Why is KDE so buggy?
It's a good DE and it looks nice but the bugs are just too much.
Why is KDE so buggy?
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>> it looks nice
>> still has that horrible scrollbar and close, minimize buttons
hey at least the author of that screenshot took the time to reduce the clock size by 600%
One of the few problems I have with KDE
It's ok on my system.
Customization is where KDE Plasma.
Werks for me on Gentoo desu fampai
Because that's what happens when you maintain 6 trillion frivolous features instead of having a basic system that works well.
>Old system settings
Time to upgrade to 5.11
Not my ss, I don't use Plasma because of some bugs, like glitched text when scrolling and the slow boot times.
posting an outdated screenshot...
>have 2 monitors
>try to lock screen
>it only locks one
Aways has been and still is better than gnome.
Use Arc window decoration, and arc dark desktop theme, all the rest let it default
Why is Gnome so buggy?
It's a good DE and it looks nice but the bugs are just too much.
I am not saying Gnome is better, but it's not the only competition to Plasma, Budgie is getting better and better, Budgie 11 will be in Qt.
Deeping DE is also nice, it too is built in Qt.
I also hear nice stuff about Mate.
just werks for me :~)
use the event calendar widget instead, change the clock size to whatever you want
>Why is KDE so buggy?
Developers are to incompetent.
I just scaled the panel down so that the clock doesn't look weird, werked for me xd
KDE shills keep repeating the same none sense, like if saying it 1000 times makes it true, it doesn't.
Go to display settings and change opengl to 3.1 and vsync to full screen repaints.
Not a single crash after that.
Also enable alt-sysrq in the kernel command line so you don't have to hard reset like a dumbass and corrupt your filesystem.
>start kde
>2 kactivitymanagerd segfault windows open
>desktop still works normally tho
T-thanks, kde
KDE is not -that- buggy in my estimation, at least not now. It used to be much worse. For me a few months ago when I still had it it would just restart the panels everytime I wanted to change something, but as long as I didn't add widgets or anything like that, it wouldn't crash. Considering that's not a thing that I would do on a daily basis it wasn't exactly that worrying.
On the other hand I used to like Cinammon but having to rely on widgets, desklets, manlets, whatever and have most of them not work well because "whoops you're using the wrong version" is a much bigger annoyance.
I'm considering using it again. However 2 problems I always have are the font rendering not being that great and the mouse being somewhat laggy, even after disabling mouse acceleration, something that seems quite a lot easier to get on something like XFCE.
I gave up on KDE,right now I am on Openbox. I have high hopes for Budgie, XFCE is also nice, stable, light and customizable.
What's bad about Kubuntu? So far it's been the only KDE distro where I had less trouble. I tried Manjaro and has problems with the session manager and having to manually reinstall it. Tried openSUSE and it was a bit messy to install mpv. Fedora kept crashing like a motherfucker, much more than the rest, and KDE Neon wasn't that stable either. I'm left with this and I have literally none of these issues, but it'd be nice to know why others prefer other KDE distros.
GNOME isn't good at all
>it looks nice
I have yet to see a DE that doesn't look like a fisher-price toy.
Idk, on r/KDE they say Open Suse and Manjaro/Arch is the only that KDE is good since they are rolling and get bug fixes much earlier and KDE is full of them...
I guess it also depends on the hardware you have, on my PC on Open Source drivers Kubuntu was good but as soon I installed the Nvidia ones all hell breaks loose.
Xfce is great, in my opinion the only de that brings sanity and Debian-like stability to the GNU/Linux desktop
I dream though of a Xfce-like de that is build with the Nim language and it doesn't have a hint of gtk crap
Only reason I don't use it is because hiding the title bar caused Firefox to have a weird tab fuckup when in fullscreen and the taskbar was hidden on top.
Might not be an issue anymore now that Firefox has changed.
Yeah, I use AMD. My problem with *buntu based distros is this thing where you either have to choose a version with very short term support or long term with a severe lack of features at some point.
Or you can stop messing with Ubuntu and just embrace Debian, either stable or unstable
>works fine on my machine
>looks better too
Can you make KDE and an android phone with the average custom ROM based on LOS look pretty much exactly the same?
I know this seems silly but there's something I like about having some sort of ecosystem even if it's a bit fake. I know KDE connect works nicely.
While that'd look neat it's only for nexus devices for now. Moto G4 doesn't seem to get any support soon. Then again Moto G4 doesn't have support for anything, goddamn.
Then get to work you entitled cunt
Chill, I don't really need that anyways.
>using the smiley with the squiggly line nose
Italian design team, Pajeet programmers.
>it looks nice
It looks literally like a child's poo.
no thumnails
LXDE master race here.
Do yourself a favor and switch to breeze dark and change the fucking wallpaper.
I like the looks of KDE but holy fuck does it crash sometimes.
Just totally stops working.
The fuck is going on with that?
fuckoff joe resington
Just use a bistro that isn't garbage, aka KDEs own.
Neon is more fucky and unstable than Arch with KDE.
Use the LTS version
used to run and like KDE but with 5 it just became so unstable and buggy that it's literally useless. Shit's alergic to my mini displayport. Whenever I plug or unplug my monitor, it just totally crashed. Also, sleep was fucked up. both totally unacceptable on a laptop.
So I went to gnome. Its an ugly piece of shit, but at least it has no major issues.
I just gave up on any and all configuration, because gnome has none.
And that super-secret-hacker tweaks shit? Bullshit. every setting is just some addon or shit, and with every little version change of gnome, it breaks. Essentially this:
>but having to rely on widgets, desklets, manlets, whatever and have most of them not work well because "whoops you're using the wrong version" is a much bigger annoyance.
Fuck gnome, and fuck KDE.
And fuck all the other WMs that I need to puzzle together, and fuck all the other big DEs being on that gtk cancer.
Fuck everything.
Fedora 27 KDE here, what are these bugs you're speaking of?
You know that the old settings layout isn't gone, right?
This isn't Gnome.
Also want to know
Did that just now. Hope it helps..
Where do I request devs to add an option to toggle between disabling and enabling triple buffering instead of having to create some stupid script
Same shit
What DE and theme?
been using it since april and never had any big issues with it.
can anyone of you tell me what the fuck your problem is? would also be great to know to be prepared in case I encounter it too.
I have been using kde since the late kde3 days and never had a buggy experience. Maybe it is because I only use hardware with open source drivers and gentoo. The only buggy things i have seen in linux is shitty drivers for nvidia and intel, especially laptop manufacturers seem to not care one fucking bit for standard compliance. Well, I don't use laptops and closed source bullshit so there is that.
Buy hardware for the software you want to use and you will not have any problems OP.
Have you used it in the last six months?
kde and something called plateau i think
You can switch software and preferences for software at any point. Not so with hardware. You can't suddenly just say "oh well, I want to run this other software now, so I guess I'll just buy new hardware tailored for it". You don't even know whether the software you're using is going to get more support or get severely fucked with an update. How many people do you think pictured how Gnome 3 would be in the good days of Gnome 2?
>Xfce is great, in my opinion the only de that brings sanity and Debian-like stability to the GNU/Linux desktop
xfce is great, it's my daily driver but it requires a lot of fiddling to get everything right.
on my laptop i just install cinnamon, move the taskbar to the side and call it a day.
I've used both gnome and KDE recently.
XFCE is a joke
gnome is excellent at using single display setups and honestly the UI is fluid
KDE is overwhelmingly bloated but calls on Xorg-server rather than wayland so it's better for dual monitor setups.
Both just work for me in Arch. The only reason I use KDE is for default X session.
What's the DE and theme?
>KDE is overwhelmingly bloated
Why do you mean by bloated?
KDE is quite stable (not 100 %), it's just that people how no clue how to customize and build it up. RIP.
>XFCE is a joke
what does the top bar menu look like when you click file?
Plasma 5 has become very stable and good the last year. KDE is the only DE I can use. Together with the Vivaldi web browser, it is the ultimate combo you can ever dream of.
I can't take someones opinion seriously who says gnome is excellent.
KDE is buggy because the KDE devs don't spend time fixing bugs. They just throw new code on top of old code. I used KDE ~20 years ago when I started out with Slackware. It still has the exact same 20 year old bugs. And yes, it's bloated.
If they went through KDE, fixed most of the ancient bugs, stripped out the bloat, simplified the interface, and made the indexing/tracking databases opt-in instead of opt-out, they might have something nice. But that's just not going to happen.
I use Mate now and wouldn't use anything else.
uhh last time I used KDE, it worked fine. It was just a laggy piece of shit
> Bloated
Lmao. then you don't know the KDE team well. Their KDE Neon is the least bloated distro you can find.
> Old bugs
Nope, they have fixed a lot. It have never been as good as it is now. Before it wasn't only buggy, it was unstable. It all has change.
> Simplified the interface
I'm not sure if you know what Plasma 5's vision is, it is to make an advanced desktop environment, not some simple gnome copy. lol.
> Critize opt-out
Subjective and such a small detail.
You sound like a person not fit for Plasma 5 so Mate is probably good for you.
KDE feels like a bloated windows desu. Gnome is superior imo, but if you can't get rid of your start menu fetish, cinnamon is a good middle ground.
KDE plasma with breezemite window decorations
pretty comfy
here you go
Honest question, when was the last time you actually used it?
That's how most software development is these days. GNOME definitely is no better. Xfce devs keep their stuff relatively bug-free, but that, combined with the low amount of people working on it has made the project stagnant. The Xfce desktop also lacks some vital programs, like a decent PDF reader while on the other hand they spend their time creating a video player no one will ever use. There doesn't seem to be a Linux DE that offers the best of both worlds.
I don't completely follow your criticism about making Baloo (and previously Nepomuk) opt-out. It's not uploading anything it collects; it's purely for your own convenience. If you don't like it, don't install it or turn it off.
You seem very uninformed and inexperienced.
Also, learn English. you scrub.
dear anons
dont fall for the tiling wm i3/dwm memes
if titling works for you, thats great. go for it.
if you like KDE, thats great too! go for it.
use what is best for you, not what is meme'd in neofetch threads.
gnome is shit though, if you use gnome you are a massive faggot
I installed neon earlier and now when I try to change theme this shit happens, same goes for the look & feel tab. I can't find anything that fixes it, anyone have any ideas?
Gnome is okay. KDE is okay. Xfce is okay. People have different needs.
experience != wise
a subjective claim != correct
Old code != bad code (everyone build upon it)
Be jugdemental != not cool
How about you stop being a whining bitch and use openbox or i3wm everything else is bloated trash
Post WP? Looks comfy
ew its manjina why tf does anyone acknowledge it
Atom and VS Code. Why? Genuinely curious
Is that dock setup native to KDE? Or something else?
KDE is what happens when you let programmers design the UI.
Quit contacting the present day.
Nobody cares about 2005 anymore.
Gnome is what happens when you don't even code a UI.
It werks on my (virtual) machine.
Why is KDE so fucking bloated?
Why doesn't KDE have matching icons?
Why is KDE so ugly?
Why do people use KDE?
>Windows look a like
No thank you
I'm more of an i3 man myself but I've been using KDE while I setup my own custom I3 rice and I'm finding KDE to be pretty nice. Now I'm looking to integrate KDE into my i3 rice. I just need to figure out the individual package names I need to call in the config file.
Anyway, between the two which would you say is better for a touch screen? I was looking to get a tablet soon and I want to run Linux on it. Seems like both have been making strides towards being touch or tablet friendly.
In the past I've always hated KDE, and tried plasma a few times, changed afterwards because it was so buggy and the defaults were kind of shit. But I tried 5.8 and it's fucking great, they've really made it a lot better. I now have Kubuntu 17.10 with KDE Plasma backports, so using plasma 5.11.3. It is honestly so good now, the best desktop environment I've ever used, and I don't customize it much, the only thing I've changed is the clock size.
>didn't even try Unity
what dock and what theme for it?
Works on my machineā¢