figure that going from 4 to 6 cores on their i5 and i7's combined with better IPC is enough.
>look at how much market share they've lost
Literally nothing. I get where you're coming from, though, you'd think AMD's crushing them and dominating the market when you look at what more tech-savy friends are buying ... but laptops and pre-built systems are all Intel.
4 u
maybe they're confusing single-thread with IPC
>no 10nm
>no 8c/16t
>no nothing
>cascade lake-X is a kabylakization of skylake-X, nothing new in it
>cheap B360/H310 motherbaords pushed to april
>gemini lake delayed from november
Thanks, Intel.
Looks like my E5-2699v3 will be enough for quite some time...
Seriously was there ever a time people on Sup Forums actually knew that they were getting fucked with intel? i own a 2600k and the fact that it still plays games says a lot about intels stalling, i am going ryzen+ i wont support kikes also Sup Forums has too many computer science cucks who cant even code and use razer shit.