/gg/ - Gentoo General

/gg/ - Gentoo General

Quick Install: wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Quick_Installation_Checklist
Quicker Install: chiru.no/u/installgentoo.txt
Prebuilt Gentoo image and binhost: ca.cloveros.ga
Packages: packages.gentoo.org
FAQ: gitgud.io/cloveros/cloveros/blob/master/FAQ.md
IRC: #gentoo on irc.freenode.net | #cloveros on irc.rizon.net (all questions or help welcome)

Come here for help or general questions, post your configuration, discuss packages or overlays, CloverOS, post your desktop, anything else Gentoo, etc. Newfriends welcome.

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I want to fuck a car.

don't do what the OP pic says, it creates mustard gas

>don't do what the OP pic says, it creates mustard gas
i;m already on the step 15, how do i undo this ?

install gentoo

ok so when i run startx with it executing openbox i notice that the config is different if i were to execute it as user than as root.
when i ls the ~/.config directory as user openbox is not there but when i do it as root it is.
i know it has something to do with chmod but im not sure exactly sure what the command is for this
also how do i add a user to the sudo thing

>it has something to do with chmod
No, a root shell parses ~ to /root, a user shell to /home/user.
>how do i add a user to the sudo thing
In Gentoo fashion, run visudo as root and remove the # in the line starting with #%wheel, then gpasswd -a username wheel

your root's home directory is /root/

pulseaudio is really that bad?
what's a good substitute for it?

haha oh man. glad i asked


it's not bad

PulseAudio is generally okay, nothing too special but normal sound playback just werks most of the time. The only minor problems I have with it personally are the session-bound daemon, so I can't just switch my PC to server mode while keeping mocp running in the background, and the fact that PulseEffects completely nukes sound quality. ALSA with dmix is pretty damn good, but kinda finnicky to set up.

pls gib answer

i did it faggots

how can windows fags ever recover?


I installed CloverOS without knowing anything about Gentoo :~). Where do I go from here.

It's your OS now, do whatever you want with it.

>Packages are built with the newest GCC features such as Ofast, Graphite and LTO.
How stable is that? I use LTO but Ofast seems fucking retarded to enable globaly.

Pretty stable, I haven't had any real issues so far.

im sorta getting it xP

Interesting, I've just found the list of packages which aren't built with it (a lot).

if you want a program to be built, just post here or tell us on irc to add it. The Admin will help you.

I don't, I'm already on Gentoo. I just wanted to know how stable -Ofast is, but it looks like ~150 packages aren't built with it anyway. Probably most of the ones it's enabled for don't do much with floating point or are obscure enough not to have been tested.

Is it worth switching from xubuntu to gentoo? I use it mainly for developing
Or am I better off using another distro?

>substitute for it?
Pulse is fine. Jack would allow you to get lower latency through more in depth config but pulse works just fine user.

There is no general answer to this.

In some developer situations it doesn't matter, and in others having portage is a lot less annoying than fucking around with the pretty insane debian packaging tools (the one that create .deb files - debuild and pbuilder and friends).

> pulseaudio is really that bad?
No. Pulse is good. Sorry to hear if the Ubuntu maintainers fucked it up for you four times or whatever, but it ran nicely on Gentoo almost from the start [certain models on snd-hda-intel had actual driver issues for a while and what not, but even these were resolved and they weren't a problem for everyone to begin with].

install a better terminal emulator pls

how do i make my firefox look like yours

dont need to

what bar is that?

FVWM + Blue Steel config
tree style tabs
grease monkey + 4chanX + Oneechan
classic theme restorer
dark theme

oh and it's waterfox :^)

thanks :]


Pulseaudio is useless middleware, I never used it or had a use for it.

my sound doesn't work without pulseaudio

at least not my hdmi sound

hello, here is my gentoo desktop

can you upload the wallpaper?


you're awesome thanks

What are some recommended package.use entries? Is it worth breaking the entries into different categories? Portage just wants to add them all to one large file.

just copy the /etc/portage/package.use file from the cloveros git site.

>using anything but Ubuntu
Stay in school kid.

can someone help, i got this updating my packages. I've never been good at reading compiler output

whats a good terminal emulator this isnt a pain in the ass to rice?

about to try installing on an ODROID-HC1, going to take uBoot/kernel from a Ubuntu image. wish me luck Sup Forumsentoomen

Terminator, I think. Also, Konsole and mate-terminal.


you just described xfce4-terminal

I dunno, try using ffmpeg instead of libav

you just described lxterminal

spinnan my cube all day


that package.use assumes you also have global USE="-systemd -pulseaudio -avahi -dbus -zeroconf -nls -doc -gnome-keyring -gstreamer -libav -openal -kde -gnome -qt3support -qt4 bindist ipv6 minimal jpeg gif png offensive zsh-completion pgo cpudetection threads aio smp nptl lto graphite pgo numa alsa xinerama vulkan opengl opencl glamor vaapi vdpau xvmc"

now what

add some padding to your terminal
make the window borders at least 2px and maybe change the border colors
install and configure polybar
make firefox look better
go into the /wg/ html/css thread and learn some css if you have some time
you can have my edit of twily's css if you'd like pastebin.com/K7vkBTkx
change the colors according to your theme
change the oneechan colors according to your theme
and maybe use Terminus instead of that shitty font
here are my css rules for oneechan to get rid of some clutter ix.io/CeO
here's my vimperator theme, you only need to change the base color (the one that appears the most) ix.io/CN1

read the bspwm man page and make some useful keybinds
go through the emerge, make.conf and equery man pages

watch lots of anime

i have the real Sup Forumsentoo experience right now

will do!

how does it feel to be 1337?

dude selinux lmao

yo im a brainlet how do I install gentoo over wifi? I've installed arch and debian over wifi but not gentoo.

I know my 80 year old neighbors wifi password and use that for internet access.

yes I know Im a jew.

How to achieve this look and feel? What wm/theme/icon/distro?

Not much you can do other than file a bug report and hope the maintainers fix it

sudo emerge compiz-fusion emerald tint2
compiz-manager --replace &
tint2 &
ccsm &

>not Linux From Scratch
>not making your own personal distro

already made it with gentoo m8


Guys imagine what kind of MAKEOPTS you could have with 48 cores!



Pulse is all you get. You could use alsa but pulse uses alsa anyway. JACK if you are a music producer or something.

I can't emerge layman


Does anyone know what the fuck do I have to do? Without layman, I can't emerge polybar

If you don't know what your WiFi is run ifconfig

Just follow the handbook

Okay, so I'm having trouble compiling Firefox (ffmpeg won't install). I added it to package-mask and stuff and it still doesn't work

Maybe you should unmask ffmpeg?

the absolute madman

I use -j44 thanks to distcc.

how do i render this fucking font properly?
the two terminals on the top are xfce but i dont want it because it doesnt output pretty pictures like urxvt does.

but im not sure what settings to use to make lemon font look as good as it does on the xfce terminal.

the config on top is the settings im using right now

look how far i have come!

How do I configure polybar?

I tried to but then it shits with dependencies
So I guess I'll stick with w3m

Do you want a tip? Download firefox .tar.bz2 from the website


if you post the error from trying to install ffmpeg or firefox we can probably help you

Is this "spend more time compiling that using your software" a meme ?

What about stability (compared to arch for example) ?


Do you use your software for more than 1 hour?

If you don't, then no, it's not a meme.

It does make a difference but most do not notice it. Compiling from source is best of exotic architectures

Verbose output?

>Is this "spend more time compiling that using your software" a meme ?
Once you have your system setup the way you like it you can just run updates in the background and use your computer normally without even noticing there are compile jobs running. Median usertime required per update is less than 15s.

>What about stability (compared to arch for example) ?
Stable gentoo is the most stable rolling release there is, and thanks to way portage is setup you can easily mix in newer ~ or even git packages if you actually need some features or a bug fixes that are available in those newer releases.

plus if you have a spare computer with the same or similar CPU, you can always use that computer to compile all of your binaries and then set your host up to use the binaries.


use xlsfonts | grep lemon and put one of those in .Xresources
you can try out a font in urxvt without restarting and reloading Xresources with this alias
alias font="printf '\e]710;%s\007'"

use it like so
$ font -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1

just urxvt -fn blaablaa it

why would I want to open a new terminal just to try out a font?

Because instead you have to close and reopen the current one

This is great for laptops

I don't

install gentoo

i refuse

