Can you beat a 15 second boot time Sup Forums?
Can you beat a 15 second boot time Sup Forums?
even my windows machines don't take that long
Ever heard of an SSD, grandpa?
Prove it desu? I don't believe you. My windows box takes minutes.
15 seconds!? My windows machine takes 5
Do you not know what a fucking sleep mode is or fucking hibernation.
T-ten seconds cum time haha
check out asus 2 second boot. it was windows 8/8.1 features only desu.
I think my Dell Latitude CPtV with a CF card was about that fast.
On leenucks ofc.2.6 kernel
windows 10 on SSD takes around 10 seconds to get to desktop for me, so yeah
My T440P booting into Win 10 is faster.
>when a linux user actually thinks 15 seconds of boot time are amazing in year of our lord 2017
A PIII 700 will boot Win98 in under 10 seconds off a 20MB/s hard drive. And Win98 is more useful than Linux.
i work in service and sometimes i'am assigned to assemble PC, and some of them are top tier, with ssd and modern ASUS ULTRA GIGA MEGA FAST BOOT technologies those PC boots to desktop before i see any output on monitor (~1.5 sec)
your faggot lincuck shit cant do that, now go end your life
I don't have SSD in 2017
both of those modes draw more power than the off state. some of us pay our own bills
this is just bait by OP right?
I'm not kidding when I say my PC fully boots to windows in 5 secs
I'm sure linux would do the same with the same hardware
That sounds kinda interesting desu, it seems more like a 6 second boot.
Also you fucks realize that windows 10 uses a fast boot mode similar to hibernation or sleep.
If your not using that it boots fucking slow.
I have a dual Xeon desktop win 7 desktop with a ssd still takes a minute or two.
:/ desu read.........
Share animu girl pls
Add bios time desu.
that includes efi time (firmware)
What system are you running? I wanna know?
its a cr*ppy gaming laptop
lenovo y500
I wanted to know what distro too :/
i boot in like 12 seconds
and i have
1. uefi loading clover
2. clover loading macos's bootloader
3. macos booting & loading a lot of shit
with EFISTUB+Linux it took like 4
I raise you to 6 seconds from bios to desktop.
Nigga get a fucking SSD my boot time for w10 takes a mere 5 seconds if that
"About 14 seconds from cold-boot to desktop, 5 seconds being because of the firmware and boot loader, and probably an extra second or two because of NVIDIA's proprietary graphics driver. That's the fastest boot I've ever seen."
>Pls read desu that was the description.
I have a fucking ssd you just don't understand that windows 10 goes into a pseudo hibernation mode instead of a proper reboot.
GO BACK TO Sup Forums
Every modern OS (linux, macos, windows) hibernate the kernel space and just loads userland on boot, thinking that faster kernel fresh loading is better when you hardly need to update it is retarded.
how come it STILL takes around 10 seconds when i unplug the PC from the wall?
it DOES have an SSD, he managed to shave off a few seconds by having Coreboot on the board:
From POWER ON it kicks off Coreboot and has a GRUB payload (still in firmware) that immediately fetches the rest of the boot procedure from the SSD
you can disable that BAKA
Why do I want to fuck your mouth and ass?
Give it back Tyrone
post brogramming socks review vid OP
Get in line we all want tripcode boipuasy
>he needs an SSD to have fast boots
% systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 6.379s (kernel) + 8.385s (userspace) = 14.764s
desu how much you care about this is log10.
What matters - is it 1 second? 10 or 100?
Dood, my sata2 SSD boots manjaro in 16 sec with me pressing enter to choose os. That's fucking nothing.
No firmware time desu.
Maybe the only thing I programmed recently was some ncurses Tetris though.
It writes to disk desu that's what hibernating is :/
Why not just change your timedelay desu?
5 is along time.
Because I don't want to miss it when I need to boot into wangblows. I think it's already fucking fast since I only got my first ssd few months ago.
i use systemd boot with the timer disabled
you can hold space while booting to select os, so if i just boot normally i get arch and if i hold space i can select windows
Windows 10 on my desktop takes 8 seconds from power button press to desktop.
The wonders of EFI and SSD.
Embrace the botnet, faggot.
Oh also, I have the Windows 10 fastboot disabled, only using EFI fastboot.
Trim your hair, fag.
>there is why windows 10 boots so fast
>and if you remove it it wont boot so fast
why not add same thing to linux? oh sorry, shit os don't get anything cool
>I have a dual Xeon desktop win 7 desktop with a ssd still takes a minute or two.
then you are absolute retard, i can't imagine what you are doing with system to make it boot 1-2 minutes with ssd
consider killing yourself desu
To add to this.
I don't get the fascination with fast booting anyways. I use sleep, have for decades.
I can't imagine someone here being too poor to afford those 20 extra cents on their power bill. Totally worth it for me.
Mio from K-On
This seems completely standard if you have an SSD. I boot into Ubuntu in roughly the same time, give or take 3 seconds. On Windows it wasn't really any slower.
I dont shut down my servers so boot time is not a relevant metric for me. I have ups and usually over 270 days of uptime before I reboot, usually to update my kernel
Chromebooks cold boot in about 3 seconds.
>we boot without any hibernation techniques because we have reason not to hibernate our computers
>please understand that windows 10 is hibernating, that's why it's so fast
this is you. dumbass.
Why is coreboot or something similar not used by any motherboard brand?
I don't really see why a desktop should take 45 seconds to boot when the OS takes 1.2 seconds.
Laptops are way faster than desktops now, it does not make sense.
because no one cares about your freetard crap
Freedoms aside, why are there not a company that takes something that is free, adapt it with logos and shit and then sell a motherboard that is faster than the competition?
they already do, any modern motherboard booting with efi on a ssd will boot in under 10 seconds regardless of the os
The OS haven't affected the boot time in a long time, I am talking about the bios/uefi/whatever.
But what brands boot in < 10 seconds?
Maybe I am buying the wrong things.
My windows 8 laptop boots to desktop in about 6 seconds.
My hackintosh with a cheap SSD boots in 7 seconds counting the time it takes when in the bios screen and clover (3 seconds delay to pick boot drive).
how do i get my loonix to boot fast without ssd?
buy an ssd
but i said without ssd
how do people even handle storage on laptops with ssds? since most laptop have only 1 slot, i was thinking of buying a cheap 20gb one untill i came to that problem
also forgot pic related
why do you need a lot of storage on a laptop?
my music collection alone is over 100 gb and i need that to be portable.
plus anime and tv shows i download i can easily fill up a 500 gb drive
you absolutely don't need 100gb of music with you at all times
just keep your stuff on an external drive or a desktop and set up a file share
Here's mine, you can check on a windows machine in Event Viewer, its trash
11.39 seconds on my X1 3rd gen with debian, i could shave some seconds by lowering the timers from GRUB and the BIOS.
pull the power plug
press power, now its empty.
insert power plug
press power
boots in 15 seconds.
ya, my win10 isn't slow.
>on an external drive
too awkward and id basically need to have it plugged all the time.
>desktop and set up a file share
like i said it needs to be portable, if im at home then it doesn't matter
>it needs to be portable
your autistic flac collection does not need to be portable
its not flac m8
My arch boots in like 7 secs, with efi taking 4 because fucking asus
dumb esl poster
W10 hibernates too, try this, shutdown while holding shift.
you're a bit insecure aren't you?
Grubs a POS, boot the kernel from an efistub and you'll boot in a quarter the time
nothin personnel.... kid.....
don't reply to me anymore
Why do my command adds firmware and loader?
$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 4.349s (firmware) + 969ms (loader) + 2.962s (kernel) + 9.433s (userspace) = 17.714s
Pffft. My shitty 10 year old HP cheapy laptop does it without breaking a sweat.
>Ctrl+f "desu"
> 11 results
>Video also includes a bunch of 'desu'
Stop shilling your stupid video, fucktard. Why even bother doing anything with an x220? It has a god-awful resolution and screen. At least find a laptop that's made in the the last 5 years. I actually have an x220 and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone. Ended up tossing Mint on it and giving it to my parents. What an eyesore.
if you boot with efi it actually counts the full startup time, including pre-boot
if you boot with bios it doesn't include that time and is inaccurate (that ~14s is probably more like 20)
you're gonna make me m8?
here's a free tip: if you don't want people to think that you're Indian, quit saying "m8"
Can you beat compiling the entirety of Chromium in 8 (eight, 2^3, .... ...., VIII) minutes, on a fucking dual core laptop CPU?
>you're gonna
I've yet to meet an Indian who speaks like this.
m8, im not so insecure that i need to change the way i speak so autists on 4chinks think better of me.
fucking ssdlets when will we learn?
fuck off newfag
Takes me about 12 seconds to boot into Manjaro including boot splash, only 2-5 seconds from grub.
Is it fucking necessary to have the system dick to get fast boot times?
boots fast, then it's all shit
no fucking way you compiled blink in 8 minutes
Learn to short stroke plebe.
Yes fucking way I compiled blink in 8 minutes, although I cheesed it extremely, but this method will still give an enormous speed improvement when installing updated versions. The keyword here is ccache. I spent the usual 4 hours compiling chromium normally, collecting a lot of ccache data, then I compiled it again using the cached files. To my surprise, my extremely low joke estimate of 10 minutes was still too high.
make me