>only 8 gb
>only 4 cores
>only 1080p
some times you feel like life just passes you by and you find yourself stuck with 2009 technology.
>only 8 gb
>only 4 cores
>only 1080p
some times you feel like life just passes you by and you find yourself stuck with 2009 technology.
>4 gb
>2 cores
Still comfy af because I'm not a gaymer
Sometimes 2009 technology is even more than you need now and although more powerful hardware exists you don't actually need it.
>512 MiB
>1 core
it's good enough for me.
I wish it was still 2009. It was probably the best year of my life, or the least bad anyway.
>falling for the 16GiB RAM meme
What the fuck are you even doing that you cannot accomplish on a quad core with 8 GB RAM.
[spoiler]jk, i don't care about modern game, feels good to be a retrofag[/spoiler]
shit, i thought i was on Sup Forums
Modern integrated graphics are better than this right now.
>NOT falling for the 16 GB ram meme just right before prices skyrocketed and reselling it for 2.5x what it was worth
>best year of my life
when somebody says that i feel bad for them
what about this, should i upgrade? if so, what part
its gotten pretty old but still runs fine
If it runs just fine and you dont need anything extra, there is absolutely zero reason for even considering an upgrade
Kind of in the same boat ish, I'm pretty happy for now but I want a 1440p monitor and that would require a new gpu for some games
Just because Ferraris exist, doesn't mean you can't get to the grocery store in your beat up Civic.
lol so im running Hardware Checks on 3 drives and my PC just froze and still is, had to get in my phone
Now im thinking a better CPU couldve handeled this wirhout problems :/
This perfect.
why the fuck do you need more than 8 gb/4 cores? Pic related gets me everything I need, including my personal programming projects. Yes, a fucking Core M. Runs things like IntelliJ perfectly.
Unless you're forced to use your personal computer at work instead of a job-provided one or you game on it, I don't see the need to obsess over specs.
literally exactly my setup and I paid 180 euros for mini-ITX chassis including 8GB ram and i5 2400s at 2,5GHz, and addod a GTX 750 Ti I had around that I bought for another 180 euros originally.
>tfw 100fps+ on medium settings on all games pre 2015
>tfw SSD+HDD combo
>tfw fullHD
kys softly, this is the pinnacle of affordable computing
>O shit he's got the Officially most horrible price-to-performance-ratio laptop computer in existence
Literally MacBook Airs go for 300-400USD less and they're more capable and futureproof than the MB12'', why would anyone ever buy that donglebook?
>9600GT (passive)
am i at meme tier already ?
Serious question: How do I know if my 8GB of RAM isn't enough for the software (games) I run?
Ever had your pc freeze for 10+ seconds? Thats how youll know
I don't own a single dongle ;)
>MacBook Air
I had one before this beauty. Terrible screen. Lasted me almost 7 years though.
> more capable
Depends on your priorities. For me, more capable also means having a 2304 x 1440 screen.
>euros, not dollars
>i5, not i7
>2.5GHz, not even a good i5
>750 Ti, couldn't even afford a 760
>100fps+ but he probably doesn't even have a monitor that can do more than 60fps
>medium settings
so this is what it's like to be a europoor
Honestly never. I guess I should just track RAM usage.
tfw still using a trashy rig with a phenom ii x4 965 be, 4gb, and hd6450 with a sony trinitron multiscan 1280x1024 crt
>Intel GMA 4500
Still comfy using this machine
your battery is pretty worn, have you considered getting new cells for it?
yeah i consider to buy new battery, 6 cell battery in here cost 35 bucks
>8gb ram
Is this the pinnacle of 1080p gaming?
Whats up with my 4 core cpu?
>phenom ii x4 965 be
wow i remember when that was the rage on Sup Forums
time has truly flown
>tfw my daughter is now 10
4790k is dog shit lol
you'd get 10 more frames with coffee lake dude how are u missing out on 10 frames
>tfw stopped playing games
>only watching anime
I always wanted to have sick rigs but at this point I literally don't need anything good anymore. The most intensive thing I do is convert webms or transcode music. Full HD is perfect as well for anime, no need to upgrade for a few more years.
No idea why 4 cores wouldn’t be enough... I have an i7-7700HQ in one, and a Xeon E3-1505M v5 in another laptop, and I am pretty happy with them.
topkek some brazilian nigger i know online was using a gt 210 with an i7 6700 to game.. kept telling him to use the igpu but since I'm not a gamer i "wouldnt understand" and that gaming needs a "slot card"
OP is just a bit daft for saying it. Like someone said upgrading for 10 fps.... fuck that.
Omg this gif is so cute, what anime is this?
what font?
Hey, oneplus 3 isn't that old.
I may have only 4 cores, but I have 8 threads!
I had 1 core and 1gb of ram 3 years ago so I'm pretty content.
>64 GB
>6 cores / 12 threads
fuck, I want 128 GB and 18 cores
>fuck, I want 128 GB and 18 cores
I'd keep the 64GB and use the saved cash for 32 cores.
for the mixed workloads the higher clock rates of an 18 core might be better, don't you think?
I thought I was the only one.
a friend of mine had one until he upgraded to a 1950X lately
>tfw 18 cores
>phenom II X3 720
>500 GB HDD
reporting in
Put together a new build when Ryzen was released but then I looked at the components and asked myself why the fuck I would need this new $1000 PC when my current one could do everything I need it for already so I'm just gonna keep this one until it dies on its own.
monospace regular
It means you're a dedicated shitposter which is worse.
Tfw I gave that chip to my son 5 years ago. Damn we are getting old
Post Speccy.
I agree with this dude.
And if so: nice~
we're getting old, feels bad
Stop falling for the ploys of consumerism.
Instead of UPGRADAN MAH RIG I got other hobbies like radio ,data hoarding,hacking,modding old things, programming. I am now reading some documents on how to make CPU. Plus i decided to restart my old hobby of sketching chickswithdicks on females(male)